Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 163 Not the style of this beauty

Shen Lang said with a smile: "Of course I care, we are not friends."


Liu Xiaoxiao turned her head to hide her embarrassment, but she always felt a little uncomfortable hearing the word friend.

"By the way, wait for me, I'll bring Xiao Xueer back with something to eat." Shen Lang smiled.

"Okay." Liu Xiaoxiao nodded.

Looking at Shen Lang's back, she felt an indescribable throbbing in her heart. Talking and chatting with this guy always felt comfortable, and when she was protected by Shen Lang, she would feel a sense of enjoyment.

Liu Xiaoxiao doesn't like to deceive herself and others, she feels that she probably, maybe, possibly, has already fallen in love with Shen Lang.

"This is too cheating..." Liu Xiaoxiao propped her head, it's not good for her to like anyone, but she just likes the man of her best friend.

Qinghu District, Huahai City, in a bar on a certain street.

The pub is closed today.

In the large and empty hall, hundreds of people gathered, all of them were wearing black elastic vests, and they had green dragon tattoos on their right arms.

There is a sofa in the center, and a strong man with a scar on his face is sitting upright on the sofa. He looks like he is in his thirties, with gold chains on his neck and arms, and his face is gloomy and terrifying.

This person is the boss of the Hualong Gang, Yuan Ye.

Yuan Ye's face was filled with gloom. He had just heard the news that his younger brother was beaten into a concussion by others and was being rescued in the hospital.

His subordinates were also hacked and taken to the police station.

Three young men with bruises all over their bodies knelt in front of Yuan Ye, trembling with fright. These three were not the ones who were beaten by Shen Lang at noon, and there were two others lying in the hospital.

"Trash!" Yuan Ye patted the coffee table in front of him heavily, and let out a "boom".

"Do you know the identities of those two people?" Yuan Ye roared angrily.

"No... but Master Yuan, I took a picture of those two people!" One of the young men took out his iPhone from his pocket, flipped through the photo album, got up tremblingly and handed it over.

Yuan Ye took the iPhone and took a closer look. It was not Shen Lang and Liu Xiaoxiao in the photo.

After looking carefully for a while, Yuan Ye always felt that the man in the photo looked familiar, and his eyes immediately ejaculated.

"Why is that kid?" Yuan Ye suddenly stood up and yelled.

The three youths under him couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Are you sure you did the right thing?" Yuan Ye questioned.

"Master Yuan, it's absolutely true!" The three young men who were kneeling on the ground arched their bodies in fright.

"How did Amin mess with him?"

Yuan Ye's expression became even more ugly. He knew Shen Lang in the photo. This kid had not only maimed Cao Bao, one of the four great generals of the Hualong Gang, before. The last time Zhou Hu went to deal with him, he was also beaten badly by the other party, and he was even sent to the police station.

The Hualong Gang was very unstable during this time, and Yuan Ye didn't want to cause trouble and troublesome guys.

But this kid surnamed Shen made trouble for them time and time again, and this time he beat his younger brother to the hospital. Yuan Ye couldn't take it anymore, and couldn't vent his anger. He felt really uncomfortable.

Yuan Ming was still in the hands of the police, so he could only go to Zhou Bin for help.

The Hualong Gang is a well-known underground force in Huahai City, and it is also a branch of the Black Dragon Society, with a wide range of paths. Yuan Ye himself had a relationship with Zhou Bin, the deputy director of the Huahai City Public Security Bureau, and that guy would definitely give him some face.

But this time the incident was quite serious, it was not easy for the police to let his brother go, Yuan Ye had to find Zhou Bin himself.

"Don't fucking cause trouble for me in the future!" Yuan Ye was full of anger, and kicked the coffee table in front of him away.

The three young men kneeling on the ground were trembling with fright.

Around five thirty in the afternoon.

Lin Caier went to the hospital again, and this time rib soup was delivered, but it happened that Shen Lang was not in the ward.

But I met Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Director Liu, I got off work early today. I... made some pork rib soup and brought it to Brother Lang and President Su by the way." Lin Caier smiled.

Liu Xiaoxiao felt a little pissed, the Brother Lang who gave it to you is the real one, right?

Liu Xiaoxiao coughed, and said in embarrassment: "Then what... Assistant Lin, you have to go to work, and sooner or later you rush to deliver food to Secretary Shen and President Su. It's too hard."

"No hard work, no hard work! This is voluntary!" Lin Cai'er waved her hands hastily.

Liu Xiaoxiao's expression became even more embarrassing, and she really didn't want to hit this well-behaved girl, but when she thought of Xiaoxue's order, Liu Xiaoxiao still gritted her teeth and said, "Assistant Lin, I didn't mean that, I meant...to take care of her." I can handle Shen Lang's matter by myself, and I don't need to trouble you to do these things."

"Huh?" Lin Cai'er was startled, seeing Liu Xiaoxiao's troubled expression, she immediately understood.

Although Lin Caier is innocent, it does not mean that she has low EQ.

Liu Xiaoxiao came to visit Shen Lang very early every day, and even asked for leave to take care of Shen Lang...

She knew that President Su and Director Liu had a good relationship, and it was very likely that President Su asked Liu Xiaoxiao to take care of Shen Lang.

After thinking it over, Lin Caier's beautiful eyes flashed a hint of disappointment.

She doesn't expect herself to compete with Su Ruoxue for a man. Compared with Su Ruoxue's ice and snow goddess who doesn't eat fireworks, Lin Caier feels that she is completely uncompetitive.

"Then... well, I... I won't bother."

Lin Cai'er gritted her teeth and handed the soup bag to Liu Xiaoxiao, then turned and left with a very disappointed expression.

Seeing the girl's lonely expression when she left, Liu Xiaoxiao felt an inexplicable sense of guilt in her heart, making herself look like a villain in a Korean drama, which is too scheming, not the style of this beauty.

No, it's Shen Lang who sticks to flowers and picks grass first! Liu Xiaoxiao gave herself a reason, she couldn't figure it out, why would a pure and lovely girl like Lin Caier be interested in Shen Lang?

But thinking about it carefully, Shen Lang's level of picking up girls is simply terrifying! How long has it been? Not only has Xiaoxue captured, but Lin Caier has also been captured, and I guess it's about the same...

"Bah bah bah, what am I thinking about!" Liu Xiaoxiao blushed and shook her head hastily.

Tears welled up in the corners of Lin Cai'er's eyes, as soon as she walked out of the corridor, she bumped into Shen Lang who was oncoming her.

"Xiaoxiao, why is little sister Cai'er crying?" Shen Lang asked with a frown.

"No...no! I...have sand in my eyes!" Lin Cai'er wiped her eyes and said hastily.

Shen Lang was a little surprised, and asked again: "Sister Cai'er, did you come here just now?"

"Well, I...brought food for President Su, and it's already been delivered! I...have something to do, so I'll leave first!" Lin Cai'er hurried into the elevator next to her.

Shen Lang felt that Lin Caier was a little abnormal, looked at Liu Xiaoxiao outside the ward, and walked over quickly.

"Xiaoxiao, I just saw sister Cai'er's expression is not right, what's going on?" Shen Lang asked.

"I... how do I know?" Liu Xiaoxiao felt a little guilty, turning her head to one side. I secretly thought in my heart, this beauty should be a villain today.

Shen Lang was a little curious and didn't ask any further questions.

"By the way, she... brought you soup." Liu Xiaoxiao handed the handbag to Shen Lang.

"Oh." Shen Lang took the bag, and there were two insulated boxes inside.

When the lid was opened, a burst of aroma came to the face. It was corn rib soup, which was still hot.

It happened that he was not full at noon, and Shen Lang's stomach was suddenly empty.

"I'll send another copy to Xiaoxue." Liu Xiaoxiao was holding another insulated box.

"Yeah." Shen Lang immediately went back to the ward with the incubator to eat. (to be continued)

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