Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 170 Casino

"Million is fine, you can write down the address first, and come over to deliver the money later. By the way, don't play tricks, what I want is cash, and if I don't see the cash, I won't let you go!"

Lin Xifu was very cunning, he was worried that Shen Lang would call the police or call someone over.

That's why he agreed to give it to others when he saw the cash, otherwise, if this kid played tricks, he would actually annoy Brother Huo, so he directly asked Shen Lang to get the cash.

Shen Lang frowned, but still agreed: "Yes. But I need time to prepare money, wait for me for about an hour."

"Okay, haha, I like cheerful people the most!" Lin Xifu was ecstatic.

"Tell me the address, and I'll go there when I finish withdrawing the money." Shen Lang said calmly.

Lin Xifu's eyes lit up, and he immediately told Shen Lang the address.

World Nightclub.

In a luxurious private room on the top floor.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xifu hunched over, walked to a bald man with a smile on his face, nodded and bowed his head and said, "Brother Huo, look, this rich second generation has already agreed to pay, so can you pay me the loan sharks I owe?" ...arrived?"

The bald man sat on a chair, shook his thighs, and said calmly, "Yes."

This person is Sun Huo, the owner of Tianxia Nightclub, the second in command of the Hualong Gang, who manages Tianxia Nightclub, two nearby bars, and the protection fees of several surrounding streets.

Sun Huo has a huge black dragon tattooed on his right arm. He is obese but has an astonishing momentum. At first glance, it looks like an underground boss. There were six or seven bodyguards in black suits standing beside him.

On one side of the sofa, a young man with dyed blond hair was sitting, with his legs crossed, sipping red wine leisurely.

Sun Huo laughed and said, "I didn't realize that you, Lin Xifu, gave birth to a good daughter, and hanged such a rich girl! Open your mouth to two million, tsk tsk!"

Lin Xifu smiled charmingly: "Haha, my daughter is still quite beautiful. Brother Huo, tell the brothers to stop doing it first, otherwise the rich second generation will see that my daughter has been raped, and I'm afraid he won't do it later." give money..."

"That's true." Sun Huo yelled at a bodyguard next to him: "Let Huzi and the others settle down, and don't touch that girl for now!"

"Yes, Brother Huo!" The bodyguard responded and withdrew.

Sun Huo took out a cigar, Lin Xifu quickly took out a lighter and approached him, and said with a smile: "Brother Huo, look at paying off the usury before, my remaining money..."

Looking at the plastic lighter in Lin Xifu's hand, Sun Huo showed a hint of contempt in his eyes, and said calmly, "I will give it to you later."

"Thank you, Brother Huo!" Lin Xifu immediately beamed with joy.

Sun Huo sneered in his heart, how dare an old man who doesn't know how to live or die dare to ask Brother Huo for money? When the money is collected, you are also ready to enter the coffin!

After Lin Xifu won 00000 from Shen Lang last time, he became addicted to gambling and wanted to get back his money, so he went to the underground casino managed by Sun Huo, but he lost 200000 yuan.

Lin Xifu became jealous of gambling, borrowed 100,000 usury loan from Sun Huo, and lost everything.

Yesterday, Sun Huo sent someone to collect the bill, and Lin Xifu naturally had no money to pay back. Sun Huo had asked someone to cut off his two legs.

Lin Xifu repeatedly begged for mercy, saying that he still had a beautiful daughter who could be sold to Sun Huo.

Originally, Lin Caier was sold to Shen Lang by him, but Sun Huo wanted to kill him, and Lin Xifu had no choice.

After Lin Cai'er was bought by Shen Lang last time, she still lived at home. Lin Xifu imagined that Shen Lang might be tired of playing with her daughter.

It happened that Lin Xifu knew that Sun Huo was in the business of human traffickers, who specialized in trafficking young girls to nightclubs, and even sold them directly abroad as prostitutes.

In order to repay the debt, Lin Xifu could only think of this way and sell Lin Caier again.

After seeing Lin Caier's photo, Sun Huo was more satisfied, and sent someone to the house to arrest him.

Shen Lang was a little anxious. Based on his intuition, if Lin Fu directly said to take cash, then there must be some backer around him.

It's a place like a nightclub where fish and dragons are mixed together, so there's no guarantee that it has anything to do with underground forces.

Having no money is a big problem.

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Lang decided to quickly get some money back.

He could have asked Su Ruoxue or Liu Xiaoxiao for money directly, but Shen Lang didn't want them to worry, and it was not his style to ask women for money.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Lang decided to go to the casino to earn some money.

The fastest way to make money is naturally gambling.

But Shen Lang hasn't gambled for two years, not because he loses money easily, but Shen Lang's gambling skills are very superb.

It's just that he lost a match with a certain gambling master before, and he promised not to gamble for three years. Otherwise, Shen Lang wouldn't be so poor when he came to China.

Shen Lang smacked his mouth, picked up his phone, and dialed a number.

"HELLO?" A standard English sentence came from the phone.

"Jack of Hearts, I'm Shen Lang." Shen Lang greeted.

"Ohmygod, Mr. Shen Lang, old friend, have you come to England yet? You think of calling me?" There was an exclamation from the other end of the phone.

"No." Shen Lang didn't want to talk nonsense, and said, "Jack of Hearts, I want to break the contract, and I will gamble again today."

"Old friend, you are still so stubborn, I don't care about those things before. Haha, I'm waiting for you to challenge me again." Jack laughed.

"Okay, I owe you a favor." Shen Lang said.

"Oh, it is really an honor for me to have this favor from Mr. Shen Lang. Old friend, if you come to England next time, you must come to my mansion as a guest." Jack said politely.

"I will remember."

After saying this, Shen Lang hung up the phone and felt relieved.

Shen Lang called Li Fei again.

"Hey, is this Li Fei? I'm Shen Lang!" Shen Lang said.

Li Fei on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Hello, Mr. Shen Lang, I am Li Fei!"

"Do you know where there is a big casino in Huahai City?" Shen Lang asked.

Li Fei said: "Mr. Shen Lang, there are no legal casinos in Huahai City, only a few large underground casinos. But Mr. Lin can rest assured that those large underground casinos are also doing business openly and have huge networks of relationships."

"Where is the biggest one?" Shen Lang asked hurriedly.

Li Fei hesitated for a moment, then said: "It's... Longxing Casino, located at No. 117 Jun'an Road."

He didn't know why Shen Lang asked this, but he didn't dare to tell lies. The reason for hesitation was just because the owner of the Longxing Casino was the cousin of Li Fei's friend Ling Tianyou.

I just hope Shen Lang doesn't make trouble. Li Fei thought secretly.


Shen Lang hung up the phone, went to a nearby ATM to withdraw 20,000 yuan, hailed a taxi, and hurried to the Longxing Casino. (To be continued)

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