Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 164 It's So Disgusting

five days later.

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue were discharged from the hospital smoothly.

It was a miracle that Su Ruoxue was able to recover from such a serious injury in such a short period of time, which stunned all the doctors in the hospital.

Cheng Zhi even begged Shen Lang to accept him as an apprentice, but Shen Lang flatly refused. He didn't have the time to teach others medical skills, although Cheng Zhi's character was good.

If the master knew that his unique medical skills were passed on without authorization, wouldn't he be beaten to death?

When Su Yunshan heard the news that Su Ruoxue was discharged from the hospital, he specially prepared a banquet and invited many people, including Wang Hu, Bai Qingyu and so on. Liu Xiaoxiao's parents were also invited.

However, Bai Qingyu did not attend the banquet on the pretext of being busy with work.

Thanks to the banquet, the relationship between Shen Lang and Liu Xiaoxiao's parents has eased a little, and they will say some good things to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue still live in Liu Xiaoxiao's villa.

After two days of recuperation, on Monday, the three went to work as usual.

Su Yunshan wanted to equip Su Ruoxue with another Land Rover, but Su Ruoxue flatly refused. Tianrong International was already in trouble, and the customized Land Rover was expensive, so she didn't want her grandpa to spend money.

to the company.

"Hello, Mr. Su!"

"Morning Director Liu!"

The staff greeted Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao one after another, and the two beauties kept their expressions cold and nodded slightly.

In the company, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao had always been as cold as ice, as if they were otherworldly. When their momentum rose, a group of female employees were so frightened that they trembled a little.

Shen Lang couldn't help but sigh that women can't just look at their faces, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao's aloof appearance in the company is completely different from their cute appearance in the villa.

In the president's room, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were talking about the company.

Shen Lang stood on the windowsill looking at the scenery boredly.

"Xiaoxiao, you must be exhausted from taking care of the company during this time, why don't I give you a few days off." Su Ruoxue said.

"No, you're just recovering from a serious illness, so don't be too tired from work." Liu Xiaoxiao shook her head.

The two chatted for a while, and soon began their day's work.

When she arrived at the president's office, Su Ruoxue had been processing various documents, and she hardly stopped working until noon.

In the director's office, Liu Xiaoxiao tidied up the documents on the table and didn't go to eat.

After Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue came back from the hospital, they flirted with each other every day, which made Liu Xiaoxiao feel like a light bulb.

Liu Xiaoxiao's mood was a little complicated, she didn't know when she started to care more and more about Shen Lang.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't even eat, and was about to go to the rooftop to breathe fresh air and calm down her irritable mood.

I found the key to the rooftop, took the elevator to the top floor, and Liu Xiaoxiao arrived in front of the rooftop.

The breeze was blowing, and the warm air of early summer was blowing at the ends of her hair.

Walking to the rooftop, Liu Xiaoxiao showed a gloomy expression on her delicate pretty face, her hands resting lazily on the guardrail.

Turning her eyes to one side, Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

She found that there was a stack of clothes in the corner by the roof?

"No way, could it be that someone sneaked up to the rooftop to do that kind of careless thing?" Liu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, and her pretty face became a little unnatural.

Let me go, now men and women are also open, right? Wouldn't it be nice to go on a date and get a room in a serious way? In order to seek excitement, he ran to the rooftop to do this kind of thing!

Liu Xiaoxiao's face was full of indignation. She felt that as the director of Lingya International, she had to educate the company's staff!

I have to say that Liu Xiaoxiao has a really rich imagination.

After scanning around, Liu Xiaoxiao's delicate body trembled, her mouth opened wide and she looked somewhere.

what did she see

On the top of the high roof, Shen Lang was naked, eyes closed, sometimes smiling, sometimes struggling, what Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to look at the most was that Shen Lang's bastard's right hand was constantly moving...

God! This bastard is actually doing that kind of thing by himself...

"Shameless, rascal and beast!"

Liu Xiaoxiao blushed to the point of her ears, and immediately closed her eyes, as if she was afraid that the scene in front of her would stain her eyes.

Shen Lang doesn't seem to be obscene usually, does he?

No, I must have been deceived by this guy's appearance. I remember the first time I met Shen Lang, this guy was watching love action movies in the company. And last time, this guy also mailed the inflatable doll to the company.

This time, she was caught by herself, and Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes went dark, and her impression of Shen Lang's character value instantly dropped to zero.

But after thinking about it, men should have certain needs, even if Shen Lang doesn't seem to show a good side, but the ghost knows what he is thinking in his heart.

Maybe it's because Xiaoxue, a pretty big beauty, is by his side, can't this guy hold back? According to Xiaoxue's personality, she would definitely not lose her virginity before marriage. Shen Lang respected Xiaoxue's idea, men always have needs in that regard.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoxiao could somewhat understand Shen Lang's actions.

But you have to be optimistic about the occasion, okay? The bastard Shen Lang is actually on the company's rooftop... How horny this man must be!

Liu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, was speechless for a while, and was about to pretend she didn't see and leave the rooftop.

at this time.

Shen Lang let out a mouthful of turbid air, and after a few days, the true energy in his dantian was finally completely suppressed.

Now there is no more restlessness in the lower abdomen, Shen Lang feels relaxed all over, and a force surges from all over his body, which is indescribably enjoyable.

"Ah!" Shen Lang stretched his arms and exclaimed cheerfully.

"Shen Lang, you...you are so disgusting!"

Seeing Shen Lang's relaxed expression, Liu Xiaoxiao's cheeks turned red, and she misunderstood this guy even more.

Hearing Liu Xiaoxiao's voice, Shen Lang stood up, turned his gaze to the bottom of the roof, and asked curiously: "Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"

Seeing Shen Lang standing up naked, Liu Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she hurriedly covered her eyes, blushing and shouting coquettishly: "Shen Lang, you are shameless! In broad daylight, you actually..."

Liu Xiaoxiao blushed and was speechless.

Seeing her flustered expression, Shen Lang was a little puzzled, jumped off the roof and landed smoothly.

"What shameless?"

"Don't come here!" Liu Xiaoxiao took a few steps back, blushing.

It was only then that Shen Lang remembered that he was only wearing a pair of underpants, because his whole body became hot during meditation to prevent his body from sweating, so Shen Lang didn't wear any clothes.

"Look at your frightened look, I won't eat you again." Shen Lang smiled, picked up his clothes and put them on.

"You are shameless, don't disgust me! Don't think I don't know what you were doing just now!" Liu Xiaoxiao turned her head, not daring to look directly at Shen Lang.

"You know?" Shen Lang asked with a frown. (to be continued)

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