Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 310 Extremely Shameless

Shen Lang grabbed the bed cabinet and with a little force, he opened the entire bed.

Zheng Zihao cowered in the corner. Forced by Shen Lang's strong aura, he said in horror: "Shen Lang, as long as you let me go... I will give you whatever you want, money, beauty, just ask!"

Zheng Zihao's voice was trembling. He was really scared this time. He had been in the underworld for so long and he had never felt so scary before.

He knew that Shen Lang killed without blinking an eye, but this was the first time he personally felt Shen Lang's terrifying murderous intent.

Shen Lang stepped forward, grabbed Zheng Zihao's throat with one hand, and pulled him up.

"Shen... Lang!" Zheng Zihao's face turned red and he couldn't struggle as Shen Lang grabbed his throat.

Shen Lang just dragged Zheng Zihao out of the room, down the stairs, and threw him directly into the center of the hall.

Zheng Zihao fell all over, his face even bleeding from the nose when he landed on the ground, and he looked miserable.

"You are so brave!"

"Shen Lang, you are seeking death!"

"Come here, arrest him quickly!"

The hall became as noisy as a vegetable market, with shouts and curses coming from everywhere, but no one dared to step forward.

"Zihao, Zihao, are you okay?" Zheng Jie stepped forward to help Zheng Zihao up, glared at Shen Lang, and roared crazily: "Shen Lang, this inhuman beast! Our Zheng family is kind enough to take you in, you If you dare to do this to our Zheng family, you will die badly!"

Shen Lang's face was gloomy. If this woman hadn't been Liu Xiaoxiao's mother, Shen Lang would have gone up and slapped her a few times.

"Stop arguing and let me explain!" Bai Qingyu shouted angrily.

The sounds in the hall gradually became quieter.

"Zheng Zihao is the boss of the underground gang in Huahai City, Zheng. This man is extremely evil. He specializes in the underground business of human organs and has killed countless people!" Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth.

"Fart!" Zheng Dagang looked up at Bai Qingyu and gritted his teeth and said: "Bai Qingyu, I know you have a good relationship with this boy named Shen. If you protect him like this, I guess the two of you have done some dirty things behind your back. ?”

"What did you say!" Bai Qingyu's pretty face was distorted with anger.

"I tell you Bai Qingyu, don't think that our Zheng family is easy to bully. I will report this case to the provincial department tomorrow to see what this guy named Shen has to say. He dares to collude with the police to slander our Zheng family. It is simply audacious. !" Zheng Dagang shouted angrily.

Bai Qingyu's face turned livid as he said, "It's so shameless. For all the things Zheng Zihao did outside, he was shot ten times and it's not a big deal!"

"That's nonsense! I raised Zihao by myself. How could I not know what kind of person he is?" Mrs. Zheng said righteously.

"Mom, she framed me! I, Zheng Zihao, am aboveboard and have never done anything untoward. Officer Bai, I warn you, you will be legally responsible for slandering others!" Zheng Zihao yelled, he didn't want to just sit back and wait to die. .

Now he can only use the Zheng family to coerce Shen Lang, hoping that this kid hasn't caught him yet.

"Scream if you have the guts. Now, if you scream a few more times, I will stop you from screaming!" Shen Lang glared at Zheng Zihao with a sinister look on his face.

Zheng Zihao trembled all over and hid behind Mrs. Zheng.

Shen Lang's face was filled with gloom, he suppressed his anger, and snorted coldly: "Zheng Zihao and Wan Tianpeng colluded together to engage in drug trafficking, human trafficking, underground organ trading, and kidnapping. Zheng Zihao did not fall behind in any of these activities. Last time Liu Qingyi was arrested The kidnapping was planned by Zheng Zihao, and this kidnapping incident was also controlled by him."

Bai Qingyu followed up and said: "I believe many people should know what kind of villain Wan Tianpeng is. Boss Zheng is Zheng Zihao. You can go out and find out who Boss Zheng is! That kind of crazy guy will not be able to atone for his sins by dying a hundred times. !”

"You're lying. Brother Zihao is such a good person, how could he do these things?"

"Yes, Zihao wouldn't do such a thing."

"Slander, absolute slander!"

In the hall, many Zheng family members were speaking for Zheng Zihao.

Because they usually received a lot of money and jewelry from Zheng Zihao. Unlike other big families, the Zheng family is surprisingly poorly educated. This is also due to problems with the education and values ​​of the elders.

Especially Mrs. Zheng, who is a self-righteous, pedantic and stubborn person. There is a problem with the family culture. Many Zheng family members are the type who are greedy for money.

After receiving Zheng Zihao's money, they didn't care if Zheng Zihao's money came from clean sources. They felt that relatives who could give money were good relatives.

Liu Jianguo always felt that there was something wrong. He knew that Zheng Zihao had not done much business or run any industry outside, but he was rich and was considered one of the top richest people in the Zheng family.

"Mom, I think it's better to wait until the police come to deal with this matter. Let's ask Xiaoxiao Qingyi about the situation first. We can't just assume that someone is colluding with the kidnappers for no reason. As for Zihao, let him go and talk to the police. Please explain, if you are not guilty, then everything will be fine," Liu Jianguo said.

"Confused! Look, look at what everyone said just now!" Old Mrs. Zheng snorted: "I alone say that Zihao is a good person, you don't have to believe it. But everyone says so, and you still don't believe it, then It only shows that you are biased against Zihao! Zihao is Ajie’s younger brother, how can you not regard him as a relative? Jianguo, you must not forget your roots. This poor child Zihao is still slandered, he can only rely on These are relatives of our family. If you don’t treat him as one of your own, will you say that you are a member of the Zheng family in the future?”

As she talked, Mrs. Zheng shed tears.

Liu Jianguo was a little panicked when he saw this, and said hurriedly: "Mom, don't cry, I'm not doubting Zihao. Don't cry, I won't doubt Zihao."

Zheng Jie said angrily: "Jianguo, do you still doubt Zihao? Zihao is one of our own, how could he do such bad things? If nothing else, these two bastards said that Zihao colluded with Wan Tianpeng. He is like this It's just slander! I think they must have something up their sleeves. If they don't have something up their sleeves, why would they slander Zihao? There must be something wrong with Shen Lang and this female police officer!"

Bai Qingyu's delicate body trembled with anger: "Okay, you are fine! Zheng Zihao is suspected of drug dealing, colluding with underground forces, and abducting disabled people! I will arrest him at the public security bureau right now. Our police are handling the case, and you have no right to interfere!"

Mrs. Zheng beat her chest angrily, wishing she could hit Bai Qingyu on the head with a cane.

"The world is deteriorating! Now even the police are colluding with gangsters. What a crime! I know the police are not good people!" Mrs. Zheng said angrily.

"Old lady, are you really a family member? You didn't even ask for evidence and you just put this shit on my head?" Shen Lang sneered, his face suddenly turned gloomy: "If it weren't for Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao For my sake, will I still reason with you? In my eyes, you are just a bunch of self-righteous trash!" (To be continued)

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