Around nine o'clock in the morning.

Jinding Entertainment City.

In the luxury suite on the top floor, Wan Tianpeng sat leisurely on a boss chair, smoking a cigarette leisurely.

Suddenly, a blond horse boy pushed the door in. It was Ah Jin, the former Huaxing Gang's top four general, with a panicked look on his face.

"Brother Tianpeng, something serious happened!" Ah Jin shouted tremblingly.

"What kind of bullshit is it that you panic like this?" Wan Tianpeng frowned.

"I don't know what happened in the field, there is an extra corpse!" Ah Jin said hastily.

Wan Tianpeng's expression changed, and then he returned to normal. He snorted, "It's just a corpse. What are you making all the fuss about? Ask someone to deal with it."

"Brother Tianpeng, that Huanglong's corpse!" Ah Jin's eyes showed a trace of panic.

"Huang...Huanglong? Which Huanglong is it?" Wan Tianpeng was taken aback, thinking it was the guy with the same name and surname.

"'s the yellow dragon from the Black Dragon Society!" Ajin swallowed and said tremblingly.

Wan Tianpeng jumped up in an instant, stepped forward and grabbed Ajin by the collar, and roared, "Are you sure you read it right?"

"It's absolutely true, it is indeed Huanglong's body!" Ajin said tremblingly.

"Damn it, why did Huang Long die in our yard? Hurry up and take me to see it!" Wan Tianpeng shouted.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ah Jin brought Wan Tianpeng to the lobby on the first floor.

The hall was empty, and all the diners were sent away.

Several young horses surrounded the center of the hall, and a dead body was lying on the ground with a dagger stuck in his chest.

This guy was the Huang Long that Shen Lang killed at the Sun Huo Casino that day. Yuan Ye sent people to pretend to be stabbed to death by a knife, and then contacted Wan Tianpeng's internal response, and directly brought Huang Long's body into Wan Tianpeng. entertainment city.

"Brother Tianpeng is here."

"Hi Brother Tianpeng!"

The boys greeted one after another, they still don't know who Huang Long is.

"Okay, you're paralyzed! Get out of here!"

With a roar, Wan Tianpeng quickly came to Huang Long's side, squatted down and looked at it carefully.

Make sure it's Huanglong!

Wan Tianpeng gasped, Huang Long was a master of the Black Dragon Society, how could a master of this level be stabbed to death? Or die in his place?

Doesn't make sense? Wan Tianpeng was a little confused.

Soon, Wan Tianpeng's complexion changed drastically, and he had a very bad premonition!

"When was the corpse found, where was it found, and who was the first person to find it? Tell me everything!" Wan Tianpeng asked, his face gloomy and terrifying.

"Er Heizi just found it in the warehouse." A Jin said.

"Brother Tianpeng, it's me! It's me who discovered it first." The man named Er Heizi stepped forward and said with a smile, thinking that the person who discovered it first would win a prize.

Wan Tianpeng's face was gloomy and terrifying, he stretched out his hand to grab Er Heizi's neck, and squeezed hard.

"Crack!" With a sound, Wan Tianpeng twisted Er Heizi's neck, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground, dying instantly.

Seeing this scene, a group of horse boys around couldn't help being startled, and looked at Wan Tianpeng with horror on their faces.

"Brother Tianpeng, what's going on?" Ajin asked in a panic.

"What kind of master is Huang Long, don't I need to say more? He died in our game, hmph, Yuan Ye really played a good hand!" Wan Tianpeng said with a sullen face.

A Jin was taken aback, and said in horror: "Could it be that Huanglong was killed by Yuan Ye? Then Yuan Ye used Huanglong's body to make the black dragon follow us?"

This possibility is not impossible, but Wan Tianpeng is very puzzled, although Yuan Ye is ruthless and bold, he is not so bold as to kill the masters of the Black Dragon Society, right? If this is not done well, he is digging his own grave. Yuan Ye should not do such a stupid thing.

Another possibility is that Huang Long was killed, and Yuan Ye happened to use Huang Long's body to set the blame on himself.

In any case, Wan Tianpeng is going to be in big trouble.

"Huh, this Huanglong has been dead for at least a day or two! Ah Jin, please check the surveillance video of these few days for me, and ask everyone what they did at each time point and what they did when they went out! Suspects , directly kill him!" Wan Tianpeng said coldly.

"Yes, Brother Tianpeng!" Ajin replied coldly.

at the same time.

In a certain suite of Tianxia Nightclub, Yuan Ye and Li Fei were sitting on the sofa, chatting while drinking red wine.

"Hahaha, that idiot Wan Tianpeng doesn't know what expression he will have when he sees Huanglong's body?" Yuan Ye laughed wildly.

"Master Yuan, I have asked someone to report it to the police, and I have taken photos. It is impossible for Wan Tianpeng to clean up this matter." Li Fei sneered.

The reason why Li Fei worked hard for Yuan Ye was to temporarily gain Yuan Ye's trust and serve Shen Lang better.

Yuan Ye was naturally kept in the dark.

It was Li Fei's idea to use Huanglong's body to blame Wan Tianpeng.

Huang Long was an expert sent by the Black Dragon Society to deal with the Hualong gang's rebellion. He was killed by Shen Lang on the first day of his arrival. Originally, Yuan Ye must be responsible for this matter.

However, Li Fei used tricks to get Huang Long's body into Wan Tianpeng's place, so that the matter was cleared up and Wan Tianpeng could be blamed.

Yuan Ye was very satisfied, took a sip of red wine, and said with a smile, "Using the police instead is a brilliant idea! Hahaha, once the news from the police gets out, the Black Dragon Society will definitely think that Wan Tianpeng killed Huang Long."

"Wan Tianpeng is completely screwed now! Master Yuan, cheers!" Li Fei filled Yuan Ye with a glass of red wine.

Wan Tianpeng's end could be foreseen, and Yuan Ye felt very refreshed.

The door of the suite was opened, Sun Huo walked in, and said to Yuan Ye: "Master Yuan, I sent someone to check the identity of that boy named Shen Lang again."

"How's the investigation?" When Shen Lang was mentioned, Yuan Ye's expression darkened.

"The investigation is clear, but there is probably a problem with this kid's identity?"

"What's the problem?" Yuan Ye asked.

"According to the information I sent people to find out, this man named Shen Lang is the secretary to the president of Lingya International in Huahai City, and it is said that he is also the fiance of the president of Lingya International." Sun Huo said.

Yuan Ye frowned. For a secretary to be so powerful, he must have other identities.

"If you can't find it, don't look it up, don't touch this kid for now, now concentrate on dealing with that bastard Wan Tianpeng." Yuan Ye said coldly.

"Okay." Sun Huo nodded.

"By the way, my younger brother is still in the hospital, and there are police guards nearby. Call someone to rob him tonight." Yuan Ye snorted.

Yaya International.

Just after lunch, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were chatting in the CEO's office.

Shen Lang's cell phone rang suddenly, and when he picked it up, it was Bai Qingyu's call, and he pressed it to connect.

"Hey, Shen Lang, last time you said you owed me a favor, and I asked you to do three things for me, haven't you forgotten?" Bai Qingyu's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Of course I haven't forgotten." Shen Lang smiled.

"Okay, I want you to do one thing for me now!" Bai Qingyu said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Shen Lang asked.

"Come to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, come to my office, and I will tell you what you are going to do."

After speaking, Bai Qingyu hung up the phone.

Shen Lang shrugged, this is really troublesome.

"I have something to do, let's go out first." Shen Lang said to Su Ruoxue.

"What happened?" Su Ruoxue asked anxiously.

"Small matter, Bai Qingyu called me over, you don't have to worry." Shen Lang waved his hand and left the president's office without looking back.

"Why does this guy like to keep everything in his heart!" Su Ruoxue pouted.

Liu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "I'm afraid you're worried."

"I'm more worried if he doesn't tell me!" Su Ruoxue frowned.

"Don't worry, the man in your family is so powerful, nothing will happen." Liu Xiaoxiao sighed. (to be continued)

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