Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 303 Big mistake

Zhou Kuang had naively thought that Shen Lang had lost all his skills before, but now that he saw how easily this guy killed Long Yuan, he realized that he was completely wrong.

Although he didn't know why Shen Lang pretended to be so weak, Zhou Kuang knew very well that it would not be difficult for Shen Lang to kill him.

Walking through the corridor, we finally arrived outside the room.

He Chenguang carried Su Ruoxue on his back and was thinking about moving them to a safe place quickly.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice coming from outside the door.

"It's right here!" Zhou Kuang said, pointing to the room in front of him.

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed and he quickly rushed into the room.

He Chenguang's heart tightened and he quickly tightened his grip on the gun in his hand.

Unexpectedly, a gust of wind blew by, and He Chenguang didn't even see the shadow of the person before Shen Lang rushed into the room.

He Chenguang looked back subconsciously.

"Shen Lang!" He Chenguang was surprised at first, and then a hint of joy appeared on his face.

Shen Lang still had the blood-stained sword in his hand, and stepped forward to help Su Ruoxue up. He then looked at Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Su Ruoxue and the others were fine and had not been violated. .

"Thank you." Shen Lang solemnly thanked He Chenguang, thinking that it was He Chenguang who saved them.

"Actually, it's not me..." He Chenguang was about to explain.

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Kuang walked in, followed by a group of horses that had just arrived.

"You are... from Fengyun Hall!" He Chenguang was shocked.

"Okay, Team Leader He, please keep an eye on their safety." Shen Lang picked up the sword, stood up, and said to He Chenguang.

Although He Chenguang didn't know what Shen Lang meant, he nodded quickly: "Okay!"

"Okay Mr. Zhou, my friend is fine now. Let's come outside and have a good talk." Shen Lang said to Zhou Kuang calmly.

Zhou Kuang was sweating on his forehead. Fortunately, nothing happened to the three women, otherwise Shen Lang would really have operated on them.

"Everyone get out first!"

Zhou Kuang and a group of horses came out of the room.

Shen Lang stood at the door and sneered at Zhou Kuang: "Okay, we should settle the previous accounts. Anyone who dares to mess with me will die!"

"You still want to kill me?" Zhou Kuangguai shouted, his heart skipping a beat.

Shen Lang's face was gloomy and scary, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Damn it, you teased me like this and you still want to survive? I won't kill you today and I will bear your surname!"

This week's crazy brain is really stupid, you think you will let him go? Simply ridiculous!

"That's not what we agreed to do!" Zhou Kuang shouted hurriedly.

Shen Lang gritted his teeth and said: "I never make any sense when killing people, so die!"

After saying that, Shen Lang clenched the long sword in his hand and stabbed towards Zhou Kuang.

Zhou Kuang's face changed drastically, and he yelled: "Kill him!"

A group of horse boys took out their pistols and pulled the triggers at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's face was full of violence, and he raised the long sword in his hand and swung it rapidly.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

The bullets and sword hilts shot out bright sparks, and the sound of the collision was extremely sharp and high-frequency.

All the bullets were blocked by the long sword in Shen Lang's hand, and the bullets that fell to the ground were still emitting white smoke.

When He Chenguang in the room saw this, he felt huge waves in his heart. Although he knew that Shen Lang was very powerful, this... this was too awesome!

Being able to block bullets with the hilt of a sword is beyond human!

The group of horses next to Zhou Kuang also felt their scalps numb, and their faces looked frightened. I have been on the road for so long, and I have never seen such a fierce guy.

The long sword was scarred by bullets and finally broke in half.

Shen Lang threw the two half-length swords away.


The two long swords hit the necks of the two horsemen, and a mist of blood suddenly spurted out from the necks of the two unlucky guys who were still in a daze just now.

Hoarse screams were heard, the two fell to the ground dead, and blood poured all over the ground.

When the other horses saw this, they were so frightened that they turned around and ran away!

"Damn, it's useless!" A gloom flashed across Zhou Kuang's face.

Now he probably couldn't run away even if he wanted to, so Zhou Kuang simply took the risk and shouted: "Shen Lang, don't think I'm afraid of you, I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

Zhou Kuang rushed towards Shen Lang with great momentum and struck Shen Lang's chest with his palm.

The two were soon fighting together. Shen Lang was in great danger of detonating the restless energy in his body if he used his true energy now. He did not dare to use his internal energy anymore, so his attacks were more conservative.

There was only Zhou Kuang left, so Shen Lang didn't need to worry too much.

The fight lasted for nearly two or three minutes, and Shen Lang's forehead was covered with sweat. Zhou Kuang's desperate attack also made him a little tired.

The main reason was that Shen Lang's physical strength was very depleted after so many battles.

However, under Shen Lang's flowing attacks, Zhou Kuang finally couldn't take it anymore and was hit one after another in various parts of his body.

Zhou Kuang was furious. No matter how he attacked, Shen Lang could always avoid it. This kid's body was a bit too flexible, which made Zhou Kuang extremely frustrated.

"Trash, that's all you can do." Shen Lang roared provocatively.

"Death to me!" A vein popped out on Zhou Kuang's forehead. He mobilized all his energy and struck Shen Lang's head with a palm.

Zhou Kuang's palm seemed very powerful at first glance, but under the anger that attacked his heart, it was completely unorganized. Shen Lang easily avoided his punch, and the mocking look on his face became even more intense.

Shen Lang deliberately mocked Zhou Kuang. This guy was simple-minded and easily fell into his own provocation.

Zhou Kuang slapped something in the air, and Shen Lang took advantage of the situation and struck out with his stone-splitting palm, hitting Zhou Kuang solidly in the chest.


There was a heavy muffled sound, and Zhou Kuang spurted blood and took a step back.

Shen Lang didn't give the guy a chance to catch his breath, and hit Zhou Kuang's waist with a whip kick.

Zhou Kuang's body turned to the left, Shen Lang quickly connected with a broken jade claw, and clamped Zhou Kuang's right arm tightly!

Pull, pull, twist.


There was a crisp sound, and Zhou Kuang's right arm was twisted by Shen Lang, and his expression instantly twisted.

Although he didn't scream, the intense pain was evident from the expression on Zhou Kuang's face.

Shen Lang refused to give up and used all his strength to strike Zhou Kuang's chest with a rock-splitting palm again.


Zhou Kuang's sternum was shattered, and he could no longer stabilize his figure. His whole body flew out like a kite with its string cut off, and hit the wall heavily, causing him to cough up a large mouthful of blood.

This guy has practiced Kung Fu to such an extent that if it were an ordinary five-star master, his body would never be able to withstand Shen Lang's many moves.

However, no matter how rough-tempered Zhou Kuang is, he is now on the verge of death.

Shen Lang took a few breaths, strode forward, raised his right foot, and stepped on Zhou Kuang's collapsed chest with an expressionless expression.

"Who is Boss Zheng? Tell me and I will give you a happy death!" Shen Lang said with a ferocious expression. (To be continued)

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