Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 189 Remember the damn thing!

"Mr. Zheng, you are a man, don't you want to go back on what you promised? Or, let me help you with that slap?" Shen Lang mocked.

Zheng Zhigang showed a resentful expression, and said contemptuously: "It's just a joke, and you take it seriously? By the way, Miss Su, your secretary is too rude."

Su Ruoxue heard that the other party was mocking Shen Lang indirectly, and she felt a little angry, but considering that this person might be Liu Xiaoxiao's relative, she didn't say anything harsh.

Liu Xiaoxiao on the side snorted coldly: "Zheng Zhigang, whether Mr. Shen Lang understands etiquette, I don't need you to worry about it."

Zheng Zhigang frowned and said: "Xiaoxiao, you should restrain your temperament. Our Zheng family is not where any cat or dog can live casually. Let outsiders stay more carefully in the future."

"What did you say?" Shen Lang raised his eyebrows.

"Shen Lang, don't!" Su Ruoxue hurriedly grabbed Shen Lang's arm, for fear that he would make another violent move.

Zheng Zhigang mocked: "Mr. Shen, I don't know why you became Ms. Su's secretary, but I know that people like you have serious problems with their quality alone. I still advise you to pay more attention to your own quality and avoid embarrassing yourself." It's here."

"Enough! Mr. Zheng, can you show your quality by saying this? In my opinion, you are like a dog without an owner, who only barks at people." Su Ruoxue's pretty face turned cold , with his hands crossed in front of his chest, an icy and high-cold aura exuded from all over his body.

Zheng Zhigang ridiculed Shen Lang, somehow, Su Ruoxue's anger erupted, and the anger in her heart could not be calmed down without a few harsh words.

In her heart, Shen Lang is the real man, this man can shield herself from the wind and rain, and can take risks for herself. I am afraid that other men in the world can do this for themselves.

And in front of Zheng Zhigang, without the disguise of appearance, he is just a clown, what qualifications does he have to mock Shen Lang?

"You..." Zheng Zhigang's face turned green and pale, Su Ruoxue dared to call him a dog?

"Pfft!" Liu Xiaoxiao covered her small mouth and almost couldn't laugh out loud.

In her impression, Su Ruoxue never swears, and this is the first time she calls someone a dog.

But good scolding!

Zheng Zhigang was furious, and glared at Shen Lang with a gloomy face: "Okay, boy, you fucking remember it for me!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Zheng Zhigang turned his head and left.

"Okay, now that the garbage man is gone, we can finally eat happily!" Shen Lang laughed.

Just as Zheng Zhi left, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao felt a little happy in their hearts.

"Shen Lang, how long have you been learning the piano? How do you play it so well?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked quickly, expressing Su Ruoxue's doubts by the way.

"Let's just play when you were bored in the past." Shen Lang said casually.

"If you can play to Xiaoxue every day, she will definitely be fascinated by you." Liu Xiaoxiao laughed teasingly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Su Ruoxue blushed slightly.

"Okay, I'll play it for her when I have time." Shen Lang smiled.

After hearing these words, Su Ruoxue felt sweet in her heart.

"Okay, let's eat, I really can't stand you showing your affection every day." Liu Xiaoxiao had a headache.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Jinlong Port, the cruise ship Queen Phillip.

Luo Tianyao held a grand dinner and invited people from all walks of life.

Luo Tianyao could barely walk, but he might as well move fast in a wheelchair.

The Luo family announced to the outside world that Mr. Luo Tianyao, the president and founder of Hisun Group, suffered a car accident last week and suffered serious leg injuries.

When the news came out, all parties were shocked.

But everyone was surprised that the young master of the Luo family was so optimistic, he was already half disabled, and he came to hold a dinner party?

It's so frustrating! What a great talent!

Hisun Group wanted to expand the entertainment industry. At the dinner, Luo Tianyao announced some partners and vigorously continued to invite partners. There is strong support from the Luo family and Haijiang International Group in the rear.

It has attracted the attention of a large number of business people.

Hisun Group has now confirmed the acquisition of Jinding Entertainment City.

A new large and luxurious casino is also added inside the Empress cruise ship, which is currently under construction and decoration. It is said that the luxury level is no less than that of the Lisboa Casino in Macau.

Casino is a profiteering industry, Luo Tianyao's goal is naturally to make money, he firmly believes that money is omnipotent.

After the Luo family becomes stronger, there must be a way to deal with that kid Shen Lang! Luo Tianyao has regarded Shen Lang as his lifelong enemy.

After dinner.

In the private suite of the Empress cruise ship, Luo Tianyao was sitting in a wheelchair, drinking a glass of red wine.

Ah Dao sat on the sofa beside him, reading magazines boredly. Because Luo Yan was worried about Luo Tianyao's safety, he directly arranged A Dao by his side.

At this time, the door of the suite was opened, and a man in a suit walked in.

"Master, I have already sent Yechen's casino information, and Mr. He has made an offer." The scarred man stepped forward and said respectfully.

"What's the asking price?" Luo Tianyao asked calmly.

"Yes...it's 300 million! Mr. He said he won't accept a counter-offer." The scarred man said with a frown.

Luo Tianyao's expression remained unchanged, and he snorted, "If that man named He really has the strength to be close to the bottom of the ranking, the price is worth it."

"Tianyao, if Yechen loses, will he really shut down his venue obediently?" A Dao who was beside the sofa asked suddenly.

"Uncle Ah Dao, there is no room for two tigers on this mountain. To deal with a person like Ye Chen, we can only use force. If he is convinced of the defeat, he will naturally retreat in spite of the difficulty." Luo Tianyao said lightly.

Ah Dao nodded, Ye Chen in his impression was like this kind of person.

Although Ah Dao only stayed by Luo Tianyao's side for a few days, he already felt that Luo Tianyao was very smart, but it was a pity that he was crippled by blood.

"Ah Kuan, you should inform Mr. He now, and you will go to play tomorrow! The money will be transferred to his account immediately." Luo Tianyao said.

"Yes, master." The scarred man named Ah Kuan responded hastily.

The next day is the weekend.

Shen Lang received a call from Bai Qingyu early in the morning.

"Shen Lang, do you still remember the Yuan Ming from last time? He was kidnapped by a group of masked men in black last night!" Bai Qingyu said hastily on the phone.

Yuan Ming was beaten by Shen Lang into a concussion, and he was still in the hospital. Because he was Yuan Ye's younger brother, with a special status, Bai Qingyu regarded him as an important suspect, and sent many policemen with live ammunition to watch him in the hospital.

It wasn't until just now that Bai Qingyu learned that Yuan Ming was kidnapped from the hospital by a group of men in black last night. There were even traces of a gun battle outside the hospital ward. Several guarding policemen were shot to death.

Shen Lang scratched his head, Yuan Ming seemed to be the young man with afro that he and Liu Xiaoxiao met in the snack street last time.

"Why did you only know about what happened last night?" Shen Lang couldn't help complaining.

Bai Qingyu was also a little speechless, she was too busy these two days, and she just took control of a drug trafficking stronghold yesterday, so she couldn't spare the rest of her time to do other things.

It just so happened that Zhou Bin was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and Yang Hu handed over the guarding of Yuan Ming to Zhou Bin, but he did not expect such a mistake.

Bai Qingyu doubted whether Zhou Bin had contact with the Hualong Gang, otherwise it would have been a day before this guy told him that this accident happened.

"I don't know the exact situation yet. The preliminary judgment is that it was robbed by the Hualong gang!" Bai Qingyu said through gritted teeth.

"If you rob him, just rob him. You don't want me to catch him, do you? Speaking of which, I still owe you two things. If you want me to catch him, I can leave now." Shen Lang smiled. laugh.

Bai Qingyu snorted softly, she didn't want Shen Lang to be so cheap, and there were still two chances to order this guy, Bai Qingyu didn't want to waste it.

I have to admit that Shen Lang's strength has reached a perverted level. Bai Qingyu needs his help on some major matters, but this matter is not considered a major matter. (to be continued)

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