"You!" Chen Lin glared at Shen Lang angrily, furious.

"Okay, don't be unconvinced, he has the ability! Chen Lin, step back!" He Chenguang shouted.

Chen Lin kept silent, and retreated with a dissatisfied expression.

He Chenguang was helped up by two agents, and said with cold sweat on his face: "Shen...Mr. The group leader is responsible for assisting Captain Bai in this extermination operation."

Shen Lang nodded, and asked Bai Qingyu: "Captain Bai, you haven't told me where the stronghold is yet?"

Bai Qingyu coughed, a little uncomfortable with this atmosphere.

"According to the location we found, it's an abandoned factory in the southern suburbs. Not only that factory, there may also be strongholds of drug traffickers in the nearby mountains. There are marked areas on the map, take a look." Bai Qingyu said, handing Give Shen Lang a map.

Shen Lang took the map and looked at it, frowning, showing a thoughtful expression.

"What? What did you see?" Bai Qingyu asked curiously.

Shen Lang said coldly: "It's a bit wrong. If I were the boss of those drug dealers, I wouldn't choose such a conspicuous place for my base."

Bai Qingyu frowned, and quickly said: "Where is it conspicuous? This base is in an abandoned factory in the suburbs. Most people will definitely not go there."

"That's right, Mr. Shen, this abandoned factory is perfect as a hiding place for drug traffickers!" He Chenguang also limped over and said.

Shen Lang sneered and said, "Even you guys think it's the best. The drug traffickers are looking for death if they choose this place as their base? The police rely on their experience. This kind of abandoned factory should be the first place where the police are suspicious, right?"

"This..." Bai Qingyu's delicate body trembled, it was indeed the case, the deserted factory was the most suspicious place!

Shen Lang shrugged and said, "Putting the base in a hotel in the city is safer than setting it up in an abandoned factory in the suburbs, so there is a problem."

"Shen Lang, Wan Tianpeng, do you know? I have been watching his subordinates for a while. The day before yesterday, I found Wan Tianpeng's subordinates driving in and out of the stronghold. One of the people entering and leaving the stronghold was photographed. Confirm His identity is a drug dealer on the run." Bai Qingyu said with a frown.

"Did the police take action?" Shen Lang asked.

"Not yet, because they suspected that the other party had a gun, so they didn't act rashly. The police decided to act after they were fully prepared, so they would be caught off guard!" Bai Qingyu said solemnly.

Shen Lang said: "Let's go there and have a look first."

"Okay!" Bai Qingyu nodded slightly.

He Chenguang immediately said: "Mr. Shen Lang, since Captain Bai trusts you, our secret service team will cooperate with you, Mr. Shen."

"Let's talk about it." Shen Lang waved his hands impatiently.

After confirming the action, Bai Qingyu reported the information to Yang Hu.

Yang Hu is cracking down on a certain maritime smuggling activity these days, so he doesn't have time to come to the scene. Listening to Bai Qingyu's report on the situation, saying that Shen Lang was involved, Yang Hu immediately felt relieved.

Wearing an ordinary dress, Bai Qingyu drove Shen Lang and He Chenguang in her Chevrolet to the southern suburbs.

Changing into the usual attire is to try not to attract people's attention as much as possible, worrying that the other side's sentry will tip off the news on the way to the southern suburbs.

About half an hour later, the three arrived at the abandoned factory.

"You guys stay in the car, I'll go in and have a look alone." Shen Lang opened the car door, turned around and walked towards the gate of the abandoned factory.

He Chenguang's face was solemn, looking at Shen Lang's back, he couldn't help sighing: "This kid is really courageous."

Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth, and muttered to herself: "Could this pervert be bold..."

Shen Lang walked into the factory, which seemed to be a steel factory in the 1960s, surrounded by silence, the air was damp and cold, and there was a faint smell of rust.

There are car tire marks on the loess, which are estimated to have been left a day ago.

Looking around, he didn't find any abnormal aura. I walked around the inside of the factory, but I still didn't find any air machines, and it seemed that there was no one there.

When he walked somewhere, Shen Lang suddenly smelled a pungent rancid smell, which was a very strong smell of corpses.

It seems to be coming from a bungalow behind the factory.

Shen Lang walked over quickly, kicked open the iron door of the bungalow, a group of flies flew around, and the pungent smell made it difficult to breathe.

I saw a large number of sacks densely piled up in the bungalow.

Shen Lang frowned, stepped forward quickly, and lifted a sack out.

As soon as the sack was opened, a human head rolled over! Then came a decapitated corpse.

Shen Lang's pupils dilated slightly, he didn't feel any fear of corpses, but the corpse in front of him was a bit weird!

Looking carefully, the corpse was a young man in his twenties, but his hair was half white, his face was livid, his face had rotted, and even had corpse spots. The corpse was also covered in maggots.

The bones of the two legs of the corpse were severely dislocated, and it can be judged that the deceased should have been disabled before his death.

But these are not the point, the point is that all the organs in this corpse were taken out!

Shen Lang frowned, and opened several other sacks.

The situation is similar, the other sacks also contain the corpses of disabled people, basically around the age of 20 or 30, and the corpse of a little girl aged 13 or 14.

These people were obviously disemboweled alive before they died, their organs were taken away, and they were sold for money.

Looking at the empty eyes and painful expression of the dead little girl, Shen Lang felt an inexplicable sense of desolation in his heart.

Although Shen Lang didn't care much about other people's lives, he also disliked such behavior. These human traffickers are really insane by selling their lives for money.

These corpses all have a common feature, that is, the eye sockets and lips are abnormally darkened, as if they have been poisoned.

Shen Lang was very sensitive to smells. Apart from the smell of corpses, these corpses also had an abnormal and faint smell, which seemed to have the smell of K powder cocaine and heroin.

Shen Lang had participated in border anti-drugs before, and knew about drugs. These disabled people should have taken too many drugs, which led to such consequences.

There were a few shoe prints outside the bungalow. Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to touch the yellow soil. There was a trace of black soil on his fingers.

Putting it on the tip of his nose and smelling it, Shen Lang stood up calmly.

I wandered around the factory and found no other abnormalities.

Walking out of the factory, Bai Qingyu and He Chenguang who were in the Chevrolet car hurried up.

"What's the matter?" Bai Qingyu asked anxiously.

Shen Lang said lightly: "It's not good, there are no living people inside, but there are a lot of dead people."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of Bai Qingyu and He Chenguang changed drastically.

"What... what do you mean?" Bai Qingyu raised her brows.

"You will know when you go in and have a look, come with me."

Shen Lang didn't bother to explain, and directly took Bai Qingyu and He Chenguang to the bungalow in the factory.

The stench of corpses was so strong that Bai Qingyu and He Chenguang felt huge waves in their hearts when they saw the piles of sacks filled with corpses. (to be continued)

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