Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 171 This money is too easy to earn

The casino is set up quite secretly. It is a large hotel outside. In fact, the hotel is a cover, and the casino inside is the real profit place.

As expected, the decoration of this underground casino is extremely luxurious, with high-end floor lamps and lamps, covering thousands of square meters.

There are all kinds of gambling methods, such as slot machines, roulette, stud, mahjong, black jack, Texas Hold'em, as long as they are popular gambling methods, they are all here.

The gamblers are also mixed, white-collar workers, rich women, supermarket owners, fruit shop hawkers, social bastards, migrant workers, all walks of life, but most of them are rich.

After all, the casino consumption is not low.

The gamblers sat around a gorgeous paper gambling table, smiling, mourning, swearing, people with various expressions gathered together.

Because the underground casino here is not bound by etiquette, it is filled with all kinds of chaotic sounds, shouting, cursing, rubbing numbness and the collision of dice.

Many girls with coquettish appearances offer drinks and passionate music, giving people an urge to spend a lot of money.

It is stipulated here that cash cannot be used, the betting money needs to be exchanged for chips, and the chips can also be returned for cash.

The largest denomination of chips is 1000 yuan, followed by 500 yuan, 00 yuan, 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan and so on.

Shen Lang walked to the front desk slowly, took out a thick stack of money from his pocket, put it on the stage, and said lightly: "Give me twenty thousand yuan in chips."

Seeing that Shen Lang was young and handsome, the eyes of the two front desk girls who were used to seeing middle-aged uncles were straightened. Tall, rich and handsome! The pure smile on his face immediately carried a hint of temptation, and he frequently flirted with winks.

Shen Lang took the bag full of chips and left the front desk.

His eyes flicked for a moment, and Shen Lang came to a table where he played dice.

This table of dice is the biggest game played in the entire casino. Shen Lang is not the best at betting on dice. The reason why he chooses dice is purely because betting on dice wins the fastest!

A group of gamblers gathered around a dice table, a croupier in a suit shook dice Gu, and the gamblers shouted excitedly.

Gambling on dice, the official name should be Sic Bo, that is, in a black round dice Gu, shake three dice, guess the size and points.

This table of Sic Bo is still a type of Sic Bo with relatively simple rules, only the big and small bets and leopard bets are divided. The total points of 4 to 10 are small, and 11 to 17 are big. If you bet on size, you pay 1 for 1, but for a leopard, you pay 6 for 1!

Shen Lang leaned forward calmly.

"Big 6!" The croupier opened a Gu.

The gamblers who won the bet laughed happily, while the ones who lost the bet were dejected, jumping and scolding their mothers.

"The minimum is 50 and the maximum is 20,000. Buy big and small, or buy points, bet and leave!"

The croupier in a suit shook the dice Gu while yelling, "Huh, huh, huh~~~~", the sound of the dice rolling in the dice Gu resounded crisply.

"Crack!" The dice Gu landed on the gambling table again, and everyone bet one after another.

"Damn, this time it must be small!"

"Yeah, it's three years old!"

Most gamblers bet small one after another.

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders, and moved all the 20,000 chips in the bag to the leopard area, and this bet was directly on the leopard!

Seeing this, the gamblers couldn't help but gasp, and all the gamblers couldn't help turning their eyes to Shen Lang.

"Damn it, are you crazy? Twenty thousand yuan to bet on the leopard!"

"I'm so ridiculous, boy, do you know how small the probability of a leopard is?"

There was a group of gamblers sneering around, thinking that Shen Lang might have a brain problem, or he was crazy about money! It's ridiculous to take so much money to bet on leopards.

Shen Lang didn't bother to satirize these guys' ignorance, he came to the casino to play, unless he was a master, who didn't come to give money?

The dealer opened the black dice Gu, it was 111, leopard!


In an instant, there was no sound at the Sic Gu gambling table, and the horror on the faces of all the gamblers could not be hidden.

"It's such a hot dog, can this also produce leopards?"

"Damn! This kid is really lucky!"

Everyone cast shocked gazes at Shen Lang one after another, feeling inexplicably unhappy in their hearts, wondering why he never thought of betting on a leopard?

Shen Lang's bet is 20,000 yuan, and the bet is 6 times that of a leopard, which means that Shen Lang won 70,000 yuan with just one move!

Seeing the chips piling up on Shen Lang's table, a group of gamblers couldn't help swallowing, with nothing but greed and envy in their eyes.

Shen Lang grinned, the money is too easy to earn, he likes the feeling of gambling! It's long overdue to go to the casino to make money.

Anyway, now that he has broken the contract with the gambler, he will have no money in the future, and he will get the money by just wandering around in the casino.

It's a pity that the maximum bet for Dice Gu is only 20,000 chips, and it will take some time to win 2 million.

Shen Lang didn't do anything wrong with the leopard just now, he just listened to Gu and heard it happened to be a leopard.

Shen Lang didn't care, he already got more than 700,000 yuan, even if he won 20,000 to 20,000 yuan, he would soon be able to earn two million yuan.

All the gamblers felt that Shen Lang had better luck, if he kept playing, this kid would definitely lose everything!

"Tsk tsk, if I were him, I would definitely accept it as soon as I see it." A gambler next to him said.

"That's right, a handful of leopards is enough!" Another gambler said.

"Damn it, I bet this kid will lose everything!"

Hearing the taunts from all the gamblers, Shen Lang didn't bother to say anything, and concentrated on listening to the dice Gu.

The game continues.

"Place your bet and leave your hand, prepare to use Gu!" The croupier shouted.

In the second round, Shen Lang bet small and lost 20,000 yuan in chips!

There are mountains of chips on the big side, and there are only a few sporadic chips on the small side. It has been small three times in a row, plus a leopard. The probability of being small is obviously very low.

"big big big……"

A chorus of shouts came, and all the gamblers stared at the black dice Gu with red eyes, bulging their eyes like bells, as if they were trying to see through it with their telekinesis.

"Small!" the croupier opened his mouth.

"Fuck! Why are you so small again?"

"Damn, I'm so lucky today!"

A group of gamblers cursed in frustration.

"He won again!" A gambler looked at Shen Lang and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The eyes of the gamblers turned to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang raised the corner of his mouth and easily made another twenty thousand!

The expressions of all the gamblers were both surprised and jealous. This kid is really lucky! I just won a handful of leopards, and I can win a handful more.

Shen Lang was actually eager to get a leopard, so that he could make a lot of money, but the chance of getting a leopard was really low.

Although he has superb gambling skills, his true energy is now restricted, and most of his strength is still unable to be used, and he cannot control points at will.

He can only hear the points in the dice Gu now and cannot change the points.

In the third hand, Shen Lang bet big and won again, making another 20,000 yuan.

The expressions of the gamblers were a little dull. This guy must be incredibly lucky!

The dealer who rolled the dice couldn't help but glance at Shen Lang.

The shouts of this Sic Bo gaming table attracted more gamblers to come and watch and join in the fun.

In games 456 and 456, Shen Lang won consecutively, winning 60,000 yuan in three games.

The gamblers were shocked! Damn it, can you stop being so fake!

Not only everyone, but also the dealer's expression became a little unnatural. This kid is a little abnormal. How could he guess so many times?

Brother Chen has been asking him to pay attention to the crook who sneaked into the casino. Could it be that this guy is a crook? (To be continued)

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