Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 175 Instant Kill

As soon as he finished speaking, two sturdy bodyguards walked out from behind Sun Huo and walked towards Shen Lang with sinister smiles on their faces.

"Lang...Brother Lang!" Lin Caier's pretty face changed color.

Shen Lang immediately pushed Lin Caier away.

The two bodyguards quickly stepped forward and quickly grabbed Shen Lang's arms with contempt on their faces. As long as they used force, they could easily destroy this kid's arms.

Sun Huo sneered, "Damn, this kid was so arrogant just now. Sun Huo thought Shen Lang could resist a few times, but he didn't expect that Shen Lang was just a pustule and was easily dealt with."

"Do it!" Sun Huo took a puff of his cigarette, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two bodyguards tightened their arms on Shen Lang's arms with violent expressions.

A few seconds later, Sun Huo frowned and realized something was wrong. Although the two bodyguards held Shen Lang's arms tightly, their expressions became increasingly ugly.

The two bodyguards felt that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move the kid in front of them even an inch.

There was a sneer on Shen Lang's lips, and he grabbed the arms of the two bodyguards and twisted them hard!



Two crisp sounds of broken bones were heard one after another, and the two bodyguards let out sharp screams, their faces turned purple, and the huge pain made them tremble all over.


Shen Lang was still twisting, and the two bodyguards' screams like ghosts and wolf howls spread throughout the hall, and they fell to their knees on the ground.

Sun Huo was shocked. These two bodyguard thugs had been with him for some years. Although their skills were far inferior to Cao Bao's, they were pretty good. How could it be possible that the yellow-haired boy in front of me had his arm broken so easily?

Sun Huo glanced at Shen Lang, who was looking arrogant, and shouted with a gloomy expression: "Fuck me, kill this bastard!"

After giving the order, the five bodyguards behind Sun Huo swarmed forward.

"Brother Lang!" Lin Cai'er's pretty face turned pale, she was so frightened that she blindfolded her eyes and didn't dare to look anymore.

Shen Lang's face was expressionless. With this kind of mob, no matter how much they come, it will be in vain.

A strong bodyguard rushed forward first, swung the shining dagger in his hand, and expertly stabbed Shen Lang in the abdomen.

When he saw that the knife was about to penetrate Shen Lang's abdomen, the bodyguard's eyes revealed a cruel and fierce light.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Shen Lang directly grabbed his right arm, and the dagger in the man's hand stayed in mid-air. No matter how hard the bodyguard tried, the dagger was frozen in mid-air, unable to move forward.

Shen Lang was not polite, turned around and threw the man out.


Before the bodyguard could react, he felt the whistling wind next to his ears. His body suddenly flew more than ten meters and hit the wall heavily. His head was broken and bleeding, and he fell to the ground and fainted instantly.

The remaining four bodyguards, as if facing a formidable enemy, attacked with daggers in hand.

These guys are well-trained and experienced. They are very different from ordinary thugs. Their methods are quite ruthless and skilled, and they have definitely killed many people.

Shen Lang didn't hold back at all, stretched out his hands, grabbed the two heads directly, and smashed them together.

Like smashing eggs, blood dripped from their foreheads and they fell down, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Shen Lang turned sideways to avoid a stab, and swung out his right fist, hitting one person in the head, causing another bloody head injury and making him unconscious.

With one last flying kick, the remaining bodyguard was kicked away and fell heavily to the ground, also unconscious.

In less than five seconds, Shen Lang took care of the five senior bodyguards without any effort.

Sun Huo finally got a little panicked and thought to himself, what the hell, why is this kid so powerful?

"Brother Huang Long, this kid is very powerful. Please help solve the problem!" Sun Huo quickly shouted to the blond young man drinking on the high-end sofa next to him, his tone full of pleading.

Shen Lang looked at the blond young man drinking red wine on the sofa with a little curiosity. This man was a bit extraordinary!

From the beginning to the end, the blond young man named Huang Long didn't even look at Shen Lang. Even though Shen Lang broke the arms of two bodyguards and knocked down a large group of thugs and bodyguards, Huang Long still didn't look at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang also turned his attention to Huang Long and felt that this guy's aura was not simple. He was also a martial arts cultivator.

Moreover, he is still a martial arts cultivator in the late stage of enlightenment, but he is at least a little better than the Wu Laoqiang he met before. His strength should be higher than that of an ordinary four-star master, and his overall strength is less than five-star.

Of course, this is just a master in the eyes of others. Even though Shen Lang can't use even 1% of his true energy now, Huang Long is still nothing in his eyes.

Hearing Sun Huo's panicked cry for help, Huang Long kicked his feet and jumped up from the sofa. He flew into the air and kicked hard towards Shen Lang's door.

Huang Long's face showed deep disdain. It seemed that in his eyes, Shen Lang was like a cockroach on the ground. He found it very unpleasant and wanted to trample him to death!

Seeing Huang Long perform this move, Shen Lang's spirit and energy completely locked onto Huang Long in mid-air. With a flick of his right hand, a willow leaf flying knife suddenly shot out.

Huang Long's face froze in mid-air. He could feel a strong murderous aura from Shen Lang!

The air around seemed to be frozen!


Huang Long let out a groan of pain, his face changed drastically, and when his body landed on the ground, he looked at the willow leaf flying knife stuck in his chest, and his eyes widened.

Huang Long's limbs twitched a few times, and he stared at Shen Lang. A large amount of blood poured out of the corner of his mouth. His limbs twitched, and he uttered in horror: "Liu Ye Feidao, you are..."

Shen Lang said expressionlessly: "You know quite a lot."

"Impossible, you're not blood..." Huang Long looked at Shen Lang in horror, before he finished his last sentence, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, dead instantly.

As soon as Huang Long came out, he died.

Sun Huo at the side looked at the flying knife pierced deeply into Huanglong's chest, his scalp went numb with fright, and his whole body felt bad.

Huang Long was a master sent by the Black Dragon Society above, but he was actually killed by this kid in front of him?

Still spike!

Seeing Shen Lang's stern and terrifying eyes, Sun Huo was so frightened that he trembled all over. He couldn't imagine how terrifying Shen Lang's strength was!

Lin Cai'er covered her mouth, she was shocked, but she also breathed a sigh of relief, luckily Shen Lang was fine.

Shen Lang flipped his right hand, held a table knife in his hand, and stared at Sun Huo coldly: "Throw away the gun on your body obediently, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Sun Huo panicked and said, "Okay, okay, I'll throw it away! Don't do it!"

Sun Huo felt that with the speed at which Shen Lang threw the knife just now, he might be killed by Shen Lang before he even took out his gun!

Besides, if Shen Lang's strength is higher than that of a four-star master, even if he has a gun, he probably can't help Shen Lang. The strength of a four-star master is already too strong to be human, and this man in front of him is even more dangerous! (to be continued)

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