After leaving the workshop, Shen Lang called Bai Qingyu.

About ten minutes later, Shen Lang came out of the basement and knocked down the four patrolling security guards by the way.

Bai Qingyu first dispatched a large number of police forces to control the warehouse, the sirens sounded, and a large number of policemen with live ammunition and guns surrounded the pharmaceutical factory.

"All the citizens in the building are listening, because a large number of criminals were found in the XX pharmaceutical factory, all citizens still in the building please cooperate with the police, put your head on the ground and squat down, and no one is allowed to move around in the building to avoid shooting accidents! "

The radio outside the pharmaceutical factory was broadcast.

A large number of policemen blocked the entrance of the pharmaceutical factory back and forth.

Shen Lang swaggered out of the pharmaceutical factory, aiming countless guns at Shen Lang.

"Don't move, put your head in your hands!" several criminal police officers in the front row shouted.

"Put down the gun, he is not the enemy!" Bai Qingyu walked quickly, wearing a body armor.

A group of policemen lowered their guns.

"What's the matter?" Bai Qingyu stepped forward and asked Shen Lang anxiously.

Shen Lang shrugged: "The stronghold is in the basement, and the matter is basically settled, but there should still be those drug dealers and human traffickers in this building, so you should investigate carefully."

After finishing speaking, Shen Lang turned his head and left.

"Mr. Shen, you..."

He Chenguang was about to step forward and call Shen Lang to stop, but was stopped by Bai Qingyu.

"Forget it, he said that if it is resolved, it must be resolved, let's prepare to break in." Bai Qingyu said with a serious expression.


Bai Qingyu and He Chen rushed into the pharmaceutical factory with a team of heavily armed policemen in bulletproof vests.

After a while, they came to the basement. Seeing that no one stopped them, everyone's tense nerves relaxed a little.

But when the police saw the scene in the corridor deep in the basement, everyone stood there in a daze, frozen in place like a sculpture.

Everyone's eyes widened and they held their breath. A pungent smell of blood rushed to their faces. Under the light, the floor was covered with thick blood, mixed with living people's limbs, and blood clots!

There are still many people whose hands and legs have been cut off are still alive, with low and hoarse screams from their mouths, and there is a hell of flesh and blood in front of them!

The policemen even doubted whether what they saw was real. Their brains couldn't process the horrible scene in front of them for a while, and they couldn't imagine what happened just now.


Several experienced members of the criminal police team vomited directly. They had never seen such a horrible scene before, and their faces became horrified.

Bai Qingyu's delicate body trembled slightly, and she also felt nauseated.

He Chenguang and several members of the secret service team also had a terrible storm in their hearts. Even though they had participated in many operations, they had never seen such a scalp-numbing scene.

He Chenguang's quality of mind was pretty good anyway, so he quickly observed and said, "These people with severed arms and legs should have had their limbs chopped off just now."

Agent Chen Lin pointed at the pile of heads and blood clots trembling all over his body, and asked in a trembling voice: "The people in the middle... were killed directly!"

"Who... who did it?" He Chenguang had a guess in his mind, and couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

"Who else, Shen Lang did it!" Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth.

She had seen Shen Lang's cruel methods, and it was unbelievable what kind of cruel person could do this.

Thinking of Shen Lang's nonchalant expression when he came out, Bai Qingyu couldn't help feeling a deep chill in his heart.

Although she promised Shen Lang that she could kill people, she never expected that person to go so far!

This is simply something that a pervert, a murderer, can do!

He Chenguang was also shocked and swallowed. He really couldn't connect that seemingly frivolous young man with this bloodthirsty maniac.

"There are still many survivors here, go and notify the ambulance!" Bai Qingyu ordered.

However, the luckiest survivors here are those whose legs have been cut off, and there are many whose hands and legs have been cut off. These people cannot take care of themselves for the rest of their lives.

These doctors are all wearing white coats, although they have been dyed bright red.

Bai Qingyu forcibly suppressed the discomfort in his stomach, clenched the two guns in his hands, and walked towards the pile of flesh and blood.

The criminal police members followed the past bravely. Everyone's face was covered with cold sweat. Compared with ordinary policemen, these criminal police officers still had a bit of psychological quality.

When we arrived at the underground workshop, things finally came to light.

Bai Qingyu was shocked by the large number of disabled people locked in iron cages. These disabled people should have been forcibly used by human traffickers to process drugs, and almost everyone showed signs of drug poisoning.

As for those disabled people on the operating table in the basement infirmary, I am afraid that they are too poisoned and have no use value, so they just dig up their organs and sell them!

There is also a refrigerator in the basement, which is the place to freeze human organs.

Everything has been sorted out, Shen Lang seems to have just killed the damned person this time. But when he thought of the scene where that guy killed people like hemp, Bai Qingyu couldn't agree with Shen Lang at all.

The police took control of the pharmaceutical factory and caught some suspects, but the leader of the drug traffickers is still at large.

I didn't get anything out of the suspects' mouths, but for the time being, I only knew that their leader was called "Boss Zheng".

However, Bai Qingyu has no way of knowing about the identity and background of Boss Zheng.

Shen Lang took a taxi and returned to Lingya International.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and when they arrived at the president's office, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were talking about some things, and their expressions didn't seem very good.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late." Shen Lang said apologetically.

"Shen Lang, you came just in time, we have something to discuss with you." Liu Xiaoxiao said quickly.

Shen Lang stepped forward and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Su Ruoxue rubbed her head, and said softly: "Let me tell. Hisun Group announced that Luo Tianyao will hold a business reception tonight, and invited many celebrities to participate. It seems that Hisun Group has a new project and is looking for cooperation partner."

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, it's only been a few days, and Luo Tianyao is jumping up and down again?

"Will Luo Tianyao attend in person?" Shen Lang asked. The last time I crippled Luo Tianyao's legs, that guy shouldn't recover so quickly, right?

"That's what the news said, but our company was not invited." Liu Xiaoxiao said.

Su Ruoxue frowned, turned her beautiful eyes to Shen Lang, and said worriedly: "Shen Lang, do you think Luo Tianyao will deal with us?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "Don't worry, if the old Luo family is really smart, they won't mess with me again."

Last time he knelt down to himself in such humiliation, Shen Lang didn't think that Luo Ye and Luo Yan still had the courage to deal with him.

As for Luo Tianyao, Shen Lang didn't take him seriously at all.

Seeing Shen Lang's confident expression, Su Ruoxue sighed slightly, and said softly, "Be careful." (to be continued)

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