Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 187 The mysterious man

"Mr. Shen is already my secretary." Su Ruoxue said seriously.

"Secretary?" Zheng Zhigang looked at Shen Lang blankly.

This kid is not a bodyguard, when did he become Su Ruoxue's secretary?

Zheng Zhigang quickly thought of a word: little boy. This guy can't be Su Ruoxue's little boy, can he?

He has always been infatuated with Su Ruoxue, but this beautiful CEO is too cold to get close to.

Now he was given the preemptive step by a little bodyguard, which made Zheng Zhigang very unbalanced.

"To be Ms. Su's secretary, Mr. Shen must be a capable and assertive person. May I ask which university did Mr. Shen come from?" Zheng Zhigang asked tentatively.

"I never went to college." Shen Lang was a little annoyed by Zheng Zhigang.

Never went to college? Zheng Zhigang snorted secretly, and the frustration in his heart disappeared immediately.

"Sure enough, he's a pretty boy. But being handsome is useless. If you don't have real talent and hard work, you're just an embroidered pillow." Zheng Zhigang secretly said, and glanced at Shen Lang, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Liu Xiaoxiao was a little speechless. Although this guy said this before, she would not believe that Shen Lang hadn't gone to college, but Shen Lang sometimes felt very mysterious.

Just when Zheng Zhigang wanted to taunt Shen Lang, a pretty waiter in blond hair and blue eyes came up and asked in not-so-fluent Chinese: "Are you acquaintances? Do you need to sit together?"

Zheng Zhigang said: "Yes, miss, please arrange a big table for us."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zhigang said to Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, Miss Su, it's rare to meet here, so I'll treat you to this dinner."

A look of disgust flashed across the eyes of Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao at the same time, and Su Ruoxue squeezed out a smile on her pretty face: "Boss Zheng, you are too polite."

Although she hated Zheng Zhigang, she couldn't show it well. Having a bad relationship with Zheng Zhigang would not do Lingya International any good.

What's more, this person is Xiaoxiao's cousin.

"It's okay, it's my honor to invite you two beauties to dinner." Zheng Zhigang said with a smile, it seemed that he was quite self-cultivated.

The four of them changed to a slightly larger table, Shen Lang was so hungry that he didn't bother to care who he was eating with, he just wanted to eat quickly.

"Shen Lang, you can order first." Seeing Shen Lang's impatient look, Su Ruoxue had already handed over the menu.

A hint of disdain appeared on Zheng Zhigang's face, and he immediately put on a smiling face and said, "Mr. Shen hasn't even gone to college. He must not be able to understand the menu in pure foreign languages. My English is not bad. Let me order."

After finishing speaking, before Shen Lang went to get the menu, Zheng Zhigang snatched it away first.

Shen Lang was very upset.

Zheng Zhigang picked up the menu and looked at it, and was stunned.

It was also his first time to eat here. He originally thought that there would be English on the menu, but he didn't expect that it was all in French, which made him confused.

Zheng Zhigang said dissatisfiedly to the blond French waitress: "Why don't you have an English menu in the western restaurant here?"

"Sorry sir, we are a pure French restaurant here, maintaining our own characteristics. Some French dish names change their meaning when translated into Chinese. So the menu does not use English menu." The waitress said apologetically.

"What's the reason? Call your manager. There is no English menu in a western restaurant. Is this deceiving consumers?" Zheng Zhigang yelled directly in English.

The waitress blinked her eyes. She was about eighteen or nineteen years old and didn't understand English. Naturally, I couldn't understand what bird language Zheng Zhigang was talking about.

Shen Lang snorted and sneered, "Aren't you sick?"

"You... you scolded me?" Zheng Zhigang glared at Shen Lang, thinking for a moment that there was something wrong with his ears.

Shen Lang said neither coldly nor indifferently: "This is clearly a French western restaurant, you have to make it into English? Are you sick or what?"

"Hehe, it seems that you can speak French." Zheng Zhigang became angry from embarrassment.

Shen Lang repeatedly offended him verbally, which made Zheng Zhigang extremely upset.

"What if I can say it?" Shen Lang said angrily.

Zheng Zhigang sneered as if he heard some joke: "You can speak French? If you can speak French, I can speak bird language."

"Okay, don't forget to say your bird language later!" Shen Lang sneered.

"Okay, Shen Lang, stop making trouble." Su Ruoxue kicked Shen Lang with her little foot, and said in a soft voice.

"Two gentlemen..." The little French girl was a little embarrassed, she thought it was her own fault that made Shen Lang and Zheng Zhigang angry.

Seeing the pitiful look of the waitress, Shen Lang stood up and said in very proficient French: "Miss, let me order, you don't need to pay attention to him."

But the French waitress was very happy to hear that Shen Lang could speak such authentic French, and the smile on her face became more friendly. She was afraid that the French meal would dissatisfy international friends like Shen Lang, so she patiently served her Shen Lang recommended it.

The corners of Su Ruoxue's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a beautiful arc. Really, now she feels that no matter how good Shen Lang is, she will not be surprised anymore. This is a mysterious man, and Su Ruoxue is also proud of her lover.

Didn't this little boy never go to college, but he really can speak French?

Zheng Zhigang suspected that Shen Lang was talking nonsense, but looking at the excited look of the French waitress, Shen Lang didn't seem to be talking nonsense, as if she was speaking fluently.

After chatting for a while, Shen Lang ordered food in French.

"Mr. Zheng, didn't you say you can sing bird songs? Say a few words of bird songs to listen?" Shen Lang did not forget to sarcastically say to Zheng Zhigang.

"You..." Zheng Zhigang's face turned blue and white, and he was completely speechless.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little stiff.

Zheng Zhigang was unconvinced that he was being compared to Shen Lang.

Soon, a white pianist came to the center stage of the restaurant, and many diners turned their attention to the stage.

The white pianist bowed slightly to everyone, sat down and played the piano music, and there was applause from the audience.

Su Ruoxue was quite intoxicated while sipping red wine and listening to piano music.

Zheng Zhigang felt that it was time for him to show off, and he immediately asked: "Miss Su, do you like listening to piano music?"

Su Ruoxue nodded slightly: "My favorite music is classical piano."

"What a coincidence, my favorite is also the piano. This Liszt's Bell is one of my favorite piano pieces." Zheng Zhigang said with a smile.

"You play well." Su Ruoxue praised, her eyes also turned to the white pianist in the center of the stage.

Zheng Zhigang naturally would not miss the opportunity to perform in front of Su Ruoxue. He said seriously: "Zhong, this piano piece is said to be the most difficult in the world. It cannot be played without superb piano skills."

"Cousin, are you also accomplished in piano?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

Zheng Zhigang smiled happily and said proudly: "Achievements can't be counted. I have only passed level 10 in piano since I was in elementary school."

"Level ten is already amazing." Su Ruoxue forced a smile and complimented.

"Hahaha, just so so." Zheng Zhigang smiled proudly, and then said: "This pianist plays really well."

"It's just so so. It's just like that." Shen Lang said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, Zheng Zhigang had a look of disdain on his face and said with a dry laugh: "From your tone, Mr. Shen, you seem to be quite accomplished in piano?" (To be continued)

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