Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 186 Commercial tactics?

In a luxurious suite of a big hotel in the city center.

Zheng Zihao was sitting on a high-end sofa, shaking a goblet full of red wine in his hands, with a gloomy and terrifying expression, behind him was a student girl in a maid outfit massaging his back.

Sitting opposite the sofa was a tall man who was none other than Wan Tianpeng.

Zheng Zihao is that Boss Zheng. He has been doing the human trafficker business behind his back for the past few years. Among the underground forces in Huahai City, he can be regarded as a very good person.

Recently, Zheng Zihao opened up relationships with all parties and started a drug processing business. The huge rewards made him very excited. Just as he was about to further develop the drug trafficking industry, the news that just came in gave him a wave of cold water.

The police actually seized one of his important strongholds!

After Zheng Zihao heard the news, he immediately notified Wan Tianpeng. It was Wan Tianpeng who provided him with a lot of channels and manpower, and finally built an underground drug processing factory.

Now that it's gone, it's gone, Zheng Zihao's heart aches! But this time the problem was obviously caused by Wan Tianpeng, and it was Wan Tianpeng's people who were targeted by the police first.

Originally, Zheng Zihao planned to transfer his base as soon as possible, but he never expected that the police found his base in only one day and took the entire base away.

"Mr. Wan, now my stronghold has been taken away by the scouts, what do you think I should do now?" Zheng Zihao said gloomily while sipping red wine.

"I didn't expect that the police could find the stronghold so quickly. This was my mistake. But it's just a stronghold. If it's gone, it's gone. At worst, I can build another one. I can pay half of the funds." Wan Tianpeng forced a smile.

"Mr. Wan really doesn't hurt his back when he is standing and talking, aren't you also being watched by the police?" Zheng Zihao sneered.

Wan Tianpeng was really annoyed to death, Huanglong was hanging in their yard, and the black dragon would track him down sooner or later. In addition, the girl from the criminal police brigade was against her everywhere.

Wan Tianpeng had a premonition that his Jinding Casino would definitely not be able to continue operating. Yesterday he publicly sold his Casino.

It happened that Hisun Group took a fancy to Jinding Entertainment City and offered a relatively satisfactory price. Wan Tianpeng plans to sell the entertainment city to Hisun Group, and the contract will be signed in a few days.

"Mr. Zheng, you also know that I have been plotted by Yuan Ye of the Hualong Gang, and now I don't plan to fight with him. I will concentrate on smuggling in the future, and I am in need of a partner. Mr. Zheng, you are a smart person, and you have a lot of people under you." I plan to find you to cooperate with me, but what is your intention?" Wan Tianpeng asked.

Zheng Zihao narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile, "Isn't it too condescending for a big-name figure like Mr. Wan to ask me to cooperate?"

Wan Tianpeng smiled: "I am interested in Mr. Zheng's ability. You are a smart person, and I lack smart management talents the most. I can get drugs, arms and other lucrative things through channels. The two of us cooperate , all benefits and no harm."

Zheng Zihao was a little moved by what he said, but he was not an idiot. Wan Tianpeng was a four-star expert. If he jumped in front of such a dangerous person, he might be killed one day. Zheng Zihao didn't dare to play with fire.

"I know what scruples you have, Mr. Zheng. We can divide the labor and cooperate, and the property belongs to both parties. In this way, property conflicts can be avoided. I, Wan Tianpeng, have always treated my friends like brothers, so there is no need to deceive you, Mr. Zheng." Tianpeng said with a smile.

Wan Tianpeng really needs to cooperate with others urgently, otherwise he will be easily played to death by Yuan Ye, and the partner must be a smart person.

Zheng Zihao thought about it for a while, and felt that Wan Tianpeng did not seem to be lying, and then said: "I will consider the matter. Everyone is a straightforward person. I hope that Mr. Wan will support Mr. Zheng more."

After get off work, Shen Lang drove the Audi away from Lingya International Building.

The atmosphere in the car was a little silent.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Why have you two been so unhappy? Is something wrong?" Shen Lang asked with a frown.

The two beauties looked at each other and each sighed.

"There's something wrong with the company." Su Ruoxue curled her lips.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

Liu Xiaoxiao rubbed her head: "Today, many companies that have been cooperating with us suddenly came to us and asked to stop the cooperation. And not only one or two, at least half of the cooperating companies had this kind of problem. The autumn fashion show was originally scheduled for next month. At the end of the month, but now under the circumstances, it has to be postponed again. The postponement is small, but not being able to participate in Fashion Week is a major issue.”

"I suspect that there is a force obstructing the normal operation of the company." Su Ruoxue added, in a bad mood.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows: "It must be the Luo family and Hisun Group's good deeds. That guy Luo Tianyao has learned his lesson and switched to commercial tactics? Little Xueer, why didn't you tell me just now?"

"It's not that you're worried." Liu Xiaoxiao sighed.

"There's nothing to worry about. It's just a company. If it's gone, it's gone. You don't have to be the president, and you don't have to be so tired. How nice." Shen Lang grinned.

Su Ruoxue shook her head and sighed, Shen Lang didn't understand her persistence. She didn't care about the title of president, but she didn't want to see the company she had worked so hard for be destroyed.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoxue, don't be unhappy, the matter will pass. Let's go to the western restaurant to have a good meal tonight." Liu Xiaoxiao clapped her hands.

"Okay." Shen Lang grinned, and the Audi drove towards the city center.

The place to eat is Louise Restaurant in France. It is not the first time for Shen Lang to come here, and the environment still feels so good.

After getting out of the car, a tall and charming French beauty led the three of them into the restaurant.

There was an air of aristocrats in the magnificent hall, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao got used to this kind of occasion, and walked into the hall without haste.

In the center of the hall, on a stage illuminated by spotlights, stands a magnificent Steinway grand piano.

The three found a seat and sat down, preparing to order food.

"Xiaoxiao?" came a surprised voice.

I saw a young man wearing an expensive Versace suit walking over.

Liu Xiaoxiao looked back and saw Zheng Zhigang striding forward, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Cousin?"

"Mr. Zheng, hello." Su Ruoxue squeezed out a professional smile and greeted Zheng Zhigang.

"Miss Su, you are also here, what a coincidence." Zheng Zhigang's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Because of work, Su Ruoxue also knew Zheng Zhigang. He was the president of Liuguang Jewelry Company and met him when he first came to Zheng's Manor.

However, Su Ruoxue didn't like this Zheng Zhigang very much. Due to the identity of the other party, she still had to speak to him with a straight tone, and she had to show some face.

Shen Lang still sat where he was, looking at the menu casually.

The last time Su Ruoxue was kidnapped, Shen Lang saw Zheng Zhigang's ugly face. He found Zheng Zhigang very unpleasant, so he didn't bother to say hello.

Seeing that Shen Lang ignored him, Zheng Zhigang felt a little annoyed, but he didn't show it. He felt that greeting someone with a low status like Shen Lang was really degrading his status.

Zheng Zhigang looked at Shen Lang with superior eyes, then turned to Su Ruoxue with a smile and said, "Boss Su, it's not appropriate for you to sit with a bodyguard when you eat." (To be continued)

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