Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 195 Don't dare to guess?

This may be Shen Lang's skill, but this skill is really amazing. If you control your true energy to an extremely ingenious level, you can indeed do this across the gambling table.

Is this young man still a martial artist? It is impossible for ordinary martial arts to do this! Yechen felt more and more that Shen Lang was unfathomable.

In fact, it was similar to what Ye Chen thought, the moment Shen Lang tapped the gambling table with his fingertips, he sent a ray of true energy to the dice Gu on the gaming table, changing the points of the three dice in the dice Gu.

Although the true energy in Shen Lang's body was restrained, it was no problem to use a little bit of true energy.

And it doesn't require a lot of true energy, but it is difficult for ordinary martial artists to do this, because the more subtle the true energy can be controlled, it often means the higher their cultivation level.

Shen Lang glanced at the distraught He Jun, and said with a sneer, "You don't care how I did it, I should be called Grandpa!"


He Jun's face was ashen, completely speechless.

"What are you! We have already made a bet just now, and you lost, so you have to call me grandpa now!" Shen Lang joked.

"A man must keep his word!"

"Yes, call him Grandpa!"

A group of horsemen from Yechen also roared excitedly, and now they have to admire Shen Lang's strength, he can win this fucking, it's simply amazing!

He Jun's face was ashen, and he stared at Shen Lang coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, I warn you not to go too far!"

Shen Lang's eyes suddenly turned cold: "I told you to call me grandpa, are you deaf?"

Facing Shen Lang's gloomy and cold gaze, He Jun's heart shuddered inexplicably, and he couldn't help swallowing, feeling that the man in front of him suddenly gave him an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"Be quiet, bastard! Don't be too arrogant! Otherwise, you will suffer!" Ah Kuan roared angrily.

"Which onion are you?"

Shen Lang's eyes turned cold, and he jumped up from his seat in a flash, and kicked A Kuan hard in the air, and the speed of his legs even caused an empty explosion!

A Kuan's pupils continued to dilate, and he watched Shen Lang kick him, but his body had no time to react.


With a muffled sound, Shen Lang kicked Ah Kuan directly with his kick.

Ah Kuan was hit by the leg firmly in the chest, his body flew several meters, and hit the wall on one side so hard that the ground shook.

Shen Lang's sudden attack without warning shocked everyone.

Ah Kuan is also a well-known expert in the Fengyuntang branch of Huahai City, but he was dealt with by Shen Lang in just one meeting? Everyone in the casino couldn't help but gasp.

Shen Lang felt that he couldn't control himself, he was not so easy to get angry before, and it was not Shen Lang's style to strike at the slightest disagreement.

Maybe it was because he killed a lot of people yesterday, which increased his hostility.

But just fight, Shen Lang has no regrets, strength means everything, unless the opponent is stronger than him.

"Ahem..." Ah Kuan struggled to get up from the ground, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and stared at Shen Lang in horror.

Ah Kuan thought that his body was relatively resistant to blows, but the strength of Shen Lang's kick just now was like a huge boulder hitting him, and he was powerless to fight back.

The man kept his hand, spreading the force of that kick evenly to his upper body abdomen and chest, otherwise this man could have killed himself with one kick!

Ah Kuan's scalp was numb, he never dreamed that Yechen could invite such a master?

Yechen himself was also extremely shocked. Although he guessed that Shen Lang was a master, he didn't expect Shen Lang to be so powerful.

Although Ah Kuan is considered a master, he is nothing in the eyes of Ye Chen, a four-star master. However, he can deal with Ah Kuan by more than just one move.

From this aspect, it can be seen that this boy named Shen Lang is far stronger than himself! Yechen couldn't help but shiver, luckily he was smart last time and didn't have any enmity with this guy.

A group of horse boys also showed shocking expressions, and then looked at Shen Lang with a hint of awe.

These guys who have been in the society are very quack, and only their strength can shock them. The trick that Shen Lang showed just now made them completely convinced.

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and turned to He Jun who was beside him.

He Jun was so frightened that he was out of his wits, and trembling all over, he said, "You...what do you want to do!"

"One last time, call Grandpa! If you don't call me, your hands will be crippled, and you will never be able to gamble again for the rest of your life!"

Shen Lang grinned sneeringly, and stared condescendingly at He Jun who was sitting on the seat, with a defiant arc drawn at the corner of his mouth.

He Jun was so frightened that he trembled all over: "Grandpa...Grandpa!"

There was a burst of laughter in the casino, and He Jun was so aggressive just now, it is really ironic that he is crying for his father and mother and calling him a grandfather.

Ye Xingkong was a little speechless towards Shen Lang's wicked taste, but besides being mysterious, this man was also too powerful, which was really unbelievable.

Hearing the ridicule around him, He Jun's face was full of humiliation. After all, he was also Qian Wang's apprentice, and he had always been the object of admiration. Never suffered such humiliation.

However, this kid is too strong, He Jun feels that if he doesn't call, he will be abused miserably, A Kuan is a good precedent.

Shen Lang was very interested, and said with a smile, "Three wins out of five rounds, and one more round, let's continue to gamble. I'll let you guess this round, do you have any objections?"

"No...no objection." He Jun swallowed his saliva and became paralyzed. The incident just now made him a little timid.

Shen Lang picked up the dice Gu, glanced at He Jun, and started shaking it.

There was a crisp sound coming from the dice Gu, and the shaking was very jerky and not very coherent. Even if it was shaken by an ordinary dealer, it would be much better than what Shen Lang was shaking.

Shen Lang's way of shaking the dice Gu gives people the feeling of a beginner.

"There's a chance!" He Jun's eyes lit up, and he rekindled a glimmer of hope, thinking that this kid can't roll the dice Gu!

Just as He Jun was thinking this, Shen Lang grabbed the dice Gu and shook it wildly!

"Hua Hua Hua~~~~" The dice in the dice Gu were rolling and jumping significantly faster.

He Jun felt suffocated. He didn't expect Shen Lang to speed up so much suddenly!

Shen Lang didn't know how to roll the dice on the Gu, but he also knew that the faster he rolled, the harder it would be for people to listen to the Gu's principle of being stupid.

He Jun pressed his hands firmly on the table, leaned forward, his ears twitched sharply, and listened with all his concentration.

The shaking was getting faster and faster, and veins popped up in Shen Lang's arms.

Ye Chen took a breath of cold air. Shen Lang's hand speed had greatly exceeded his own hand speed in using the wind hand, and it was still increasing.

"Hua Hua Hua~~Hua Hua Hua~~"

This is already faster than a pile driver!

What kind of wind hand or tidal hand is useless under this simple and rough shaking.

For example, Ye Chen's speed of using the Wind Hand is 70, He Jun's hearing limit is 80, and Shen Lang's speed has reached 100 at this moment!

The violent and dense sound in the dice Gu reached everyone's ears.

This noise is completely noise!

"Ah!" He Jun held his head and covered his ears. He felt a roar in his ears and his brain felt dizzy.

"Bang!" Shen Lang slapped the dice Gu heavily on the gaming table.

"Okay, it's your turn to guess!" Shen Lang shouted to He Jun.

He Jun opened his eyes with difficulty. His concentration on listening to Gu was disrupted. As a result, his head was still dizzy and he had no idea what the points were.

"Why, Mr. He doesn't dare to guess anymore?" Ye Chen sneered.

He Jun's face had turned the color of pig liver, and it took him a long time to hold back the sentence: "16...9 o'clock..."

He was completely guessing, because it would be too embarrassing to say "I can't guess", so he could only rely on intuition and take a guess. (To be continued)

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