Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 198 Not a Thing

Shen Lang picked up the phone and answered it, and asked some questions.

"Sister Cai'er, is there something wrong with your leave?"

Lin Cai'er seemed even more embarrassed, and nodded: "Well, I'm going to visit my mother in the county these few days, and when I come back, I'll rent a house outside."

Su Ruoxue felt a little pimple in her heart, but Lin Cai'er didn't tell herself, she told Shen Lang, which meant that the girl must not have forgotten Shen Lang.

But liking someone is also a girl's right, so it's hard for Su Ruoxue to say anything.

Shen Lang walked over and asked: "By the way, sister Cai'er, I heard that your mother has been in poor health. Is there some serious illness or something? If you need to spend money, just tell me."

"No, no, it's okay, it's just...a minor illness!" Lin Cai'er forced a smile.

She already owed Shen Lang enough, even if she promised her with her body, she probably wouldn't be able to repay Shen Lang, let alone Shen Lang...

After getting Su Ruoxue's order, Lin Cai'er bought the ticket and got on the bullet train.

Her hometown is in a small place called Yiyang Town in Yunjia County, Huahai City.

In fact, Lin Cai'er has been hiding from Shen Lang that her mother's illness is not a minor illness, but uremia.

Lin Cai'er felt that she already owed Shen Lang enough, and she really didn't want to owe Shen Lang anything more.

She seldom had time to visit her mother. Lin Caier was very worried about her mother's health, and even more worried about whether her mother's illness had worsened.

That bastard Lin Xifu had never taken care of family affairs before, and Lin Caier couldn't lose her job, so she had to ask her uncle who lived in the village to help take care of her mother. Lin Caier would send money to her uncle every month.

In Yiyang Town, a remote village called Tumen Village, Lin Caier's uncle Lin Kui was already waiting outside the gate for Lin Caier to come back.

"Sister-in-law, when Cai'er comes back, let him go to see Boss Yang. As long as Boss Yang agrees, your illness will be cured!" Lin Kui with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said with a smile to Mother Lin who was lying on the hospital bed.

Mother Lin on the hospital bed was pale, she had lost a lot of weight, and there were many gray hairs on her head.

Hearing that her illness was cured, Mother Lin's pale face finally turned red, and she asked in a low voice, "Uncle, how is that Boss Yang? Is he really a good person?"

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry. I know Boss Yang very well. He is very nice. He is the boss of a big company at the age of 0. He has both talent and looks." Lin Kui's withered eyes flashed a gleam.

Lin's mother sighed: "I understand Cai'er, she has a stubborn temper, and she is definitely not willing to marry Boss Yang."

Lin Kui hurriedly tried to persuade him, "Sister-in-law, you have to know that Cai'er will have a good life with Boss Yang."

"Well, that's what you said. It's a blessing for Cai'er to marry a good family. I hope Boss Yang will take a fancy to Cai'er." Mother Lin was a little happy.

A gleam of joy appeared on Lin Kui's thin cheeks: "Don't worry, Cai'er looks like a big star, and Boss Yang will definitely fall in love with her! If Cai'er follows Boss Yang, your life will be much easier in the future. "

"Uncle, my illness has really dragged you down..." Mother Lin sighed.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. Although Ah Fu is not a thing, but you have a good daughter, and your illness will be cured soon." Lin Kui's shriveled eyes revealed a gleam.

Mother Lin nodded with a smile.

The boss Yang that Lin Kui mentioned was named Yang Jin. But this person is not the boss of a big company, but a human trafficker.

This Yang Jin is still a serious member of the underworld, a member of the Dongxing Gang, and a subordinate of Sun Huo, the second in command of the Dongxing Gang, helping Sun Huo with things.

There are two brothers in the Lin family, Lin Xifu likes to gamble, and this Lin Kui is not a quiet guy.

Lin Kui started a business of smuggling electronic goods a few years ago and made some money.

However, Lin Kui became addicted to drug abuse in the first half of the year, and it was out of control. He lost all the money in the family, and his wife ran away.

Lin Kui kept this matter from Lin's mother who was bedridden, and Lin Cai'er withheld more than half of the money that Lin Cai'er called him in the past two months.

Lin Caier's salary itself is not much, how can Lin Kui buy drugs. Once this drug addiction came up, Lin Kui had no choice but to find a way to borrow usury.

He happened to find Yang Jin, and borrowed a small one-story house in the town to buy more than 100,000 yuan to buy drugs.

Who knows that the police anti-drug activities have been very frequent recently. Lin Kui encountered a police round of drugs in a hotel. Lin Kui rushed the drugs into the toilet and flushed them all.

He was not arrested by the police, but all the drugs he bought with money were gone. This month, Lin Kui went around borrowing money to buy drugs, and finally survived.

For the little money Lin Caier sent him, Lin Kui had already wiped out all the blacks. He also replaced the medicine that Lin Mu usually took with common cold medicine. Of course, it also made Lin Mu's condition worse, and the white hair on her head More and more every day.

The good times didn't last long. Yang Jin came to collect the bill a few days ago, but Lin Kui naturally couldn't get it out. Yang Jin was going to ask someone to chop off one of Lin Kui's legs.

Lin Kui cried for his father and mother. He knew that Boss Yang was in the business of human traffickers, so he came up with a way to sell Lin Caier to Yang Jin.

Seeing that Lin Cai'er looked good in the photo, Yang Jin gave up and asked Lin Kui to hand it over within three days.

Lin Kui wanted to trick Lin Caier to come over, but Lin Caier called and said that she wanted to visit her mother.

Lin Kui was overjoyed, in order to avoid suspicion, Lin Kui thought of a note, saying that the boss of a certain big company had a blind date recently, and he took a fancy to Lin Caier, and wanted Lin Caier to come over and have a talk. After the negotiation is over, Lin Cai'er will marry, and Lin's mother's illness will be cured.

Mother Lin didn't know that Lin Kui's words were all lying to herself. When she heard that the big boss had taken a fancy to Lin Cai'er, she was also happy for a while.

Lin Kui was secretly proud that when Lin Caier came, he went directly to Yang Jin's place, and the matter would be settled, and he could get a large sum of money.

When someone asked about it, they said that Lin Caier had married out of town. As for Mother Lin, she won't live long anyway, so Lin Kui doesn't care about her life.

Not long after, Lin Caier arrived in the village.

Lin Kui waited anxiously outside the door. From a distance, he saw a fresh and beautifully dressed young girl walking from the entrance of the village. She wore a fashionable brand and looked like a rich person.

"Tsk tsk, there are such rich people here in this poor place?" Lin Kui was wondering.

"Second Uncle!" Lin Caier waved hello from afar.

Lin Kui was startled, and after a closer look, he found that the girl was actually Lin Cai'er. This girl changed into a high-end and beautiful dress, and she really changed her appearance.

"Girl Cai'er, you're back! Haha, good, good, good!" Lin Kui hunched over and walked up with a smile.

"I really can't see it, girl Cai'er, you are wearing such a beautiful dress, you are as beautiful as a big star on TV!"

Lin Kui smiled brightly, thinking to himself, if Lin Caier is so beautiful, then Boss Yang will definitely give him a little more money. (to be continued)

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