Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 302 Kill them all!

"You... don't come here!" Su Ruoxue's pretty face was full of fear, and she could see the desire in these people's eyes.

This group of irrational strong men had long since become like animals. How could they care about Su Ruoxue's words? They stepped forward and started tearing the clothes of the three of them.

A fat man was breathing rapidly and tore Su Ruoxue's upper body and skirt into pieces, leaving only her bra.

Su Ruoxue's head was pressed tightly by the fat man's big hands, her delicate body couldn't stop trembling, she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes.

"Kill them, kill them all." Su Ruoxue suddenly heard a sound like a silver bell, but icy to the bone.

"Kill them..."

A golden light flashed, and a golden dagger appeared in Su Ruoxue's hand.

She would rather die than suffer this kind of humiliation. Su Ruoxue felt cruel and suddenly grabbed the dagger and stabbed the fat man in the chest.

With a "Puff" sound, the fat man's face that had been ferocious just now suddenly twisted, and his chest was stabbed by Su Ruoxue like a tofu.

The blood surged wildly, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the corner of the fat man's mouth. He let out a hoarse scream and fell to the ground dead.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face was stunned, and her delicate white cheeks were still stained with blood. She couldn't help but subconsciously look at the golden dagger in her hand. This dagger was incredibly sharp...

Cutting someone is no different than cutting tofu.

Looking at the fat man lying in a pool of blood, Su Ruoxue trembled slightly and murmured: "I killed someone... I killed someone!"

Su Ruoxue's pretty face turned pale. It was strange that she had killed someone, so she should be very scared.

But there was no fear in Su Ruoxue's heart. Instead, there was a faint excitement, a tremor, a trembling feeling from the soul.

These strong men have been driven crazy by the medicine and have even lost their minds.

Soon a tall man lifted up the fat man's body and rushed towards Su Ruoxue like a mad dog, with a lewd laugh coming from his mouth.

"Hahaha, little girl, please give me a smile..."

Su Ruoxue had no expression on her face, clenched the dagger in her hand, and stabbed the strong man in the head.

The dagger was inserted deeply into the strong man's forehead, causing blood to flow rapidly.


The strong man let out his last scream and fell into a pool of blood, dead!

There was a faint red light in Su Ruoxue's beautiful eyes. She couldn't control her body and would kill anyone she saw.

"Die! Die! Die to me!"

Screams followed one after another, and each strong man was stabbed to death by the golden dagger in Su Ruoxue's hand, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Su Ruoxue's face was covered with blood, a trace of blood flashed in her eyes, her temperament was completely different, and her whole body exuded an... evil aura.

"Ah! Don't... don't kill me!"

The last strong man's right arm was stabbed with a bloody hole by Su Ruoxue, and he let out a heart-rending scream. The severe pain seemed to make him regain his consciousness.

Seeing everyone fall under Su Ruoxue's knife, the man was so frightened that he hugged his right arm and ran towards the door.

"Death! Hehe..." Looking at her hands stained with blood, Su Ruoxue couldn't help laughing happily.

This feeling is amazing. Su Ruoxue feels that she hasn't killed enough yet, she wants to continue killing!

"No... this is not me! I... what happened to me?" After laughing for a while, Su Ruoxue regained her consciousness in an instant, holding her head, her pretty face showed an unprecedented look of panic.

Suddenly I felt a tearing pain coming from my brain.


Su Ruoxue held her head, let out a sharp scream, and then passed out.

Suddenly a beautiful shadow flashed across, and a white jade hand stretched out and picked up the golden dagger on the ground.

After doing this, Qianying disappeared in an instant.


There was a gunshot outside the door.

He Chenguang raised his gun and fired at the strong man who was running away.

The strong man fell in a pool of blood.

He Chenguang quickly rushed into the room and was shocked when he saw corpses lying on the ground. The ground was dyed bright red.

How is this going? Did someone get here before him?

He Chenguang was a little surprised, but he didn't think too much. He hurriedly came up and tried the breathing of Su Ruoxue, Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi.

Still alive! He Chenguang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Liu Qingyi's feet were stained with a lot of blood and the injuries were serious.

He Chenguang looked solemn and hurriedly contacted Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu through the transmitter.

"I have found Miss Su and the others, asking for support!" He Chenguang said hurriedly.

"Okay, please explain the location of Miss Su and the others!" Yang Hu said quickly.

He Chenguang told Yang Hu the specific location.

Soon, under the building, a large group of police agents rushed out from the woods on one side.

"Hey, what do you do!"

The bodyguards who were patrolling under the building couldn't help but be shocked.

Bai Qingyu stepped forward quickly and knocked out one of the bodyguards with a single stroke of his knife.

Several agents also easily knocked down a few bodyguards outside.

"When the whole team breaks in and encounters resisters, we are allowed to shoot and kill them!" Yang Hu shouted.

A group of police agents burst into the building.

Wan Tianpeng took the elevator to the first floor and was shocked when a large wave of heavily armed police agents rushed into the building.

Damn it, just as he was about to slip away, a large number of notes came!

That boy Shen Lang is so evil. He must have planned this a long time ago.

Zheng Zihao and Wan Tianpeng never imagined that Shen Lang was so capable. Every time they thought they overestimated Shen Lang, in fact they always underestimated this kid's abilities.

Wan Tianpeng was frightened for a while, rolled his eyes, and hurriedly walked into the elevator.

The police have already arrived. Seeing that the situation is not small, he must find a way to escape as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely die when Shen Lang comes!

Wan Tianpeng took the elevator to the second floor.

The second floor is a coffee shop and lounge.

Wan Tianpeng ran wildly and ran to a window on the right side of the coffee shop.

"Hey, sir, what are you doing?" A waiter was startled by Wan Tianpeng's actions and asked hurriedly.

Wan Tianpeng didn't pay attention to the shouts of others, so he opened the window and jumped out.

On the other side, Shen Lang put on his clothes, and Zhou Kuang quickly rushed to the room on the penultimate floor where Su Ruoxue and the others were locked up.

Shen Lang looked ferocious. If Su Ruoxue was really defiled by these guys, Shen Lang would kill everyone here!

Zhou Kuang could also feel the ever-expanding murderous aura in Shen Lang, and the fear in his heart was getting bigger and bigger, and he even suspected that this was the blood murder in the first place!

Zhou Kuang had never felt such substantial murderous aura before, and it was so overwhelming that he couldn't even breathe.

This man is a lunatic! Zhou Kuang even wanted to run away, if those three women were... this madman would definitely kill him. (To be continued)

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