Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 199 Not a Fuel-Efficient Lamp

Lin Cai'er was praised by Lin Kui, her pretty face flushed slightly, a little embarrassed.

After joining Lingya International for half a year, it is a well-known fashion company after all, and Lin Caier's dress style has also been affected.

Lin Caier herself looks fresh and sweet, and with beautiful clothes, she must be very different.

"Second uncle, I haven't seen you for many days, and you have lost a lot of weight! Thank you for taking care of my mother every day, it's really hard work for you." Lin Caier said apologetically.

Looking at Lin Kuina's sunken and sunken eye sockets, Lin Cai'er thought he was tired like this, but who knew that this guy was addicted to drugs.

"Hahaha, it's okay! It's my job to take care of your mother. Come in and see your mother. I have something to tell you." Lin Kui couldn't wait any longer, and pulled Lin Caier away Come into the house.

Lin Cai'er met Lin's mother, and seeing her mother lose a lot of weight, Lin Cai'er's heart was bleeding.

"Mom, your illness will definitely be cured!" Lin Cai'er held Mother Lin's hands and said through gritted teeth.

Mother Lin looked at Lin Cai'er in embarrassment, not knowing what to say about Boss Yang's matter.

"Girl Cai'er, there is a way, and my sister-in-law's illness will be cured soon." Lin Kui said quickly.

"What way?" Lin Caier asked anxiously.

Lin Kui immediately told about the blind date.

"No, no, no, I can't agree to this!" Lin Cai'er frowned, and waved her hands hastily.

"Girl Cai'er, what's wrong with you marrying Boss Yang, Boss Yang can immediately pay a large sum of money to cure your mother's illness and greatly improve your lives." Lin Kui frowned.

"Girl, you are still young, and you don't understand many things. There is nothing wrong with you following Boss Yang, and my illness can be cured. You must have a good life in the future..." Mother Lin also persuaded.

"No!" Lin Caier said with a full face of resistance.

"Do you have a man outside, girl?" Mother Lin asked with a frown.

Lin Caier shook her head silently: "No."

"That's fine. You're going to get married sooner or later anyway. It's your blessing that a rich man like Boss Yang has a crush on you. You have to seize the opportunity." Mother Lin said.

"No! Only this matter, no..." Lin Caier shook her head desperately.

Mother Lin sighed heavily: "Girl, you really chill me! Forget it, you can do whatever you want, I don't care, but don't regret it."

"Mom, I will work hard to make money and cure your illness." Lin Cai'er gritted her teeth and said.

Mother Lin waved her hand, with a hint of anger on her face, as if she was very dissatisfied with Lin Caier's statement.

Lin Kui interjected and said, "I've already told Boss Yang that you two will meet, so how about it, if girl Cai'er thinks it's inappropriate, you can communicate with Boss Yang yourself, and you must meet."

Anyway, as long as the person is delivered to Yang Jin, Lin Kui is too lazy to care about other things.

World Nightclub.

In a luxury suite on the top floor, Sun Huo and Li Fei were sitting on a high-end leather sofa, chatting while drinking.

"Brother Huo, Master Yuan said that people from the Black Dragon Society are coming?" Li Fei asked with a smile.

Sun Huo poured a glass of red wine into his mouth, grinned and said with a sneer: "Next week at the latest, people from the Black Dragon Society will come to Huahai City, and Wan Tianpeng will be in bad luck then."

Li Fei laughed dryly and said, "Wan Tianpeng is not that stupid. He sold his entertainment city the day before yesterday, so he probably knew we were messing with him."

Sun Huo snorted coldly, "What's the use of him knowing? Can he explain to the Black Dragon Society above that this kind of mud fell into his crotch? I suspect that guy has already run away now."

Li Fei laughed and said, "That's good, we have one less enemy."

"This matter is thanks to the third brother's idea, let's drink first!"

Sun Huo picked up a glass of red wine, and exchanged a toast with Li Fei.

Li Fei raised his head and poured the red wine into his belly, a slight gloomy and cold look flashed in Sun Huo's eyes.

This guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp! In terms of IQ and scheming, Sun Huo thought he was inferior to Li Fei. If this guy follows Yuan Ye in the future, he will definitely threaten his position as the second child of the Dongxing Gang.

Just when Sun Huo was extremely irritable, the phone on the table rang, and Sun Huo picked up the phone and shouted: "Hey, what's the matter?"

A seductive voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Huo, the goods to be sent abroad have been assembled, why don't you take a look first, there is a girl who is very juicy."

Sun Huo shouted impatiently: "Then you get two prettier ones, Li Fei and I are in the suite."

After speaking, Sun Huo hung up the phone.

Not long after, a van entered the back door of Tianxia Nightclub.

The car door opened, and a fat middle-aged man stepped down first. This man was Yang Jin.

"Quickly, send the two girls here to Brother Huo and Brother Fei!" Yang Jin yelled.


Immediately afterwards, a few younger brothers got out of the car and escorted two girls with masks and their mouths sealed with tape into the clubhouse.

When he arrived at the suite on the top floor, Yang Jin nodded and bowed and called out to Sun Huo: "Brother Huo."

Sun Huo stepped forward, looked at the two fair-skinned girls in front of him, and suddenly became a little interested, with a hint of silver and evil in his eyes.

The two girls in front of him were only in their early twenties, and Sun Huo stretched out a pair of big hands to touch one of the girls a few times.

The girl was restrained by two big men and couldn't move. Sun Huo's big hands touched her chest vigorously, and the girl burst into tears of humiliation.

Li Fei sat on the sofa and drank calmly.

"Third brother, would you choose one?" Sun Huo grinned at Li Fei.

"No need, I don't like prostitutes." Li Fei said calmly.

Damn, why are you pretending! Sun Huo hummed contemptuously in his heart.

"Brother Huo, you're looking at this other one. She's so delicate and pretty. That's a top-notch one. It will definitely make you happy!" Yang Jin patted the shoulder of the petite girl.


Sun Huo rubbed his hands happily, and lifted off the mask on the petite girl.

Sun Huo thought he would see a beautiful face, but the scene inside suddenly scared Sun Huo to sit on the ground.

It's good to be beautiful, but this girl...isn't it the girl that Shen Lang broke into the nightclub and rescued that day? Hearing that boy Shen Lang called her younger sister, Sun Huo thought that Lin Caier was Shen Lang's younger sister.

Seeing Sun Huo's shocked face, Yang Jin beside him was complacent, and said with a chuckle, "How about Brother Huo? I just said that this girl will definitely satisfy you!"

"Satisfied that you are paralyzed!"

Sun Huo was furious, and slapped Yang Jin with a slap.

"Crack!" With a loud bang, Yang Jin was beaten and rolled several times on the ground.

Yang Jin was dumbfounded, and so were the group of pony boys. Why did Brother Huo get so angry all of a sudden?

Sun Huo's face was livid, this is too fucking fake! This woman was caught in the field by his subordinates again!

Sun Huo still remembered the last time Lin Cai'er attracted Shen Lang's evil star, killed Huang Long, and blackmailed him ten million!

If that kid knew about this, Sun Huo didn't dare to imagine the consequences. (to be continued)

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