Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 169 You also have life flower!

When she arrived at the company, Su Ruoxue called the executives for a simple morning meeting and corrected some of the company's recent deficiencies.

Because of what happened last night, Liu Xiaoxiao was restless, but it was quickly diluted by a lot of work.

In a blink of an eye, it was the afternoon when I got off work.

Shen Lang made a phone call with his master and reported his situation during this period.

The old man just hummed a few times and hung up the phone without farting.

Shen Lang knew that he also had this kind of temperament, so he didn't bother to talk about family affairs.

The elevator opened, just in time to see Lin Caier walking in.

Wearing a summer pleated skirt, with a delicate face and a petite figure, it is very easy to make people feel protective.

"Sister Cai'er?" Shen Lang smiled slightly.

Lin Caier was startled for a moment, her pretty face became a little unnatural, and she waved her hands in a panic: "Sorry, I went the wrong way!"

After speaking, Lin Caier wanted to turn around and leave.

"Hey, wait a minute." Shen Lang grabbed Lin Cai'er's small arm.

Lin Caier's heart trembled, the words Liu Xiaoxiao said to her before were undoubtedly a huge blow, Lin Caier wanted to stop thinking about Shen Lang.

"May I ask Secretary Shen what's the matter?" Lin Caier turned her head, trying to keep her expression natural.

Shen Lang was taken aback, why did the name change again? Without thinking too much, Shen Lang said: "Thank you for coming to deliver food at the hospital last time, by the way, I will treat you to dinner in a few days."

Lin Cai'er blushed, and hurriedly waved her hands: "No, no, no!"

"Why are you being polite to me?" Shen Lang smiled.

"I really don't need to bother you, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first!" Lin Cai'er gritted her teeth, and trotted away.

Shen Lang frowned, why did he feel that Lin Caier was also a little abnormal?

When he got downstairs, Shen Lang drove out the Audi.

Not long after, two beauties, Liu Xiaoxiao and Su Ruoxue, got into the car.

The two have been talking about business matters, but Liu Xiaoxiao is not very interested today.

"Xiaoxiao, why do I feel that you are a little strange today?" Su Ruoxue asked curiously.

"No...it's okay, I'm just a little tired, I'll lie down for a while." Liu Xiaoxiao blushed.

"Then lie on my lap for a while." Su Ruoxue curled her mouth and stretched out her white legs.

"Yeah." In order to hide her embarrassment, Liu Xiaoxiao lay on Su Ruoxue's lap, pretending to be resting.

go home.

Liu Xiaoxiao collapsed on the sofa, feeling that she needed to calm down, she couldn't stay in such embarrassment. I didn't even dare to look at Shen Lang. After a long time, Xiaoxue would definitely find out.

"I'm going to take a shower." Su Ruoxue got up and walked to the bathroom on the second floor.

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rang suddenly at this time, Shen Lang picked it up and saw that it was Lin Caier's number.

Lin Caier took the initiative to call herself, but Shen Lang was a little surprised.

This kind and well-behaved girl is quite likable, Shen Lang has a feeling of treating her like a younger sister.

Shen Lang picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

"Brother Lang! Help... help! Ugh!"

I only heard Lin Cai'er yelling from the phone. The voice was a bit miserable, mixed with fear and crying, and she hung up suddenly halfway.

Shen Lang's face changed, and he hurriedly called back a few calls, but they couldn't get through without exception.

Something happened to Lin Caier! Shen Lang had a bad premonition in his heart.

Thinking of that poor girl who was gentle and somewhat stubborn, who might be in danger, Shen Lang became inexplicably anxious.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Shen Lang's expression was wrong, Su Ruoxue went downstairs and asked.

"It's okay, I have to go out beforehand, I'll be back soon!" Shen Lang ordered, then got up and walked out of the house.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Before Su Ruoxue could finish her question, Shen Lang had already slipped out of the door and disappeared.

"Damn Shen Lang stinks Shen Lang!" Su Ruoxue stomped her feet angrily. This guy only knows what's going on in his heart, and he doesn't know if it will make people worry?

After leaving Zheng's Manor, Shen Lang hailed a taxi and arrived at Taohua Community.

Shen Lang still remembered Lin Caier's residence, so he quickly ran downstairs, hurried upstairs, and arrived at the door of Lin Caier's house.

The door was still open, and the inside was a mess, with furniture, stools and chairs lying on the ground, and several potted plants in the living room were thrown all over the place.

"Cai'er?!" Shen Lang shouted while searching for Lin Cai'er.

The house was only that big, and Lin Cai'er was not found after searching everywhere.

Shen Lang was sure that something happened to Lin Cai'er, and his face became a little ugly.

Quickly took out his mobile phone, Shen Lang dialed a number.

"Hey, Xiaolian, help me look up a person's mobile phone number. The location is in Taohua Community, Taoyuan Road, Huahai City, Dongjiang Province, China. The household name is Lin Xifu. Yes, the sooner the better." Shen Lang said a little faster.

"Understood!" Yi Lian responded.

About a minute later, the junior sister's voice rang again on the phone: "Brother Lang, I have already found out, that person's phone number is..."

Shen Lang quickly wrote down the mobile phone number reported by his junior sister, and then quickly dialed the number.

"Hey, who is it!" An impatient voice came from the phone.

Shen Lang was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly snorted coldly: "Lin Xifu, where is Lin Cai'er now?"

"What do I care about my daughter? Who are you?" Lin Xifu shouted a little vigilantly.

"I'm the one who bought your daughter last time, where is Lin Cai'er?" Shen Lang asked.

"So it's you!" Lin Xifu frowned, thinking how did this kid find it so quickly?

Lin Xifu rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Are you looking for my daughter? Didn't I sell it to you a long time ago?"

As soon as he heard Lin Xifu's tone, Shen Lang knew that this guy must be lying to him, and he couldn't help but said coldly: "Lin Xifu, don't pretend to be like me! Tell me where Lin Caier is now, and how much you want, you can tell me!"

Lin Xifu smiled and said with a little excitement: "Not bad, not bad, it's really enjoyable! Hahaha, let me tell you more easily. You can transfer 000,000 to my account, and I will give you my daughter, and I promise not to move there in the future." she!"

Shen Lang's anger surged, and there was a killing intent in his eyes. The last time it was 00,000, this time it was 000,000. This old guy is really greedy!

000,000, you also have a life flower?

Meeting such a scumbag father, Shen Lang felt pity for Lin Cai'er.

Shen Lang only had about a hundred thousand left in his account now, so he pretended to say: "One million is too expensive, at most one million, you have to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, don't play any tricks! Otherwise, let's not talk about it!"

000,000, Shen Lang's bank card is not enough, but there is no need to consider whether it is enough. All he needs to do is let him see Lin Cai'er, and everything will be easier to handle after that.

When Lin Xifu heard this, he was absolutely elated. Of course he also knew that a million dollars was impossible. Although his daughter was beautiful, she was not that valuable.

But one million is already a fucking sky-high price. A daughter is worth a million. Lin Xifu laughed like crazy and wondered why he didn't have more daughters.

This time Lin Xifu was protected by the backstage, and he was not worried that Shen Lang would play tricks or find someone to beat him. (To be continued)

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