Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 194 How did you do it!

Yechen snorted coldly: "Mr. He, please follow the rules! Asking others about gambling skills is a taboo for gamblers!"

"Isn't it three out of five rounds? If you give it another shot, I'll continue to guess." Shen Lang sneered.

He Jun's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he stared at Shen Lang: "You are lucky, come again!"

Shen Lang shrugged, too lazy to speak.

On the side, Ah Kuan's face was full of gloom, and he felt that Shen Lang was covered in confusion. This kid is too weird! He had a bad premonition, something wrong with Brother Tianyao's account, right?

He Jun picked up the dice Gu, took a deep breath, and shook one hand.

Rolling the dice Gu crazily, the three dice in the dice Gu collided violently, bursting out a sound similar to tidal waves, one wave after another, the frequency was extremely high, a little weird.

Sweat oozes from He Jun's forehead, and he used Qianshu Tidal Hand to the extreme, and this frequency even produced afterimages!

The whole casino became quiet, everyone stared at the dice Gu in He Jin's hand holding their breath, the sound of the dense collision of dice Gu was especially ear-piercing.

He Jun shook for five minutes! Shen Lang didn't bother to listen to Gu anymore, he just took his mobile phone and started playing Dou Di Zhu.

All the boys were so surprised that their jaws dropped. Why are you playing with your mobile phone for a 100 million bet?

Ye Chen wiped the cold sweat that was seeping from his forehead, being able to calm down to such an extent shows that this person is terrible, I hope Shen Lang will not cheat.

Ye Xingkong had a premonition that Shen Lang would win!

"Bang!" He Jun threw the dice Gu on the gambling table, gasped heavily, his eyes darted towards Shen Lang like a knife, and said with a grinning grin: "Okay, you can guess!"

After shaking for so long, He Jun's strength is almost exhausted. After using the tide hand for so long, it must be foolproof. He Jun expected that Shen Lang would not be able to guess the points this time.

Shen Lang really didn't listen to Gu, he thought it was too troublesome, and dice was not his strong point.

But not listening to the Gu doesn't mean that you can't guess the points in the Dice Gu, Shen Lang has other methods.

"Let me think about it." Shen Lang touched his chin, as if thinking about something.

Seeing Shen Lang showing such an expression, He Jun and A Kuan were ecstatic in their hearts.

He Jun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the reason why Shen Lang could guess it just now might be due to luck.

This kid has no skills at all!

He Jun's face showed a huge confidence again. This kid had been pretending to be aggressive, but in fact he had nothing to fear.

Just as He Jun was thinking so, Shen Lang turned his eyes to Ye Xingkong, smiled and said: "Miss Ye, I haven't thanked you for what happened last time. How about this, I'll give you a chance to guess the number on the dice how many."

Ye Xingkong was startled: "I... guess?"

"Mr. Shen, what do you mean?" Ye Chen couldn't help asking.

"What's the point, this kid just wants to put the bet on your sister! Hahaha, I'm so fucking laughing, Mr. Ye, you really found a 'master'!" He Jun smiled. The flesh on the top was shaking.

Ye Chen's face changed, and he said in his heart that it was impossible not to panic, but Shen Lang's words just now really scared him a little. Could it be that Shen Lang just guessed it by luck?

Shen Lang sneered and said: "I didn't say I would place the bet on Miss Ye, I just wanted to give her a chance to guess. Of course, if I lose, it's mine."

Ye Xingkong frowned, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Mr. Shen, you...don't be joking, how could I know the points."

Shen Lang smiled lightly: "It's okay if you don't know, I just let you guess, you can just say three numbers."

Ye Xingkong really didn't understand Shen Lang's meaning, looking at the deep eyes of the young man in front of him, Ye Xingkong had the urge to peek into the secrets of this man, so he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I guess it's 1, 1, 1 o'clock. !"

Shen Lang looked at He Jun who was opposite him in a blink of an eye, pointed at the gambling table, and said with a dry smile, "It's 1, 1, 1 o'clock."

There was an uproar in the casino, and everyone looked at Shen Lang with shocked eyes. Ye Xingkong's pretty face was very unnatural, although she guessed it was, but Shen Lang's decisiveness still scared her.

After all, the outcome of this game is related to whether his brother's casino will close down.

"Brother Chen, I think this kid is cheating on us!" A boy said angrily.

"That's right, how can there be such a game, no matter how you think about it, three 1s are impossible." Another horse boy also yelled with a face full of displeasure.

"Shut up!" Yechen shouted coldly.

Looking at Shen Lang's overly calm look, Ye Chen still had hope in his heart. This kid is too deep and unfathomable, maybe he can bring a miracle.

"Stop pretending, you can guess for yourself!" He Jun sneered with contempt.

Shen Lang shrugged: "How boring is that? Why don't we make an interesting bet."

"What are you betting on?" He Jun narrowed his eyes.

"It's very simple. If the number on the dice is 111, you have to call me Grandpa. If it's not 111, I'll call you the other way around." Shen Lang said with a smile.

He Jun was taken aback.

Everyone was taken aback, isn't this kid too courageous?

Seeing that He Jun didn't say a word, Shen Lang sneered and said, "Why, are you some kind of gambling master after all? You don't even have the courage to do that?"

Sure enough, He Jun couldn't bear Shen Lang's provocation, and immediately became furious, slapped the gambling table fiercely, and roared: "Don't be so fucking arrogant, you think I dare not! Bet, bet, crazy boy, wait!" If you lose the bet, you have to obediently call me Grandpa!"

"Of course." Shen Lang shouted calmly.


The croupier slowly opened the dice Gu, and the casino was completely silent, with dozens of pairs of eyes staring at the dice Gu.

Everyone stops breathing!

Open Gu!

Really 1, 1, 1! There are three dice in Dice Gu, each of which is a point!

Three in one!

"What? This...how is this possible!" He Jun's face was pale, and he screamed in horror as if struck by lightning.

Ah Kuan also stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes?

The casino was surprisingly quiet, everyone was stunned, it really was a fucking three-in-one!

Ye Xingkong's tight little heart finally relaxed, he let out a sigh of relief, looking at the mocking Shen Lang, Ye Xingkong had a strange look in his eyes.

Yechen was ecstatic in his heart, he had made the right bet, the kid in front of him really had such ability.

"No, it's impossible, how did you do it!" He Jun pointed at Shen Lang, his eyes widened and his face full of disbelief.

Everyone in the casino was also curious about how Shen Lang did it.

Yechen had been watching Shen Lang during the game just now, and he noticed a detail.

In the two rounds, after rolling the dice Gu, Shen Lang tapped the gambling table with his fingers seemingly inadvertently before opening the Gu. (to be continued)

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