Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 188 The Piano Master

Shen Lang nodded: "Well, at least he is more accomplished than you."

"You!" Zheng Zhigang suddenly became angry, damn it, this kid's mouth is really like a machine gun, and he is against himself everywhere.

But in front of the two beauties, Zheng Zhigang is really not easy to get angry, he still put on a smiling face, it seems that he is quite qualified.

"Mr. Shen said so, and I, Zheng, are a little unconvinced. This bell is so difficult that Mr. Shen can't even play it himself. What right does he have to criticize the pianist on stage?" Zheng Zhigang snorted contemptuously. road.

"What if I can play it?" Shen Lang sneered, he saw that Zheng Zhigang was extremely disliked.

"Just you? Hehe, why should Mr. Shen argue with me?" Zheng Zhigang laughed.

"How about this, why don't we make a bet. If I can play this bell, you slap yourself. If you can't, I slap yourself. What do you think?" Shen Lang said impatiently.

Zheng Zhigang was stunned for a moment, his face finally became gloomy, and he snorted: "Boy, you are a little too arrogant, right?"

"Chirp is annoying or not, if you're a man, just be quick, do you dare to bet?" Shen Lang yelled angrily.

The other party obviously wanted to mock him and pretended to be so hypocritical, Shen Lang really couldn't understand Zheng Zhigang's face.

Zheng Zhigang was furious, thinking that as the president of a large jewelry company, those bigwigs in the business world would have to be in awe of him, and this kid would dare to say such things to him with such a humble status.

"Okay! But if you can't play it, don't forget to slap your mouth!" Zheng Zhigang said with a sullen face, even if he was killed, he would not believe that this kid could play the song Zhong.

The atmosphere of the two shots is tense, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao look at each other, this seems to have risen to the point of a man's face, it is really not easy for them to intervene.

Shen Lang was too lazy to talk nonsense, got up and walked towards the central stage.

"Shen Lang!" Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and was about to get up, but was held back by Liu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Xiaoxiao winked at her, based on what she knew about Shen Lang, this man was by no means the kind of person who would lie, and she had some expectation in her heart whether Shen Lang would be able to play that piano piece.

Shen Lang came to the center stage.

"Your piano skills are too bad, let me do it." Shen Lang said to the white pianist.

The white pianist frowned, and stopped in the middle of the piano piece.

The host on the side stepped forward and said to Shen Lang: "Sir, please don't disturb our pianist, please? If you want to perform, please wait a moment."

"I want to play now." Shen Lang said indifferently.

The white pianist stepped off the stage in anger, and snorted coldly: "I said poor piano skills? Hmph, I want to see what tricks a savage like you can play!"

All the diners in the hall also showed disdainful expressions. Shen Lang was too rude and disturbed their time to enjoy the music.

There were also many people who watched this scene with great interest, wanting to see how Shen Lang would make a fool of himself, especially Zheng Zhigang.

Shen Lang walked directly to the seat and sat up quietly, his eyes swept over the piano keys, and he put his hands on them.

"Hmph, Ms. Su, your secretary's quality is a bit worrying. I'd like to see what tunes he can play. Maybe it's two tigers, hahaha!"

Zheng Zhigang laughed to himself, but found that Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were not laughing, so he couldn't help coughing a few times, his face a little embarrassed.

Shen Lang closed his eyes, and his emotions gradually calmed down.

"My eyes are closed, can I play it?"

"Yeah, if you want to express yourself, you have to be a little bit good, right?"

Many diners around showed mocking expressions, and more people continued to sneer.

Shen Lang opened his eyes suddenly, as if he had found some kind of feeling, his hands landed on the black and white keys of the piano.

Suddenly, a clever piano sound floated up.

Immediately, the restaurant became quiet, and everyone looked at Shen Lang with amazed eyes. This gorgeous and lively melody was actually composed by this vulgar man!

The sound of the piano is gorgeous and enthusiastic. Being able to play this bell so coherently and flexibly, Shen Lang's piano skills have completely killed the white pianist just now.

In the second half, it was performed by Shen Lang to the fullest, gorgeous and convincing, and everyone seemed to be immersed in Shen Lang's melody.

In fact, every time after killing someone in the past, Shen Lang was always very upset.

By chance, he discovered that playing the piano can soothe his emotions, and Shen Lang has had an indissoluble bond with the piano ever since.

Every time the task is finished, Shen Lang will always play the piano for several hours, knowing that his mood is completely silent before giving up.

Perhaps due to his personality, Shen Lang's playing style is very aggressive, warm and gorgeous.

This bright style is the easiest to arouse people's emotions. There are already a large number of diners in the restaurant immersed in the sound of Shen Lang's piano, including the white pianist just now.

Su Ruoxue was even more mesmerized by listening, as if she was in a dream.

Oh my god, she never imagined that Shen Lang could play the piano so well, she could hold a concert at this level!

Su Ruoxue is really drunk. She likes to listen to classical piano the most, and she is very obsessed with famous pianists. Shen Lang's performance was so perfect that Su Ruoxue even wondered if the person on the stage was Shen Lang.

After spending some time with Shen Lang, she originally thought that she could understand Shen Lang's ins and outs, but now it seems that this man has become more mysterious in her eyes.

Although Liu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand piano, she also knows that Shen Lang plays very well. Her little head is a little dizzy. How many mysteries are there in this man?

Zheng Zhigang opened his jaw wide. He really wondered if there was something wrong with his ears!

Are you going to be so fake? Even if this kid can speak French, he can play the piano so well. How can he still let people live?

The entire restaurant was silent. Everyone stopped eating and listened quietly to Shen Lang's playing.

This playing video will definitely go viral if posted online!

By the end of the song, everyone in the audience couldn't stop!

Shen Lang stood up, and the entire restaurant burst into thunderous applause.

"That's great, my friend, you are such a piano master!" The host stepped forward and couldn't help but give Shen Lang a hug.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please don't take my rudeness to heart." The white pianist looked ashamed and solemnly bowed to Shen Lang and apologized.

Shen Lang nodded and returned to Su Ruoxue without saying anything else.

"Mr. Zheng, what are you doing standing still? Hurry up and slap yourself in the face!" Shen Lang glanced at Zheng Zhigang, who was stunned there, and laughed.

"You..." Zheng Zhigang blushed and was completely speechless. (To be continued)

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