Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 182 Clues

"This..." He Chenguang's pupils dilated and his expression suddenly froze.

This was too tragic. Even though He Chenguang had seen many bloody scenes, he was still extremely shocked when he saw this scene in front of him.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face looked dull, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

Among the piles of corpses, she saw tears in the corners of the eyes of a dead little girl. Her haggard face was full of pain and unwillingness. A pair of beautiful yet empty eyes seemed to be telling the distortion and darkness of the world.

"Beast!" Bai Qingyu gritted her silver teeth, her heart was trembling, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"What kind of heartless person can do such an appalling thing!" He Chenguang also had an angry look on his face.

"These people deserve to go to hell!" Bai Qingyu wiped away her tears and said angrily.

Shen Lang shrugged and said, "What's the point of talking nonsense here?"

Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth and looked at Shen Lang, and said angrily: "Are you so cold-blooded? These are living lives, don't you feel anything?"

"I only care about my own life." Shen Lang frowned and continued: "Instead of arguing about this here, it is better to think about how to arrest people."

"There is obviously no one here anymore. Maybe the drug dealers have noticed it and have moved their location." Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth and said.

Shen Lang was too lazy to ridicule Bai Qingyu for being so big-hearted and brainless, and hummed: "Do you still think this is a stronghold for drug dealers?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Qingyu was startled.

"These people all showed signs of taking drugs. It is very likely that they died of drug overdose, and they must be related to drug dealers." He Chenguang said with a solemn expression.

Shen Lang said calmly: "There is a connection, yes, but this cannot be a place where drug dealers process and transport drugs. The deceased were all disabled, and their organs were taken away from them alive. It is obvious that the other party is a human trafficker, making money by selling human organs. , and it is also related to drug trafficking. But this abandoned factory should be just a place to dump corpses. "

"If my guess is correct, the actions of your police have been known to the other party. In order to deceive others, the other party has drawn your attention to this factory, so they have time to arrange a transfer location." Shen Lang said unhurriedly .

He Chenguang was a little shocked when he heard this. Shen Lang could analyze it so thoroughly in a short period of time. Who is this person?

Although Bai Qingyu was a little reluctant, she still asked: "Where are those drug dealers and human traffickers now? How are we going to catch them?"

Shen Lang stretched out his hand: "Look at the black soil on my hand."

Bai Qingyu and He Chenguang immediately focused on the black soil on Shen Lang's fingertips.

"This is what I just found on the mud footprints. The black soil on the footprints should be left by the guy who dumped the body. Most areas of Huahai City should be made of loess. This kind of black soil is rare. Do you know where it is? Is there black soil?" Shen Lang asked.


Bai Qingyu and He Chenguang were stunned. They had to admire Shen Lang's meticulous observation ability. This seemingly inconspicuous thing was really an important clue!

Bai Qingyu thought for a while and then said: "There are really not many places where black soil can be produced. There are probably three places, all in the suburbs. One is a power plant, as well as a pharmaceutical factory and a coal mine."

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed: "Go to the pharmaceutical factory, it's probably there."

He Chenguang also reacted instantly. To make drugs, chemical raw materials and medical equipment are needed. The pharmaceutical factory is indeed the most suspicious place.

"Okay!" Bai Qingyu nodded repeatedly and asked, "Do you want the police to come over?"

Bai Qingyu unknowingly regarded Shen Lang as his backbone.

Shen Lang nodded and said: "You can ask the police to follow you, just remember not to be too high-profile."

"I know."

The three of them quickly left the factory, and Bai Qingyu quickly contacted the criminal police team to prepare for action.

The pharmaceutical factory is in Xicun, far away from the southern suburbs, probably across most of Huahai City.

An hour later, we finally arrived in the West Village.

The three people got out of the car. The police and special agents arrived at the scene in about fifteen minutes and were still on standby.

It is exactly twelve o'clock at noon now, and the sun is shining brightly.

The location of the pharmaceutical factory is also relatively secret, close to the foot of the mountain, and there are several small factories around it.

You can see the pharmaceutical factory through a small forest.

Outside the woods, Shen Lang said to Bai Qingyu and He Chenguang: "Just wait here. I'll go in and take a look first."

"This may be the other party's lair. Mr. Shen, it's too dangerous for you to go in alone!" He Chenguang frowned.

"There are too many people in the way. Besides, I'm just trying to return a favor this time." Shen Lang glanced at Bai Qingyu and raised the corners of his mouth.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned red for no reason, she turned her head and snorted: "If you can't solve it, I will look down on you!"

"Just wait." Shen Lang smiled and plunged into the woods.

Nearing the end, Shen Lang crawled and hid in the grass.

Outside the pharmaceutical factory in front, there were four security guards in short-sleeved shirts. They were tall, with wolf head tattoos on their arms, and they looked fierce.

These people are obviously not ordinary security guards, they are more like thugs.

The four patrolled back and forth, showing great vigilance. Such a strict arrangement made Shen Lang more convinced of his thoughts.

This pharmaceutical factory is not big, less than half the size of the steel factory just now. There are three rows of bungalows behind the pharmaceutical factory, with a wide middle. The row of bungalows at the back seems to be a warehouse.

After scanning for a moment, Shen Lang moved, and walked lightly to the back of the bungalow next to the pharmaceutical factory.

Although it was broad daylight, as a top killer, Shen Lang would have no problem passing by a few people.

At this moment, a small truck drove over, stopped not far from the door of the bungalow, and honked its horn a few times.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent barking sound outside the warehouse, and two strong wolf dogs roared at the truck.

The warehouse door opened immediately, and a dark, bald man walked out, wearing golden earrings.

"Who is it!" the bald man yelled.

"It's me!" A young man with blond hair stuck his head out of the car window and shouted.

It's him! Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, he knew this blond young man, apparently called A Jin, who was Wan Tianpeng's subordinate.

Last time when Shen Lang, Su Ruoxue, Liu Xiaoxiao and others were having dinner at Wan Tianpeng Jinding Entertainment City, Shen Lang even shaved off Ah Jin's forehead with a knife.

"Oh, Brother Jin, it's you!" The bald man greeted him immediately with a smile.

Ah Jin opened the car door and got out of the car with his hands in his pockets.

"Brother Jin, why did you come to pick up the goods yourself this time?" The bald man nodded and bowed.

A Jin snorted coldly: "During this time, the girls from the Criminal Police Brigade have been following us. Brother Tianpeng was worried that something might go wrong, so he sent me to pick up the goods in person. Take more this time!"

Shen Lang's figure flashed, and he moved a little closer to the warehouse, listening to the conversation between the two.

The two wolfhounds seemed to smell the stranger, and barked wildly as they pulled on their chains.

"Damn it, call me crazy! Tell me to stew you!" The bald man roared at the two wolfhounds with a ferocious expression.

However, the barking of the two wolfhounds still did not stop.

A Jin frowned and said, "What kind of rotten dogs are you, you can only bark indiscriminately."

"But... Maybe it's because you don't come here very often, Brother Jin, and none of my dogs know you." The bald man said cautiously.

"Stop talking nonsense, pick up the goods, and bring me three times the amount this time." Ah Jin yelled. (to be continued)

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