Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 162 Am I a hero saving the beauty?

The police, on the other hand, had a hard time.

When a group of policemen saw seven or eight bastards with machetes rushing towards them, they were frightened out of their wits. They were just ordinary policemen, and their ideological awareness was far lower than that of Bai Qingyu.

A young policeman with little experience seemed to think that the other party was just using a knife to intimidate people, so he immediately pulled out an electric baton and shouted threats loudly: "I advise you not to mess around, we are the police!"

"What kind of shit is the police!"


The young policeman seemed to have aroused public outrage, and three strong men with tattoos attacked him head-on with machetes.


There was a sharp scream, and the unlucky young policeman was cut in the arm, blood gushing out and splashing all over the ground.

"Cut... cut people!"

Who knows who yelled, and the pedestrians around the road dispersed, and no pedestrians dared to watch the show anymore, fearing that these lunatics would kill them too.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face changed color: "How dare you!"

As soon as the words fell, two tattooed youths waved machetes and looked at her. Bai Qingyu's pretty face was full of anger, and she dodged quickly, avoiding the machete.

The next moment, Bai Qingyu slammed a young man's face fiercely with his white but powerful fist. The man let out a pained grunt, fell to the ground, and passed out.

But the other policemen didn't have such skills as Bai Qingyu, and they were so chopped up that they cried and cried, and a few policemen ran away.

"Damn it, this is a desperate attempt!" The hearts of several police officers were trembling.

Nima, I have been a policeman for so long, and I have never been such a crazy guy. Except for the three policemen who were injured and fell to the ground, all the other policemen ran away in an instant.

"Hey, stop! Are you still the police!" Seeing that all his people had run away, Bai Qingyu wanted to vomit blood angrily.

They all ran away, leaving her alone to face so many hunks?

"Shen Lang, come and help me!" Bai Qingyu shouted angrily. This man is obviously so powerful, so he has the nerve to stand aside and watch the show.

Shen Lang laughed and said: "If you beg me, I will help you!"

"You bastard!" Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned green and pale.

Liu Xiaoxiao was furious, stepped forward and kicked Shen Lang, and shouted angrily: "Shen Lang, what are you still doing, go and help Police Officer Bai!"

"Okay." Shen Lang scratched his head, the joke really shouldn't go too far.

Bai Qingyu gradually couldn't resist.

Just now, the machete almost came into contact with her body at zero distance. Fortunately, Bai Qingyu flashed so fast that a big cut was cut into her clothes.

If he slowed down a bit, it wasn't that his clothes were chopped into pieces, he might really be hacked to death by these people!

The next moment, four bastards rushed up, brandished their machetes, and slashed at Bai Qingyu's face, Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned pale.

Shen Lang rushed over with a "swish", and a hero came to save the beauty. He hugged Bai Qingyu's slender waist, and in a flash, the four tattooed men slashed into the air four times.

Seeing Shen Lang jumping out suddenly, the four tattooed men were shocked. They knew that this guy had dealt with the people on Brother Dan's side. Some flinched.

"What are you afraid of? Cut it off!" A young man emboldened and rushed over immediately, slashing towards Shen Lang with a knife.

Shen Lang turned around and kicked, the young man lightened and flew out in an instant.

The other three swung their knives and slashed at them. Shen Lang didn't retreat but advanced, and hit three hand knives in succession. The three gangsters went limp and fainted on the ground.

"Not injured?" Shen Lang smiled and said to Bai Qingyu who was still in his arms.

Bai Qingyu looked down, Shen Lang's hand was still supporting her lower abdomen, even half of his hand was attached to her slender waist, Bai Qingyu's beautiful eyes were cold and cold: "Have you touched enough?"

Shen Lang didn't answer, but turned his eyes to Bai Qingyu's tattered police uniform, with a towering figure looming somewhere, he couldn't help but said, "You're quite sexy in what you're wearing."

Bai Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that the chest of the police uniform on his upper body was tattered, and his fair skin was exposed to the air, revealing the black lace underwear.

Bai Qingyu's face was flushed, and she immediately pushed Shen Lang away, took a step back, covered the key parts, and said angrily: "Rogue!"

Shen Lang spread his hands, put on a very innocent look and joked: "Officer Bai, I saved your life, and you still want to scold me, you really don't know good people!"

"If you want good people, there will be no good people in the world!" Bai Qingyu said angrily.

Liu Xiaoxiao ran to Bai Qingyu's side, and asked with concern: "Officer Bai, are you not injured?"

"I'm fine, Miss Liu, it's not safe here, try to stay as far away as possible." Bai Qingyu said hastily.

"It's okay, Shen Lang is here." Liu Xiaoxiao shook her head and said.

Bai Qingyu glared at Shen Lang fiercely, and covered the exposed parts in front of him with the tattered police uniform.

Glancing at the group of tattooed men on the ground, Bai Qingyu's eyes narrowed, and she recognized a few of them, they were wanted murderers.

The Hualong Gang is a well-known underground organization in Huahai City. Although it is not as powerful as the Fengyuntang branch, it is still very large. Bai Qingyu doesn't know much about the Hualong Gang. This underground organization has relatively strict restrictions on action. However, members of the Hualong Gang usually have green dragon tattoos on their right arms.

Bai Qingyu frowned, but recognized the identities of a group of tattooed men on the ground, turned to Shen Lang, and asked coldly: "Why did you mess with the Hualong Gang again?"

"I didn't provoke it, they came to the door." Shen Lang shrugged.

"What's going on?" Bai Qingyu asked with a frown.

"I beat them, they just wanted to chop me up." Shen Lang said.

Bai Qingyu was stunned for a moment, what kind of weird explanation is this?

"Let me tell the story." Liu Xiaoxiao interjected.

Liu Xiaoxiao told Bai Qingyu the whole story.

Shen Lang scratched his head and said: "Yes, the matter is almost like this."

Bai Qingyu glanced at Shen Lang, and snorted coldly: "This time it counts as your self-defense, please don't cause me any trouble in the future if you have nothing to do!"

"This is not my trouble." Shen Lang said helplessly, then pointed to Yuan Ming who was lying on the side: "You will find out after you arrest that kid. This explosive head can call so many Hualong gang members Members, I'm afraid they have some kind of background."


Bai Qingyu picked up her mobile phone and dialed the number, and immediately notified the police.

"Officer Bai, if there is nothing else, then... let's go." Liu Xiaoxiao said.

"Miss Liu, remember to be safe when you go back." Bai Qingyu nodded.


Liu Xiaoxiao responded, and quickly left with Shen Lang.

After leaving the snack street, Liu Xiaoxiao took a breath with lingering fear.

"I've convinced you, you can get into a lot of trouble casually." Liu Xiaoxiao shook her head and sighed.

Shen Lang spread his hands and said: "I'm not a hero to save the beauty, it's not that those guys want to bully you, then I can only do it for you."

Liu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said, "Stop being so talkative, do you care about me so much?"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xiaoxiao felt that she had said something wrong, and her pretty face flushed. (to be continued)

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