Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 178 Kiss Me

"Little Xueer, don't get me wrong. Listen to my explanation patiently. Nothing happened to me and Lin Caier..."

Shen Lang told the story from the beginning to the end, including the kidnapping of Lin Cai'er.

Su Ruoxue sighed softly, and didn't blame Shen Lang, but remained silent, and after a long time, she said lightly, "Next time you have something similar, don't hide it from me."

"Okay." Seeing that Su Ruoxue didn't react much, Shen Lang thought she had understood.

After all, nothing happened between himself and Lin Cai'er, and Shen Lang didn't have any psychological burden in his heart.

However, Shen Lang obviously overestimated Su Ruoxue's capacity. In terms of feelings, Su Ruoxue would not make any concessions.

Su Ruoxue already regarded Shen Lang as her own man, no matter how pitiful Lin Caier was, Su Ruoxue would never agree with keeping her man overnight!

As for Shen Lang's explanation, Su Ruoxue trusts it unreservedly.

After all, it's the man she likes. Su Ruoxue thinks that she knows Shen Lang very well. Although Shen Lang looks frivolous on the surface, this man is extremely arrogant in his bones. It is impossible for him to lie to himself about such a thing.

Around 8:30 in the morning, it was also the time when Lingya International just started clocking in for work.

Lin Caier still came to work in the company today.

As soon as she arrived at the office of the PR department, Liu Xiaoxiao walked in.

"Assistant Lin, President Su asked you to come over, she is waiting for you in the office." Liu Xiaoxiao said to Lin Cai'er with a smile, but she was a little puzzled.

She went to bed early last night, so she didn't know that Shen Lang hadn't returned all night, but this morning Liu Xiaoxiao noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere between Su Ruoxue and Shen Lang.

As soon as Su Ruoxue arrived at the CEO's office, she found a reason to send Shen Lang away, and then aggressively asked herself to call Lin Caier over. Liu Xiaoxiao always felt that things were a little tricky.

Lin Cai'er gritted her teeth, her complexion was not very good-looking, and she guessed that the matter might be related to Shen Lang.

But at this moment, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the president's office.

It's not the first time she has come to the CEO's office, but Lin Cai'er has never been as anxious as today. My legs even tremble when I walk.

"Isn't she the president? She's also a woman. She can still eat me. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Lin Caier secretly encouraged herself.

After arriving at the president's office, Su Ruoxue was processing documents with her head down, her expression seemed calm.

"Assistant Lin, please sit down for a while and wait for me for a minute." Su Ruoxue bowed her head and said.


Sitting in the seat next to her, Lin Caier felt a little nervous.

"Xiaoxiao, you go out first." Su Ruoxue said to Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Uh...Okay." Although Liu Xiaoxiao was a little curious, she still left the president's office and closed the office door by the way.

A minute later, Su Ruoxue finally finished processing the documents in her hand, and then looked up at Lin Cai'er.

"Assistant Lin, do you know why I called you here today?" Su Ruoxue asked softly.

"No... I don't know."

Su Ruoxue smiled, and said calmly: "Then I'll tell you directly, last night, Shen Lang was with you, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Cai'er became inexplicably flustered, she gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, I asked him to accompany me last night."

The thing had already happened, Lin Caier didn't want to deceive Su Ruoxue, and she was ready to lose her job at this moment.

"Then do you know that Shen Lang is my fiance." Su Ruoxue said lightly, her beautiful eyes staring at Lin Cai'er all the time.

"I know."

"Since you know, why do you still do this." Su Ruoxue continued to ask.

"Because I like him. President Su, although you are Shen Lang's fiancée, you are still not married in essence. Since you are not husband and wife, then you have no right to ask me not to like Shen Lang." Lin Cai'er summoned up her courage and said .

"You..." Su Ruoxue was at a loss for words, unable to refute.

It is true that she and Shen Lang are not a real couple, and there is no such thing as cheating.

"President Su, I don't want to embarrass you. I failed, so I can only choose to quit. Because I know that the person Shen Lang likes is you." When Lin Caier said this, her eyes had already started to twitch. red.

"You..." Su Ruoxue didn't know what to say.

Dead Shen Lang smelly Shen Lang, let you stick flowers and grass outside! Su Ruoxue didn't know how many times she cursed Shen Lang, making her sister so hopeless, is his charm really that great?

"Assistant Lin, since you have chosen to quit, I won't blame you for this." Su Ruoxue said seriously. Lin Cai'er's sincerity really moved her, so there's no need to delve into this matter.

"No, it's my fault. President Su, don't be embarrassed. I'll write the resignation report later." Lin Caier shook her head.

Su Ruoxue hurriedly said: "Don't be like this...Assistant Lin, let this matter go like this, and you don't have to take it to heart."

Lin Cai'er was a little taken aback, she didn't expect Su Ruoxue to be so generous.

Shen Lang was called by Su Ruoxue to help Liu Xiaoxiao deal with some sundries in the morning. After a while, Liu Xiaoxiao walked into the director's room.

"Shen Lang, I can just come to work, Xiaoxue is calling you back." Liu Xiaoxiao said to Shen Lang.

"Oh." Shen Lang put down the document in his hand.

"By the way, Shen Lang, did you have any conflicts with Xiaoxue yesterday?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked alone.

"Probably not." Shen Lang scratched his head.

"It's fine if you don't have one. Xiaoxue doesn't seem to be in a good mood today, so please coax her more." Liu Xiaoxiao bumped Shen Lang with her tender arm and winked.

"Okay." Shen Lang felt a little funny.

Go back to the president's office.

Seeing Shen Lang walking in, Su Ruoxue stood up, with an awkward face, and said, "Shen Lang, I'm sorry for keeping it from you, I just talked to Lin Cai'er..."

"How did the talk go?" Shen Lang asked with a smile, he had already expected that Su Ruoxue would do this.

Su Ruoxue nodded and said, "The matter is settled."

"Then you don't blame me now, do you?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

"I didn't blame you all the time, okay?" Su Ruoxue curled her lips.

"It's not strange to say it, but I don't know who is sullen." Shen Lang sighed.

Su Ruoxue snorted softly: "Isn't it because you were with other beauties last night that made me sulk!"

"Okay, my lovely President Su, what do you have to do to get your forgiveness?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

When Su Ruoxue thought about Shen Lang and Lin Cai'er being together last night, even though she knew nothing happened, she still felt a little unbalanced.

She suddenly became possessive.

"Kiss me and I'll forgive you." Su Ruoxue's delicate face flushed a little, and the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a nice curve.

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Su Ruoxue would take the initiative to say such coquettish words, which was exactly what he wanted.

Looking at Su Ruoxue's charming and glamorous face, and her small Qiong nose as exquisite as ceramics, Shen Lang felt a burning passion in his heart, and was about to kiss her on the cheek.

Su Ruoxue stretched out her arms to hug Shen Lang, and said softly, "I don't want to kiss my face, kiss me..." (to be continued)

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