Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 304 It’s actually him!

"How is it possible? It's actually him!"

After asking about Boss Zheng's identity from Zhou Kuang, Shen Lang shrank his eyes and showed a hint of surprise.

Shen Lang never expected that the people who had been stabbing him in the back were actually the Zheng family?

Will the Zheng family kidnap Zheng Jie's daughter Liu Qingyi? And extorting money from the Zheng family?

How crazy does it take to do this?

Shen Lang himself felt that he had ruined his outlook on life and that a guy who could even run an organ business was extremely insane.

"Xue Sha, I am not ashamed if I fall into your hands today!" Zhou Kuang said weakly, his mouth full of blood.

"You are still a man." Shen Lang snorted coldly and continued to ask: "If you tell me the truth again, I can spare your life, but it will destroy your Dantian!"

Zhou Kuang said with a ferocious smile: "It's better to kill me than to cripple me! That's all, you ask."

At this point, Zhou Kuang felt that nothing mattered anymore. He had always advocated violence, and it would not be a shame for him to die at the hands of Shen Lang.

Zhou Kuang's face froze slightly and he said hehe: "This is the only thing I can't tell you! I still have my mother and my brothers and sisters. I don't want anything to happen to them."

After saying that, Zhou Kuang took a breath of Qi, which shocked his heart and killed him instantly, with blood gushing from his seven orifices.

Shen Lang frowned and moved his feet away from Zhou Kuang's chest.

Zhou Kuang would rather die than tell him the identity of Elder Wang, which proves that this Elder Wang is definitely not simple.

A short time later, police and agents cordoned off the building.

Fierce gunfire broke out throughout the building.

This place is considered one of the home bases of the Fengyun Hall branch, and there are many members of Fengyun Hall.

However, the police came well-prepared and were well-equipped, and they quickly suppressed the Fengyun Hall members in the building.

Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu led a large number of police agents to the scene first and asked Shen Lang about the situation.

Shen Lang just chatted and explained a few words. He didn't have time to explain so much now.

"Hurry up and move Miss Su and Miss Liu to a safe place." Bai Qingyu ordered several police officers.

He Chenguang reminded: "There is a female injured who suffered serious leg injuries and needs timely treatment. Send her to the hospital first."

Bai Qingyu said solemnly, "Okay."

"It's useless. Her leg is broken. Let the quack doctors in the hospital stop treating her carelessly and wait for me to help her reattach the leg tomorrow." Shen Lang said calmly.

Liu Qingyi's two legs were completely broken. It's no wonder that those mediocre doctors in the hospital treated her well.

"This..." He Chenguang was stunned.

"Okay, I'll have someone make arrangements right away!" Bai Qingyu said quickly.

"Yang Hu, tell everyone in the Zheng family not to leave now and wait until I get there." A haze flashed across Shen Lang's eyes.

Boss Zheng had tricked him so badly, it was time to take revenge.

"Instructor, you can't. Now those people in the Zheng family have concluded that you are colluding with the kidnappers. Now those guys you went to don't know how to deal with you!" Yang Hu said hurriedly.

"Yes, let us the police go communicate with the Zheng family first, and then the truth will be revealed when Miss Su and the others wake up." Bai Qingyu also said.

"No, just do as I say, I have my own ideas." Shen Lang said lightly.

He didn't have time to wait. If it took a while, Boss Zheng would probably have to run away!

"Okay!" Yang Hu took a deep breath and nodded. Since Shen Lang said so, he must have his own ideas.

"Okay, everything that needs to be explained has been explained. Just do this. I'll catch Wan Tianpeng!" After saying that, Shen Lang ran towards the stairs.

In a few breaths, Shen Lang's figure had disappeared.

Several police officers on the side pulled a white line around Zhou Kuang's body.

Bai Qingyu glanced at Zhou Kuang's body and said, "Is this person the rumored madman, the top underground killer in Huahai, and the BOSS of Fengyuntang branch?"

"That's right, it's this guy. Zhou Kuang is an extremely vicious felon!" Yang Hu frowned and couldn't help but sigh: "Thanks to the instructor, our Fengyun Hall branch can catch them all this time!"

Bai Qingyu glanced with dark eyebrows, feeling that the police could hardly do anything without Shen Lang's help.

In the past, Bai Qingyu thought that she always had a sense of superiority compared to Shen Lang. She thought she could make more contributions to the country than Shen Lang, but now she feels that her previous idea was a joke.

After all, strength is still the main factor. Shen Lang was able to break into the Fengyuntang branch's lair overnight, kill the boss of the Fengyuntang branch, and instantly collapse the Huahai Fengyuntang branch.

Do the police have this ability? The answer is no. If it is an underground force like the Fengyuntang branch, Bai Qingyu even doubts that the police have the ability to clear out these forces.

Thinking that one person could do something that many people couldn't do together, Bai Qingyu gradually believed Yang Hu's words. Shen Lang must have put in a lot of hard work in the past.

Bai Qingyu's emotions were a bit complicated, but he didn't think much about it and quickly began to direct actions again.

Wan Tianpeng jumped from the window on the second floor. There was a blind spot below and was very close to the parking lot on one side.

With a "plop", a black shadow landed steadily.

The two policemen next to him couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly raised their heads to aim at the black figure.

"Who? Hold your head and squat down!" the two policemen shouted.

Wan Tianpeng narrowed his eyes, rushed forward quickly, grabbed a policeman's pistol, and knocked the policeman unconscious with a blow of his knife.

Another policeman was startled and was about to shoot when Wan Tianpeng rushed over again and punched the policeman in the head.

In almost a breath, both policemen were knocked unconscious by Wan Tianpeng.

Wan Tianpeng himself is a four-star expert, so he will have no problem solving the two policemen.

After doing this, Wan Tianpeng quickly ran towards the parking lot, his figure disappeared in a flash, knocked down the two police officers guarding the parking lot, quickly got into a Mercedes-Benz car, and started the ignition.

"Someone escaped!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Several gunshots rang out at the scene, and Maybach broke through the protective net and walked away.

At the same moment, Shen Lang rushed to the parking lot and drove the Ferrari FF out.

"Boom!" Ferrari's furious engine roared.

Shen Lang stepped on the accelerator, causing violent friction between the tires and the ground, sending out bursts of white smoke, and chased the Mercedes in the distance.

Wan Tianpeng's face looked a little ugly, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

I hope that guy Zhou Kuang can hold on for a while longer so that he can escape from this ghost place safely.

Wan Tianpeng was finally frightened by Shen Lang. He now understood deeply that Shen Lang was really not someone he could mess with. (To be continued)

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