Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 183 Stronghold

"three times?"

The bald man was startled at first, and then he said a little bit embarrassed: "Brother Jin, you also know that our place has just started up, and we haven't produced much goods yet, Boss Zheng has to keep some for himself."

A Jin smacked his mouth: "How much can you take at most?"

"Twice the amount at most! Brother Tianpeng is an important customer of ours. Recently, another batch of people has arrived. Next time, we will definitely be able to supply three times the amount to Brother Tianpeng." The bald man apologized with a smile.

"Well, twice is twice!" A Jin frowned.

Boss Zheng set up the new drug processing factory here, not to mention him, even Wan Tianpeng himself must be polite to Boss Zheng.

Soon, Ajin finished picking up a large batch of goods, and drove away.

The wolfhounds outside the warehouse were still barking non-stop.

"Still barking? I call you paralyzed. You are really a bunch of unfamiliar dogs. If you bark again, I will chop you off!"

The bald man let out a loud shout, closed the door and entered the warehouse.

"Hush!" Two silver needles pierced the air and hit the necks of two wolfhounds.

The two dogs didn't scream or howl, they just passed out.

Shen Lang jumped into the warehouse like a shadow.


The bald man was about to lie down on the chair and take a nap when he was startled by the sudden appearance.

Shen Lang flicked his right hand, and a willow-leaf flying knife pierced the bald man's throat.

The bald man's eyes were wide open, he clutched his bloody throat, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground dead!

Shen Lang glanced at the warehouse, which was only about 100 square meters.

There are boxes all around, and the boxes are filled with densely packed small bags, which contain some K powder, cocaine, heroin and other drugs.

Shen Lang snorted coldly, called Bai Qingyu, and told her the location of the drug warehouse.

"Then I'll send the police there!" Bai Qingyu hurriedly said on the phone.

"No, the matter is not finished yet, you just need to get ready first. After I solve it, the police will deal with the funeral." Shen Lang said.

"Okay." Bai Qingyu quickly responded.

"It's almost impossible to sneak in completely. Shall I kill those vicious villains in your eyes?" Shen Lang asked lightly.

Hearing this, Bai Qingyu's delicate body trembled slightly.

"Don't... don't attack innocent people!" Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth.


After speaking, Shen Lang hung up the phone.

Sneak out of the warehouse, to the back door of the pharmaceutical factory.

Shen Lang captured a walking staff member, knocked him out, put on the man's overalls and label, put on a mask, and strutted into the pharmaceutical factory.

From the outside, this pharmaceutical factory is no different from ordinary pharmaceutical factories, and there is no clue inside. There are more than a dozen workshops.

However, it happened to be off work time at noon, and the employees went to the cafeteria one after another, and there was no one in the workshop.

After going around for a while, Shen Lang finally found an unusual place.


The entrance to the basement is guarded by two tall and strong men, and staff members deliver things inside from time to time.

Shen Lang was pushing a forklift loaded with boxes and was about to pretend to deliver things in when he was stopped by two strong men guarding the door.

"Stop, what are you giving?" a young man with yellow hair shouted.

Shen Lang took the opportunity to look inside the basement, it was dark inside, and there seemed to be light in the depths.

Shen Lang's nose is very sharp, and he smelled a faint smell inside, a bloody smell that seemed to be absent.

The stronghold should undoubtedly be in this place.

"I'm asking you something, you're fucking deaf!" the Shamate scolded with an unkind expression.

"Boy, you have a nasty face, show me the brand name!" Another big black-faced man yelled.

Seeing that Shen Lang was indifferent, the black-faced man was about to step forward and pull the label on Shen Lang's chest.

Shen Lang grinned, stretched his hands forward, grabbed the necks of the two, and exerted a little force.


With a slight crisp sound, the necks of the two were instantly broken by Shen Lang.

Throwing the bodies of the two people into the box on the forklift, Shen Lang remained expressionless and continued to push the forklift towards Shen Lang.

After passing through a dark hall, several doors were opened, and the smell of blood inside became heavier and heavier.

Soon, Shen Lang came to a corridor and saw infirmaries lined up like public toilets, with a strong rancid smell emanating from the surroundings.

There is an iron gate at the end.

In the infirmary next to it, one or two doctors came in and out from time to time, their hands were covered with blood.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

In the corridor, there were a few tall men patrolling, and when they saw Shen Lang coming in, they questioned him immediately.

Shen Lang didn't bother to pay attention, and opened an infirmary casually, his eyes shrank suddenly, the scene inside was really disgusting.

Inside a door with an infirmary sign, two doctors in white coats were sweating profusely cutting up a living body with a scalpel.

Lying on the operating table was a young man, about 1.7 meters tall, with a pale face and a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

His waist had already been cut into a long gap by the scalpel, and the blood was continuously pouring out, which looked very strange and terrifying.

Two doctors are forcibly removing the young man's kidney!

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed, and even he couldn't help being speechless, what these people did was really dirty.

Hearing the movement from behind the door, the two doctors couldn't help turning their heads to look at Shen Lang. One of the middle-aged doctors shouted with displeasure: "Didn't you see that we are performing an operation? Hurry up and get out!"

Shen Lang smiled coldly, and closed the door silently.

"Boy, what the hell do you want to do!" Several strong men watching the scene in the corridor roared loudly, and rushed over immediately.

There are a total of six men, all holding weapons in their hands. These people still have a strong sense of defense. After all, the deeds they do are themselves shameful.

A fat and fierce man grabbed Shen Lang's forehead with one hand.

Shen Lang had no expression on his face, he quickly grabbed the fat man's arm and gave it a strong lift.

With a sound of "huh", the fat man lightened up and was thrown flying by Shen Lang.


With a loud bang, the man's fat body slammed against the door beside him.

The faces of all the men changed, and their expressions instantly became a little ferocious, and they stepped forward to surround Shen Lang.

The fat man got up with difficulty, and roared angrily: "Boy, you are fucking courting death!"

Shen Lang had no expression on his face, his eyes scanned his surroundings. There are a total of eight or nine rooms on the left and right sides of the corridor, and it is estimated that each room is a place for these guys to harvest organs.

"This kid has a tough face, he's not one of us!"

"Could it be the note that slipped in?"

"Isn't the boss still short of kidneys? This kid will come to the door automatically, and I will ask two people to pick out the kid's kidney later!"

"Just right, I think the corneas of this kid's eyes are not bad, let's cut them off together."

A few men talked to each other and surrounded him with smirking faces. It seemed that they had already regarded Shen Lang as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. (to be continued)

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