Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 197 Hurry up and give me a smile

Ye Xingkong curled his lips: "Brother, I'm not young anymore. Why do you care about this?"

Ye Chen sighed: "Brother, aren't you worried about you? A man like Shen Lang can't get any woman he wants? He must be a master in love."

"Brother, there's something wrong with what you said. Not every man is as romantic and debt-ridden as you." Ye Xingkong hummed.

Ye Chen touched his nose and couldn't refute.

Hisun Group Building, in a luxurious office.

"Mr. Luo, I have tried my best." He Junweng pulled his head and said.

Luo Tianyao was sitting on the sofa, with a gloomy and terrifying expression on his face, and he said indifferently: "Is the man you bet with really good at gambling?"

He Jun gritted his teeth and said, "Very strong."

"How strong?" Luo Tianyao stared at He Jun, trying to get the answer from him.

"That kid is unfathomable! I'm afraid... he already has the strength of a thousand kings!" He Jun frowned.

Thinking that Shen Lang could guess the number without hearing the Gu, and even control the points in the dice Gu, as well as his amazing hand speed, He Jun still felt a little unbelievable until now.

"Do you know the other party's background?" Luo Tianyao asked in a cold tone.

He Jun trembled all over and said quickly: "No... I don't know, Mr. A Kuan... was beaten by him and is now being treated in the hospital."

Luo Tianyao's face looked as ugly as possible. He didn't expect that Ye Chen actually knew such a master of gambling. The people he sent there either lost or were beaten, and their faces were completely humiliated.

"Okay, you go down." Luo Tianyao said with a gloomy expression.

"Yes, yes, yes." He Jun left the office in disgrace.

Ah Dao on the side said: "Sihai, with the abilities of the Luo family and Chief of Staff Luo, it shouldn't be difficult to find a Thousand King to control the situation, right?"

Luo Tianyao said: "It's not difficult, I have already contacted the person."

"Then there is no need to kick out those small casinos that are not popular. Anyway, our casinos are aimed at the upper class of society." A Dao said.

"Okay." Luo Tianyao nodded. Although this was true, Luo Tianyao felt a little reluctant. If he kicked out several other large underground casinos, the casino he opened would definitely be able to attract more customers.

It’s just that it will cost a lot of money to kick out these underground casinos one after another. Luo Tianyao decided to wait for the casinos to stabilize before deciding whether to clean up those underground casinos.

Shen Lang walked out of Longxing Casino and hailed a taxi.

Arrive at the Zheng family manor.

Back in the villa, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were still chatting on the sofa.

From the time Shen Lang left to the time he came back now, it was less than an hour.

"Shen Lang, where were you just now?" Su Ruoxue stood up and asked as soon as Shen Lang walked into the villa.

Shen Lang felt very happy and grinned: "Of course I went to make money. I just made a lot of money."

As soon as these words came out, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but be stunned.

"Get money? How?" Su Ruoxue looked at Shen Lang blankly.

"Don't worry about how you made it. Anyway, I didn't do anything illegal and I made a lot of money this time, which is enough to make you happy." Shen Lang raised the corner of his mouth.

Liu Xiaoxiao hummed softly: "Look at your proud look, Xiaoxue and I are both wealthy and beautiful. Do you think we haven't seen any big money?"

Shen Lang took out a bank card from his pocket, threw it to Su Ruoxue, and said with a smile: "There are 110 million in the card, the password is your birthday, take it and make do with it, Grandpa Su should be able to use it. "

As soon as the words fell, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were completely dumbfounded.

Let me go, 110 million? Isn't this a dream?

The 100 million was the money he earned from Yechen's casino just now, and the other 10 million was the money he got from robbing Sun Huo last time.

"Lin... Shen Lang, are you kidding me?" Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face was a little dull.

Shen Lang shouted: "Is it necessary to joke about this kind of thing?"

Looking at Shen Lang's expression, Su Ruoxue knew that he was not joking, but she couldn't imagine that Shen Lang suddenly got so much money. She took a deep breath and asked, "Where did you get this money?"

Shen Lang sat on the sofa and recounted everything that happened at Longxing Casino with a smile.

"Is this...is this a joke? A reward of 100 million for you to bet with others?" Liu Xiaoxiao was a little unbelievable.

Shen Lang shrugged and said, "If you want to hire a gambling master, a reward of 100 million is a small amount."

According to Shen Lang's gambling skills, he wouldn't lose even if he offered a price of one billion. However, this Huahai City is no better than abroad, there are not many big casinos.

Su Ruoxue understands it, but it still feels unreal. Is this making money too fast?

Think about it, he has been running Lingya International for more than a year, and the profits he has created are only one or two hundred million, while Shen Lang earns one hundred million in one day.

This really shocked Su Ruoxue's heart. It was like this guy was just playing, and he didn't care about money at all.

"I told you that I will solve the money issue, but you don't believe it." Shen Lang smiled.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were completely speechless. Although they thought a lot, they never expected that Shen Lang would use such a weird method to make money.

The two of them were already used to Shen Lang's endless tricks.

"Okay, Xiaoxue'er, why are you still grimacing now? Hurry up and smile for me." Shen Lang smiled and pinched Su Ruoxue's fair cheeks.

Su Ruoxue blushed, slapped Shen Lang's hand away, turned her head and said, "This... this time I will count it as your credit!"

"Why don't we go celebrate tonight?" Liu Xiaoxiao frowned.

Just at this moment, Su Ruoxue's cell phone rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw that it was actually Lin Cai'er calling.

Su Ruoxue subconsciously looked at Shen Lang, coughed, picked up her phone and dialed.

"Hello, Mr. Su, it's like this, I... something happened to my family, I would like to ask for two days off, okay?" Lin Cai'er's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Of course you can. For such a small matter, the formal process will do. Sister Cai'er, what happened to your family?" Su Ruoxue asked.

Since the last time she knew what happened to Lin Caier, Su Ruoxue felt more sympathy for this girl.

"No...it's nothing, it's not a big deal." Lin Caier felt a little embarrassed when Su Ruoxue called her that.

"Well, that's good. In case of trouble, you can also call Shen Lang and me for help." Su Ruoxue smiled.

"It's too much trouble for you." Lin Caier shook her head.

"It doesn't matter."

The two chatted for a while, and Shen Lang was a little curious that Su Ruoxue was able to chat with Lin Cai'er so magnanimously.

"Can I have a chat with sister Cai'er?" Shen Lang suddenly said when Su Ruoxue was about to hang up the phone.

Su Ruoxue pursed her lips, and handed the phone to Shen Lang directly. (to be continued)

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