Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 196 Don't get involved with him

"Let me guess, the points are 40, 6 points!" Shen Lang said with a smile.

"It's fucking outrageous! There are still 0 points?" Naturally, He Jun would not let go of the opportunity to satirize Shen Lang, and immediately questioned.

Everyone was also stunned, how could there be 0 points.

Shen Lang sneered and opened the dice Gu.

A dot, a 4, and a dice... have turned into crumbs!

Shen Lang's violent shaking like a pile driver just now exploded a dice!

The audience was silent, and a needle could be heard.

He Jun stretched his body, limp on the seat, and muttered: "How is this possible, how is this possible..."

With such a fast hand speed, this kid can actually hear it by himself? This shows that he is not shaking around at all!

This kid's gambling skills completely surpassed his own! It's not just that simple, this kid's gambling skills... can kill him in seconds! He Jun's eyes showed horror.

Ah Kuan showed an expression like a dead father, and he swore to brother Tianyao that he never expected such a powerful character to appear suddenly!

Ye Chen can also smash a dice with dice Gu, but he can't guess the number like Shen Lang. As a gambler, Ye Chen also had to admire Shen Lang's superb gambling skills.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly froze, and everyone looked at Shen Lang with amazed eyes.

"Papapa~~~~" Yechen applauded first.

"Papa papa~~~~"

The corner of Ye Xingkong's mouth curled up, and all the boys applauded, and the applause was thunderous in an instant.

The applause was warm and crazy, Shen Lang smiled and said to He Jun: "I won, right?"

He Jun's face was ashen, he never thought that he would be abused into a dog by such a little-known kid!

Thinking of the sneering and contemptuous words he said to Shen Lang before, and now losing like a dead dog, He Jun felt a burning pain on his face, and even called him grandpa, what a fucking embarrassment!

Ah Kuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "Yechen, you have the ability to find such a master! But next time, you won't be so lucky!"

"Mr. He, let's go!" Ah Kuan unceremoniously pulled He Jun up from his seat.

He Jun was dumbfounded and was pulled up by Ah Kuan.

"By the way, Mr. A Kuan, tell Luo Tianyao for me that if you want to play with me, Yechen will accompany you to the end!" Yechen sneered.

"Luo Tianyao?" Shen Lang's eyes were fixed, these two guys are actually Luo Tianyao's henchmen?

Ah Kuan dragged He Jun and left Longhang Casino in disgrace.

"Mr. Shen Lang, thanks to your help this time, otherwise my Yemou business would not be able to continue." Ye Chen said politely.

"Mr. Ye, you're being polite. I'm just taking people's money and doing things for them. It just happens that I'm short of money recently." Shen Lang smiled.

"Haha, Mr. Shen is indeed a straightforward person. Don't worry, I will transfer the 100 million reward to your account immediately." Ye Chen laughed.

"Then thank you very much." Shen Lang was in a good mood, after all, he made 100 million dollars without much effort, and it felt really good.

"By the way, Mr. Ye, why did Luo Tianyao send someone to kick your field?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

Yechen asked in surprise, "Mr. Shen also knows Luo Tianyao?"

Shen Lang snorted coldly: "It's not a matter of knowing each other, I just have an enmity with that bastard Luo Tianyao."

When Shen Lang called Luo Tianyao "you're a dog", Ye Chen was immediately amused, and said with a laugh: "Mr. Shen is really kind, and I also hate that guy Luo Tianyao very much."

"Mr. Shen Lang must have heard of the Empress cruise ship, right?" Ye Chen asked again.

Shen Lang nodded, the last time he and Su Ruoxue attended a dinner party was the Empress cruise ship.

During the days when Shen Lang was a killer, he traveled all over the world and saw countless big scenes, especially on luxury cruise ships. But it also has to be said that there are probably not many top-level luxury cruise ships like the Queen in the entire Huaxia Kingdom.

The construction cost is at least three or four billion yuan, which shows that the Luo family has a lot of money. Shen Lang regretted why he didn't blackmail Luo Yan for some money back then.

"Luo Tianyao is planning to build a large-scale luxury casino on the Empress cruise ship. In order to attract more tourists, he will suppress other underground casinos and send people to play the game." Ye Chen said unhurriedly.

"Luo Tianyao wants to build a casino?" Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, revealing a trace of mockery.

This is good news for Shen Lang, who is worried about where to make money. Shen Lang immediately decided that when Luo Tianyao's casino opened, he would give the Luo family a big gift.

After chatting with Yechen for a while, Shen Lang was about to leave.

"Mr. Shen, I'll treat you to dinner another day when I'm free." Ye Chen smiled.

"Let's talk about it." Shen Lang didn't refuse, although Ye Chen looked like a very deep man, but he didn't know how to play tricks, Shen Lang was able to talk to him.

"Shen... Mr. Shen!"

Ye Xingkong didn't know how to start a conversation until Shen Lang was about to leave before he suddenly stopped him.

Shen Lang turned his head to look at Ye Xingkong, and asked curiously, "Is there anything else Miss Ye can do?"

Ye Xingkong smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want to ask, how is the wounded woman who you carried into my car last time?"

Knowing that the other party was referring to Su Ruoxue, Shen Lang nodded and said, "She is already in good health. Thank you Miss Ye for your concern."

Seeing Shen Lang's hearty smile, Ye Xingkong's pretty face blushed slightly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Shen's car skills are elusive, are you interested in participating in the supercar championship to be held in Huahai City next month?"

"Supercar Championship?" Shen Lang raised his eyebrows.

Ye Xingkong immediately said: "Yes, this year's competition happens to be in Huahai City. With a master like you, Mr. Shen Lang participating, the competition must be very exciting! The first place can also get a customized Bugatti Veyron, the world's only 0 supercars sports car."

Shen Lang has become a little interested. Car racing is one of his hobbies. If it can be used as a pastime, it would be good. He can also win a luxury car, which is the best of both worlds.

"Okay, I'll think about it. Miss Ye can just call me when the time comes." Shen Lang smiled.

Ye Chen was a little surprised, his sister said he was a master, so Shen Lang must be a master. It's fine for Shen Lang to be good at gambling, but he didn't expect to be so good at racing.

After chatting for a few words, Shen Lang left the casino.

Before leaving the casino, Yechen transferred 100 million rewards to Shen Lang's bank card account.

"Xing Kong, how did you and Mr. Shen Lang meet?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

Ye Xingkong waved his hand: "It's not acquaintance, just met."

The first time they met, Ye Xingkong felt that Shen Lang was a bit mysterious. Until now, Shen Lang's sense of mystery in her heart has almost turned into a sense of terror.

It's hard to imagine that a man who is as young as himself is too strong to be ridiculous.

"Xing Kong, I feel that you seem to be interested in him?" Ye Chen asked with a faint smile.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xingkong's pretty face inexplicably showed a blush, turned his head and hummed: "I don't even know him well, so how could I be interested in him."

"This is the best!" Yechen glanced at Ye Xingkong, and continued: "Xingkong, I would like to advise you, men of this level are already beyond the scope of ordinary people, you are still a student, it is best not to get involved with him relationship.” (to be continued)

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