Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 308 The mole

The attic hall was in chaos. Shen Lang had already rushed into the hall, and the bodyguard guarding the door was knocked to the ground by him.

"Shen Lang!" Bai Qingyu ran over in a panic, looking a little ugly. This man was too impulsive.

Seeing Shen Lang barging in, the hall instantly exploded.

Zheng Jie pointed at Shen Lang and screamed: "Shen Lang, you bastard, you dare to come back!"

Shen Lang was too lazy to pay attention to her, quickly glanced around, and asked coldly: "Where is Mr. Zheng Zihao?"

"How outrageous! Come here, arrest him!" Mrs. Zheng raised her cane with a dragon head and shouted.

Bai Qingyu ran into the hall and shouted: "Everyone, calm down and listen to my explanation first! Miss Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi have been rescued!"


"Officer Bai, are you telling the truth?" Liu Jianguo's eyes were red, he ran over and pulled Bai Qingyu's clothes and asked.

Bai Qingyu immediately said: "Secretary Liu, please be relieved, your two daughters have indeed been rescued and are now being moved to a safe location by our police."

Zheng Jie also stepped forward and grabbed Bai Qingyu's arm, and asked excitedly: "Officer Bai, are the two children Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyi really okay?"

Bai Qingyu quickly replied: "It's true, but Miss Liu Qingyi was injured in her leg and was sent to the hospital for treatment."

"Great, really great! Thank you..." Zheng Jie burst into tears, her voice trembling.

Old Mrs. Zheng also stood up immediately and stepped forward and said, "It's okay. Old lady, thank you Officer Bai! Our Zheng family had some prejudices against your police officers before. Officer Bai, the old lady sincerely apologizes to you."

Bai Qingyu quickly helped Mrs. Zheng up: "What the old lady said is serious. The person you want to thank should not be me, but Shen Lang! Shen Lang had already rescued the two of us before the police arrived. Miss Liu!"


Everyone in the hall was shocked.

Shen Lang's eyes swept around and locked his eyes on a bedroom on the second floor of the attic, where Zheng Zihao must be hiding.

Bai Qingyu told the Zheng family everything.

There was some commotion in the hall, and the Zheng family members had some doubts in their minds. What abilities does this boy named Shen have? Can he actually rescue Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi?

Zheng Dagang walked out and asked with disbelief: "Officer Bai, did you really see with your own eyes that it was Shen Lang who rescued Xiaoxiao and Qingyi?"

Bai Qingyu said seriously: "Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, this is indeed the case."

Zheng Zhigang said without hesitation: "Since I didn't see it with my own eyes, there is something wrong."

Zheng Jie's face changed slightly: "Zhigang, what's the problem?"

"I still think that this boy named Shen is not a good person!" Zheng Zhigang glanced at Shen Lang and snorted coldly: "Our Zheng family is considered a big and prestigious family in Huahai City. How can it be so easy to kidnap our Zheng family? , you definitely have to plan ahead."

"There are too many people calling for thieves and catching thieves these days. I feel like this Shen's rescue of Xiaoxiao and Qingyi may not be as simple as we thought!" Zheng Zhigang snorted coldly.

"Yes." Zheng Dagang also nodded repeatedly: "No matter how powerful this boy named Shen is, he can't go to the kidnappers' lair alone to save people? I think this boy is probably related to the kidnappers. Maybe he is afraid. Our Zheng family has a lot of background, so he pretended to have deliberately saved people, and then deceived the Zheng family's trust in him! It's terrifying to think about it like this. This kid might still be thinking about some more terrible plan..."

As soon as these words came out, a nest suddenly exploded in the hall.

"Yeah, let me ask you, how could Shen Lang be so capable?"

"I think there must be some plot, right?"

Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned blue and white in anger. This Zheng family is simply a wolf-hearted person!

Shen Lang risked his life to rescue Liu Qingyi and Liu Xiaoxiao. These people did not dare to be ungrateful, but instead suspected Shen Lang of colluding with the kidnappers.

The fact that Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi have fallen to this point have an inseparable relationship with this group of Zheng family!

Zheng Jie stared at Shen Lang and asked, "Shen Lang, I always believed in you! Tell me honestly now, are you colluding with the kidnappers?"

"Ajie, we haven't figured out the matter yet, so don't make random guesses." Liu Jianguo stepped forward and grabbed Zheng Jie.

Old Mrs. Zheng raised her walking stick and angrily rebuked: "Jianguo, haven't you figured it out yet? There are too many hypocritical people these days! My old lady has lived for more than seventy years, can she still see this clearly? Last time The girl Qingyi was also kidnapped by the kidnappers, but she was rescued by this boy named Shen. This time Xiaoxiao and Qingyi girl were in trouble at the same time, and the girl named Shen deliberately saved the two girls. For what? It must be to please them. Girl Qingyi! Shen’s plot of a hero saving a beauty is actually deceiving that child Qingyi.”

"So that's it! Shen Lang, I'll fight with you!" Zheng Jie glared at Shen Lang angrily, screamed, and grabbed Shen Lang with a pair of claws.

"Don't be impulsive!" Bai Qingyu hurriedly hugged Zheng Jie's waist.

Shen Lang's face was extremely gloomy. The Zheng family was really stupid to a certain level, especially this confused old woman.

"Old lady, with your IQ, I think your life in your seventies is in vain! Do you doubt me? Have you never suspected that there is a mole in your Zheng family?" Shen Lang said coldly.

"You bastard named Shen, now that things have happened, do you still dare to slander people and say that there is a mole in our Zheng family?" Old Mrs. Zheng scolded angrily.

"Grandma, stop talking nonsense to this kid, we must not let this person named Shen run away again!" Zheng Zhigang pointed at Shen Lang and shouted.

"Why should I run away? Is someone trying to run away? Let Zheng Zihao come out. This kidnapping incident was planned by that bastard Zheng Zihao. Let me tell you, the famous underworld boss Zheng in Huahai City is Zheng Zihao from your Zheng family! "Shen Lang snorted coldly.

Bai Qingyu's expression changed greatly, no way, Boss Zheng is Zheng Zihao?

Of course Bai Qingyu knew that Shen Lang would not tell lies, but it was really unbelievable in her heart that the kind of scum that could sell living human organs was actually the Zheng family?

No wonder Liu Qingyi was kidnapped some time ago, and it was Zheng Zihao who persuaded the Zheng family to hand over the ransom. This kidnapping seemed to be deliberately avoiding Shen Lang's whereabouts. It turned out to be planned by Zheng Zihao of the Zheng family!

Bai Qingyu was extremely angry. These Zheng family members all acted arrogant and superior to others. Who would have expected that such a heartless bastard would emerge!

"Okay Shen Lang, you dare to arrange things about Uncle Zihao before we settle the score with you. Do you think our Zheng family dare not touch you?" Zheng Zhigang yelled. (To be continued)

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