If it's an old man, he really has the ability to hear the points in the dice Gu.

But looking at Shen Lang being so young, he doesn't look like a cheater, right?

Now, next to the Sic Bo gaming table in the center of the casino, the three floors inside and outside are already surrounded by gamblers, and everyone is staring at Shen Lang with fiery eyes.

The game continues.

From the seventh to the twentieth, Shen Lang kept winning. Including the previous wins, he made a total of more than one million yuan!

The entire underground casino exploded!

"Awesome... awesome!" A gambler beside Shen Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead tremblingly, and couldn't speak fluently.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, seeing Shen Lang's calm and calm appearance on the gambling table, the spine was shivering!

Abnormal, very abnormal!

No matter how lucky ordinary people are, they can't be so lucky!

The croupier's face was already darkened, if he still thinks that Shen Lang won by luck, then he is mentally retarded.

Twenty hands, each one wins! Is there such a coincidence? impossible!

This method is terrible! Could it be that this kid really has such a great ability to hear the points in the dice Gu?

The croupier's forehead was sweating, he was holding the dice Gu, and he didn't shake the Gu for a long time. Although he is just a banker, and the casino loses money, but if he loses too much, it is difficult for him to explain to Brother Chen.

"Damn, big brother, you are too powerful!"

"Damn it, God of Gamblers!"

The entire casino was boiling, no one looked down on Shen Lang anymore, but cast fiery gazes at him, and a large number of gamblers placed bets with Ding Shen Lang.

Not long after, in a luxurious private room in the casino.

A horse boy in a suit knocked on the door.

In the private room, on a high-end leather sofa, a tall, inch-cut man in a black suit was holding a goblet full of red wine, sipping it leisurely.

The inch-cut man's name is Yechen, twenty-eight years old, young and promising, he is the owner of this underground casino.

It's not just as simple as a casino owner, Yechen was born in the underworld, and in Huahai City, when the underworld people talked about Yechen, their faces turned pale. People gave him the nickname Kuanglong, and the younger brother and Ma Tsai usually call him Brother Chen.

But that was all in the past, now Yechen has washed his hands of Jinpan, took his younger brother Ma Zai, and opened two small bars and an underground casino to make money.

It is worth mentioning that this Yechen is the elder brother of the girl named Ye Xingkong that Shen Lang ran into twice.

"Brother Chen, there's a kid playing Sic Bo in the booth. He bet twenty times in a row and won all of them! Now other people bet with him, and our casino has already lost millions of dollars! That kid is still winning! !"

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Chen frowned, put down the goblet in his hand, and said lightly: "Take me to see!"

In the casino.

Seeing Ye Chen come out, seven or eight horse boys who watched the scene came up to greet him, and shouted respectfully: "Brother Chen!"

Yechen stepped forward slowly, towards the casino. A group of pony boys followed behind him.

"Brother Chen, that kid is still betting. If this goes on, he will lose a lot of money! Do you want to get rid of this kid?" A horse boy approached and whispered.

"No, this kid is very interesting, let me meet him!" Ye Chen smiled faintly.

Seven or eight boys in suits led Ye Chen to the sic-gu gambling table.

All the gamblers turned their eyes to Yechen who was approaching, and the yelling suddenly died down.

Yechen stood there, and with a group of horse boys beside him, he looked like a big brother of the underworld, and his aura was a bit scary.

All the gamblers consciously get out of the way.

"Brother Chen!" The croupier in a suit, seeing Brother Chen approaching, immediately stood up, covered in cold sweat.

Yechen patted the dealer's shoulder and said, "Ah Liu, you go down first, let me come."

"Yes, Brother Chen." The croupier named Ah Liu stepped back tremblingly.

Yechen sat down on the dealer's seat, looked at Shen Lang, smiled and said, "This brother is lucky."

Shen Lang remained calm, the inch-cut man in front of him was a bit unusual, his whole body exuded a fierce aura, he should be a master of around four-star level.

"Who are you?" Shen Lang asked with a calm smile.

"My name is Yechen, and I'm the owner of this casino. This brother is very lucky today, are you interested in playing big with me alone?" Yechen laughed.

I didn't expect to attract the boss of the casino so soon, but it was just right.

"Play big? Okay, how do you want to play?" Shen Lang said calmly.

"It's very simple. I'll play a game of dice with you. I'll roll the dice Gu. Brother, you just need to guess the size. In this game, you can bet as many chips as you have, and I will bet double your chips! If you win, All the money belongs to you; if I win, it will belong to me, brother, you have to leave our casino by the way, what do you think?" Ye Chen looked at Shen Lang with a half-smile.

The boss of the casino has a good temper and knows how to advance and retreat.

Shen Lang laughed dryly: "I've always been a fair person, and you don't need to double your chips. I have more than one million chips here, as long as I win two million. So after I win, you just need to help me Just make up two million."


There was an uproar around, and all the gamblers showed expressions of astonishment. Who doesn't like money these days? Shen Lang actually voluntarily gave up Yechen's double chip. Damn it, as long as he wins, he can earn more than one million more!

Shen Lang is more casual, of course he also likes money, but winning money in other people's venues always makes him feel a little uncomfortable, especially Yechen is not his enemy.

Shen Lang never liked to owe favors to others, so he simply gave Ye Chen some face.

Ye Chen showed a trace of surprise, and said: "Brother is really a strange person, but from your tone, it seems that you are sure that you will win or not lose?"

Shen Lang said lightly: "That's natural, there are very few people who can beat me, you can't."

"What are you talking about?"

"Boy, you are too rampant!"

"Dare to underestimate Brother Chen, believe it or not, I will break your leg!"

The boys beside Yechen yelled ferociously, they really couldn't understand Shen Lang's pretentious appearance.

"Back off, don't allow this friend to be rude!" Ye Chen shouted coldly.

A group of horse boys retreated obediently.

Yechen glanced at Shen Lang, his heart shuddered inexplicably, and instinctively felt that the young man in front of him was unusual.

After knowing his identity, this person didn't even blink his brows. If it were a young man in his early 00s, he would definitely be so nervous that he couldn't even speak in front of him. It's also full of confidence and a weird sense of danger.

This sense of danger made Ye Chen a little uneasy, and felt that Shen Lang was like a master.

"Okay, since this brother is so arrogant, then I agree to you. But I, Yemou, am quite confident in my gambling skills. Brother said such conceited words, which embarrass me very much." Ye Chen said with a smile .

Shen Lang grinned and said, "Then I'll just guess the number, so that you can be convinced to lose."


As soon as Shen Lang said this, the entire casino instantly turned into a vegetable market, and there was an uproar.

"Damn, guess the number? This kid is too confident!"

"You don't think he won so much, you probably really have this ability!"

"Yeah, I heard that a master player of dice can hear the dots!"

"Damn, it looks like I met a master today! This young man is not simple."

The gamblers talked a lot, all showing shocked expressions.

"Okay, this brother is really refreshing!" Ye Chen was smoking a cigar, showing a trace of fighting intent at the corner of his mouth, he was willing to fight against a master.

Yechen ordered his subordinates to fetch more than one million chips and push them to the center of the gaming table.


Shen Lang also smoothly pushed all the chips on his table forward.

The total number of chips on the gaming table is more than two million, an astounding number.

Gamblers from almost the entire venue came to watch.

Shen Lang just wanted to end it quickly, and he had to rush to rescue Lin Cai'er. (to be continued)

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