Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 301 I will never let you go!

All the viewers' scalps were numb, Shen Lang was too bloody and violent.

But people no longer care about who dies and who lives, they only care about enjoying the excitement brought by the blood, and they are no different from bloodthirsty animals.

Shen Lang was very unhappy. The scumbags in the audience really looked at him as a clown performing.

Seeing Shen Lang winning in such a bloody and gorgeous way, the atmosphere at the scene had reached a critical point. Everyone stood up excitedly and screamed wildly with excitement. Even the host was so excited that he could not speak coherently.

"Twenty-five games, a new record. Our super dark horse player Shen Lang has created a new record for us! I even think Shen Lang's strength is more than that. His gorgeous kung fu is really impressive. Let us once again Cheers for him!" The host could no longer maintain his composure.

"Shen Lang! Shen Lang! Shen Lang!" Everyone in the audience was shouting Shen Lang's name. Many of them bought Shen Lang to break the record, and now they are even more happy.

The fat man was the most excited. He couldn't even shout out Shen Lang's name. He just stood there and screamed crazily. The bets he had been placing on Shen Lang tonight had not disappointed him once.

The host immediately picked up the microphone and announced: "It's a thrilling game. Let me announce that our winner is..."

"It's you, mom!" Zhou Kuang was furious, running over and kicking the host away.

The metal cage was opened, Zhou Kuang stared at Shen Lang who was covered in blood, his eyes were about to burst and he yelled: "Shen Lang, you fucking have the guts!"

Shen Lang walked out of the cage, covered in blood, still holding the long sword, with a sneer on his face: "Okay Zhou Kuang, I have fought twenty-five games, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Zhou Kuang's face was gloomy and uncertain, and his huge anger made others unable to help but go up and fight Shen Lang right now!

Of the three Fengyun Hall masters, one has lost an arm, one has lost his dantian, and one is dead...

This is equivalent to losing three Fengyun Hall masters at once. Even the headquarters will be furious with this kind of loss. Zhou Kuang will never be able to survive in Huahai in the future.

"My patience has its limits. I remind you one last time, it's time for you to fulfill your promise!" Shen Lang strode towards Zhou Kuang, exuding a substantial murderous aura.

It was as if as soon as Zhou Kuang said "no", Shen Lang would go up and fight him tooth and nail.

Zhou Kuang wanted to go up and kill Shen Lang, but when he saw Shen Lang's sinister look, he felt an inexplicable fear in his heart.

Judging from the strength Shen Lang showed just now, this kid has the strength to kill him.

After all, his momentum was still weak. Zhou Kuang gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I'll let them go, but you can't go against our Fengyun Hall branch! Otherwise, the Fengyun Hall headquarters will definitely not let you go!"

"Okay." Shen Lang nodded, but there was a sneer in his heart. Damn it, you tricked me like this, and you still expect me to let you go? What a daydream!

Zhou Kuang was still confused, thinking that the Fengyun Hall headquarters could suppress Shen Lang, but in fact, Shen Lang had already decided to kill Zhou Kuang.

"Oops, Brother Kuang, something happened!" Several horse boys ran over and shouted.

"Damn, what's the matter?" Zhou Kuang smacked his lips.

"The door that focuses on three girls has been opened!" a horse boy yelled.

"F*ck! Don't tell me even if your mother knows this!" Zhou Kuang was startled, and he quickly went up and blocked the man's mouth.

But unfortunately, Shen Lang had already heard it.

Shen Lang's expression instantly turned ferocious: "Zhou Kuang, how dare you lie to me!"

"No, no, I didn't lie to you! I don't know what's going on." Zhou Kuang waved his hands repeatedly and explained hurriedly.

Shen Lang's face twitched for a moment, and he stabbed towards Zhou Kuang with his long sword.

Zhou Kuang was startled and hurriedly dodged back.

"Damn it, you're looking for death!"

"Brother protective!"

Several Ma Zi beside Zhou Kuang took out their pistols and fired at Shen Lang.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several gunshots rang out.

Shen Lang raised his sword and blocked a few bullets.


"Kill...kill someone!"

The scene instantly became chaotic, with panic shouts everywhere. For a moment, almost everyone ran towards the door.

Shen Lang stabbed Zhou Kuang's collar with his sword, sending chills down Zhou Kuang's spine. He no longer had the confidence to fight Shen Lang.

"No matter how much you shoot, stop it!" Zhou shouted violently.

Several horsemen nearby put down their guns.

"Mr. Shen, I...I know who did it. Damn it, it must be that guy Wan Tianpeng! Don't be impulsive, save your woman first!" Zhou Kuang said in a panic.

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Take me there quickly!"

"Okay!" Zhou Kuang responded quickly, with an ugly expression on his face.

No one dared to move the door's switch, and it was definitely not done by one of our own. Other than that, the only one was Wan Tianpeng!

Zhou Kuang just wanted to jump and scold his mother. Damn it, that bitch Wan Tianpeng actually wanted to kill him?

He should have thought of it a long time ago. No wonder Wan Tianpeng kept talking about how much of a threat Shen Lang was. It turned out that he was deceiving himself to deal with Shen Lang. Isn't this killing someone with a borrowed knife?

Zhou Kuang complained endlessly in his heart, wondering why he didn't figure this out earlier, and now he was tricked by Wan Tianpeng.

If Shen Lang's three women were fucked by his men, Zhou Kuang had no doubt that this boy would be furious.

Su Ruoxue, Liu Xiaoxiao, and Liu Qingyi were locked in a dark room, with their hands and feet tied tightly.

Before Wan Tianpeng walked out of the hall, he asked a horseman where the switch was to close the door of Su Ruoxue and others' room.

Seeing that Zhou Kuang and Wan Tianpeng had a good relationship, the Ma Zai told Wan Tianpeng the location of the switch. There was a switch to open the electronic door in the monitoring room.

Wan Tianpeng slipped out of the door, reached the monitoring room and secretly opened the electronic door.

In the room, only Su Ruoxue remained awake, while Liu Qingyi and Liu Xiaoxiao had both fainted.

Suddenly the electronic door opened and the lights in the room came on.

Su Ruoxue gradually opened her groggy eyes, and the bright light made her unable to open them.

Su Ruoxue was startled when she vaguely saw a group of naked strong men running over from the front, and woke up instantly.

A group of strong men were barking like beasts in their throats. They had been given aphrodisiacs by Zhou Kuang's men, and their endurance had reached their limit. Their eyes were filled with a green light that could eat people without spitting out bones. , I wanted to rush forward and devour the three beauties in front of me. (To be continued)

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