Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 307: Who are you acting for?

Seeing Shen Lang's murderous look, Bai Qingyu hurriedly grabbed his arm and gritted his teeth and said, "Please, don't kill people in public. This is the Zheng family."

"I don't know how to kill, but I want to slap the Zheng family in the face!" Shen Lang said expressionlessly.

"Who! Dare to break into the Zheng family manor without permission!"

Hearing the loud noise, several security guards on guard ran over quickly.

Shen Lang ignored it, swung the steering wheel to throw away several security guards, and drove towards the center of the Zheng family manor.

The Chevrolet parked next to the attic. Shen Lang opened the door and quickly walked towards the attic in front.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

A bodyguard guarding the door rushed up.

"Don't get me wrong, we are..." Bai Qingyu had just gotten out of the car and hadn't explained clearly yet.

Shen Lang swung his knife and knocked the bodyguard unconscious.

"Why did you knock him out!" Bai Qingyu frowned.

"I told you, don't worry!" Shen Lang shouted impatiently.

He wanted to show the evidence directly to the confused old woman of the Zheng family and everyone in the Zheng family, and then everything would be revealed.

"Someone breaks into the manor, stop him quickly!" a security guard in the distance shouted with a pager.

Because Liu Qingyi and Liu Xiaoxiao were kidnapped, the Zheng family manor had already been on alert tonight, with security patrols everywhere.

Hearing the commotion, a large group of Zheng family members walked out of the attic, led by a slightly fat middle-aged man who yelled: "Who dares to come to our Zheng family to cause trouble?"

This man's name is Zheng Dagang, Zheng Zhigang's father and the eldest son of Mrs. Zheng.

"Damn it, who do I think you are? Shen Lang, you bastard, how dare you come to Zheng's house?" Seeing that the person approaching was actually Shen Lang, Zheng Zhigang started to curse.

"Don't get me wrong, everyone. The police will send a message soon to inform you Zheng family that it was Shen Lang who rescued Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi!" Bai Qingyu shouted.

"Who believes it?"

"That's right, who is this acting for?"

"I don't believe it. This person named Shen must be with the kidnappers!"

A group of Zheng family members pointed at Shen Lang and made a fuss.

Shen Lang didn't bother to pay attention and strode into the attic.

Zheng Dagang shouted: "What are you still doing? Beat this kid to death and don't let him step into the attic!"

A group of security guards swarmed over.

When Shen Lang was still more than ten meters away from the attic, the bodyguards had already stopped him.

In order to show off his extraordinary skills, a tall security guard in the lead reached out and held Shen Lang's shoulders, trying to subdue him single-handedly.

Shen Lang was not polite and punched the man in the face.


The security guard had a nosebleed and collapsed on the ground, screaming repeatedly.

"Come on!" Someone shouted, and a dozen bodyguards immediately swarmed over.

Shen Lang strode forward and knocked away a tall bodyguard with his body.

Zheng Zihao walked out of the attic. When he saw Shen Lang, his scalp was numb with fear.

How can it be! How could this kid still be alive?

Shen Lang saw Zheng Zihao at a glance and grinned sneer.

Seeing the sinister expression on Shen Lang's face, Zheng Zihao's soul flew into the sky and he had a very bad feeling.

The fact that Shen Lang can still appear here means that Zhou Kuang failed to kill this kid!

Zheng Zihao didn't dare to think further and retreated to the attic in panic.

Shen Lang pushed away the security guards who blocked him one after another. A group of security guards were pushed to the ground one after another, unable to resist.

After kicking Zheng Zhigang away, Shen Lang rushed into the attic.

Zheng Zhigang crawled off the ground with a face full of resentment and shouted loudly: "Killing people! The boy named Shen entered our Zheng family and wants to kill our Zheng family members!" (To be continued)

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