Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 174 Dare to act wild on my territory?

"What should everyone play and keep playing!" a horse boy shouted loudly.

The casino was full of noise, everyone was talking about Shen Lang's deeds just now, guessing who this kid is.

Ye Chen stood up, and a young man lit a cigar for him, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Chen, are we going to let this kid go like this? He made our casino lose six or seven million today!"

Yechen took a puff of cigarette, and said unhurriedly: "Our stall is also open for business. If someone wins money, if you don't let him go, it will ruin the reputation of the gambling stall. It's only a few million , You can’t spoil a pot of porridge just because of a piece of rat droppings. Besides, that guy is extraordinary, his gambling skills are extraordinary, he is probably the apprentice of some thousand king, or he is the thousand king himself!”

"Qian Wang!" Hearing this sentence, the horse boy next to him couldn't help but gasped, his face was full of shock.

Shen Lang carried the suitcase, hailed a taxi on the side of the road, and came to the Tianxia Nightclub. This nightclub is quite big, and the decoration is quite luxurious.

It was already dark, and countless young men and women went in and out of nightclubs.

"Hi sir."

As soon as Shen Lang entered the gate, Shen Lang saw the welcoming lady wearing a wine red revealing low-cut suspender dress standing on both sides, bowing slightly to Shen Lang at the same time, and throwing a "you know" winking at the same time.

Shen Lang was impatient and had a bad premonition that this nightclub was definitely not the right place.

For Lin Xifu to bring Lin Cai'er to such a place, he must be doing some shady business.

Shen Lang was furious for a long time, this kind of insane scumbag father aroused his killing intent.

Take the elevator and come to the top floor.

The top floor has been converted into a casino. Of course it is not a regular casino, but an underground casino. Although the decoration is not as good as that of the Longxing Casino, it is quite luxurious, and the tables are full of gamblers.

Not everyone can open an underground casino. There are not many large underground casinos in the entire Huahai City. Those who can open an underground casino are backed by underground forces.

There are many waitresses wearing sexy bunny costumes in and out of the casino, holding trays in their hands, offering drinks and drinks to the gamblers.

"Sir, do you need any services? Here you can not only gamble for money, but also have many other ways to play! Would you like me to accompany you, my sister?" A girl in a pink revealing dress handed it to Shen Lang. A look that any man can understand.

Shen Lang frowned, this place really had that kind of service, he was a little worried about Lin Cai'er.

After finding the person in charge of the casino here, Shen Lang said directly: "I'm here to see Lin Xifu!"

The person in charge glanced at Shen Lang, and said coldly, "Come with me."

Afterwards, that person brought Shen Lang to a luxurious suite.

Lin Xifu was overjoyed, and hurried forward to Sun Huo who was sitting on the golden chair and whispered, "Brother Huo, someone is here!"

Shen Lang glanced at Lin Xifu, then scanned his surroundings.

In addition to Lin Xifu, the bald man on the chair seemed to be the boss of the group of guys around him, there were eight bodyguards in the entire suite, and a leisurely guy with dyed blond hair was sitting on the sofa drinking.

"Lin Xifu, where is the person I want?" Shen Lang asked.

Sun Huo looked at Shen Lang a few times, his face was a little surprised, he thought he was a boss-looking person, but he didn't expect it to be a yellow-haired boy.

It is estimated that he is really a young rich second generation.

Sun Huo had never met Shen Lang himself, so he didn't know what he looked like. If it was Yuan Ye, he would have jumped up by now.

"Did you bring the money?" Sun Huo yelled at Shen Lang contemptuously with a cigar in his mouth.

"Of course." Shen Lang opened the black box in his hand and opened it.

Stacks of red banknotes were neatly arranged, Lin Xifu couldn't help but gasped, and stared straight.

Sun Huo took a puff of smoke and nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, you pay first."

"Of course I will pay the money, you have to let me see the person first?" Shen Lang sneered.

Sun Huo shouted to a bodyguard behind him: "Stop picking up that girl, bring her here!"

"Pick up the guests?" Shen Lang was furious, with killing intent in his eyes.

Lin Xifu said with a smile: "Don't worry, that girl just dropped it off and hasn't picked up any guests yet!"

Shen Lang secretly suppressed his anger, sneered and remained silent.

A few minutes later, a bodyguard brought Lin Caier into the suite.

Lin Caier's pretty face was pale, she was completely frightened, her face was full of panic, her hands were still clasped on her chest, and she was pulling her clothes tightly.

"Lang...Brother Lang!" Lin Cai'er couldn't help being startled when she saw Shen Lang, wondering if she had seen a hallucination.

"Okay, it's okay!" Shen Lang swept Lin Cai'er into his arms.

Lin Cai'er's delicate body trembled, her head buried in Shen Lang's arms, and she began to sob, her voice was indescribably weak.

Shen Lang felt sorry for this weak girl, but fortunately Lin Caier was safe and sound, so he was also relieved.

Before Lin Caier just returned home, several strong men broke into her home, knocked her unconscious and took her away.

When she woke up, Lin Cai'er found herself lying on a big bed, surrounded by a group of men staring at her with silver evil eyes.

Lin Caier trembled in fright. Several men climbed onto the bed and started molesting her. Lin Cai'er almost collapsed and thought of committing suicide by jumping off the building.

Fortunately, the other party didn't do that kind of thing and brought her here with Shen Lang.

Shen Lang hugged Lin Cai'er tightly, and comforted her softly, Lin Cai'er's crying gradually died down.

"Okay, I've already given it to you, you have to hug it and go back to do it again, pay first!" Sun Huo yelled impatiently.

"Okay, the money is here, come and get it!" Shen Lang shook the bank card in his hand, his eyes burst into intense anger.

"Go and get it." Sun Huo yelled at Lin Xifu.

"Hey." Lin Xifu nodded immediately, walked up, and reached out to get Shen Lang's bank card.

Shen Lang retracted his hand, Lin Xifu caught an empty hand.

"What do you mean, you don't want to renege on your debt, do you?" Lin Xifu yelled with a face full of displeasure, and he was counting on this rich second generation to give him money.

Lin Cai'er gritted her teeth, and stared at Lin Xifu with beautiful eyes, full of anger, and never looked at her relatives again!

Lin Xifu is not a human being, but a mad beast!

"Get out!" Shen Lang glared at Lin Xifu with a cold gaze.

Lin Xifu shrank his head back in fright, damn it, he doesn't want to mess with this rich second generation, rich and powerful guy, who can get someone to kill him for just a little money.

But when he thought that Sun Huo was behind, Lin Xifu became courageous again, and shouted: "You promised to give me the money, and now my daughter is sold to you, give me the money!"

The veins on Shen Lang's forehead bulged, and he kicked out, hitting Lin Xifu's lower abdomen.


A sharp scream came, and Lin Xifu was kicked away by Shen Lang, and he fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and screaming.

"Boy, pay the money quickly, don't test my patience!" Sun Huo said coldly.

Shen Lang sneered and said, "What if I don't want to pay?"

Sun Huo snorted coldly, and looked at Shen Lang with contemptuous eyes: "Boy, don't think that you dare to act wildly in my territory because of your three-legged cat kung fu! I, Sun Huo, tell you, that is courting death!"

Sun Huo pointed to Shen Lang with his right hand, and ordered the two bodyguards behind him to get up, and said with a smile: "Go, break this kid's hands and feet." (To be continued)

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