Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 305 Don’t be impulsive

Shen Lang has completely turned into Wan Tianpeng's nightmare.

Wan Tianpeng gripped the steering wheel tightly, sweating all over his body. He felt that Shen Lang would never let him go.

Damn, this is definitely not going to work. Hua Hai can't stay any longer. He must go abroad to hide.

No matter how powerful Shen Lang is, he can't search the whole world, right?

However, thinking that he still had something to do with Zheng Zihao, Wan Tianpeng's face was full of gloom, and he secretly made up his mind to find an opportunity to do it to Zheng Zihao.

Wan Tianpeng was also feeling sulky. Ever since he hooked up with Zheng Zihao, he had been very unlucky.

Not to mention that several of his strongholds were raided, most of his people were lost, and his capable subordinate A Jin also died. The most important thing is that he and Shen Lang, a madman, were allowed to fight to the death.

Wan Tianpeng became more and more angry as he thought about it. He took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Boss Zheng.

at this time.


The violent roar of a sports car engine suddenly came from behind, and Wan Tianpeng looked at the rearview mirror in surprise.

I saw a red Ferrari sports car following closely behind.

Wan Tianpeng was shocked, thinking that it was Shen Lang who was chasing him, right?

In desperation, Wan Tianpeng stepped on the accelerator.

With a "boom" sound, the speed of the Mercedes-Benz suddenly increased.

Shen Lang in the Ferrari sports car sneered secretly. The car he drove was a high-performance sports car. It would be crazy if he could run away with a Mercedes-Benz.

Shen Lang pressed the accelerator to the bottom, and the distance between the Ferrari and the Mercedes-Benz gradually narrowed.

Wan Tianpeng was so frightened that his scalp was numb and he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but he was still being caught up by Ferrari.

Shen Lang had been through many fights before and was a little tired, so he didn't want to make any more extreme moves like jumping out of a car.

Turning the steering wheel to the right, the Ferrari and the Mercedes-Benz gradually merged.

Shen Lang quickly turned the steering wheel, and the Ferrari hit the side of the Mercedes-Benz.

As a racing expert, Shen Lang is very aware of the position of the center of gravity of a car when it is moving, including the position of the door handle after the Ferrari hit the Mercedes-Benz.


With a loud noise, the center of gravity of the Mercedes-Benz was shifted, and it was easily knocked over.

Shen Lang slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel. The Ferrari slid on the road for a distance and stopped firmly on the side of the road.

The Mercedes-Benz had rolled off the side of the road and hit a big tree. The entire car was in pieces, still emitting white smoke, and a section of the car was sunk into the soil.

The door of the Ferrari opened, and Shen Lang flashed and came to the side of the Mercedes-Benz.

With a quick kick, Shen Lang kicked the car door open and pulled Wan Tianpeng up, who was wrapped in an airbag.

When the Mercedes-Benz rolled over, Wan Tianpeng had already been hit and his head was badly bruised. Now, Shen Lang grabbed his throat with one hand, and he was so frightened that he was out of his mind.

Wan Tianpeng struggled and begged for mercy: "Shen... Shen Lang, please spare my life!"

Shen Lang looked grim: "Spare you? You plot against me every day, and you still want me to spare you?"

"No...it's not me! I...I was just instigated by Boss Zheng. It's Boss Zheng who wants to harm you!" Wan Tianpeng had difficulty breathing and grabbed Shen Lang's arm with trembling hands, a look of horror on his face.

Shen Lang snorted coldly: "I want evidence of Boss Zheng's crime now, you'd better give it to me!"

"I...I have information about him, it's on my phone!" Wan Tianpeng said in panic.

Shen Lang found the mobile phone from Wan Tianpeng.

Falling into Shen Lang's hands, Wan Tianpeng could only honestly confess the video files of several surveillance videos in his mobile phone.

Wan Tianpeng was actually very wary of Zheng Zihao, and even installed the most advanced hidden surveillance cameras and high-end recording equipment in his residence.

Several videos on the mobile phone can already illustrate the problem.

Seeing Shen Lang flipping through the records on his phone, Wan Tianpeng narrowed his eyes and took out something like a pill from his pocket at lightning speed, crushing it hard.


After the pill was crushed, a burst of thick white smoke suddenly appeared, and Shen Lang's vision became blurry.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wan Tianpeng quickly turned around and ran away!

"Damn it!" Shen Lang cursed secretly, it was tear gas, this guy is very insidious and cunning.

Although he was in a thick fog, Shen Lang's ears naturally knew the direction in which Wan Tianpeng was escaping.

It was easy for Shen Lang to catch up with Wan Tianpeng, but he was too exhausted now and was too lazy to chase. He waved his right hand.

"call out!"

Along with a sharp sound breaking through the air, the Willow Flying Knife struck out from the fingertips.


Wan Tianpeng's screams came from a distance, and Liu Ye's flying knife must have hit this guy.

Liu Ye's flying knife is quenched with a highly toxic substance that can spread throughout the body at the sight of blood. Wan Tianpeng will definitely not be able to run far.

Shen Lang was very tired now, and he had other things to deal with, so he might as well just ask the police to chase him.

After exiting the smoke area, Shen Lang looked at the sports car on the roadside.

The Ferrari sports car suffered minor damage, except that its front wheel was damaged and it could no longer be driven.

"Damn it." Shen Lang kicked the car door and dropped the chain at the critical moment.

Just then, a white Chevrolet drove over the road and parked on the side of the road.

The car door opened and Bai Qingyu immediately ran out of the car.

Seeing the thick white smoke filling the roadside, Bai Qingyu coughed and asked anxiously: "Shen Lang, what happened?"

"I caught Wan Tianpeng and accidentally let the guy release a tear gas bomb. He has already run away." Shen Lang shook his head and then said: "Just in time, let me use your car first. Mine is The car won’t start.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Lang approached the Chevrolet car.

"Come up."

Bai Qingyu knew Shen Lang's temperament, so she didn't ask any questions. She directly opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat consciously.

Shen Lang got into the driver's seat, turned on the ignition and stepped on the accelerator.


Chevrolet drove away.

"Director Yang Hu will help you handle the matter in the underground boxing ring. Shen Lang, you...are you going to Zheng's house now?" Bai Qingyu couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, if someone from the Zheng family dares to attack my woman, I must find him out and kill him!" Shen Lang smiled coldly, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing Shen Lang's gloomy look, Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned pale, fearing that Shen Lang would do something outrageous later.

"Shen Lang, please don't be impulsive. I don't know if the Zheng family did this..."

"Bai Qingyu, you don't have to interfere in my affairs. Even if you want to interfere, the Zheng family will not take you seriously at all." Shen Lang snorted.

Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth and said, "It doesn't matter even if they don't take me seriously, but... your anger is too strong now, I'm worried..."

"Are you worried that I will kill the Zheng family in anger? Hmph, don't worry about this, I won't attack anyone who has nothing to do with it." Shen Lang said lightly. (To be continued)

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