Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 311 Wonderful Video

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Shen, don't go too far!"

"That's right, they simply don't take our Zheng family seriously."

Everyone in the Zheng family was filled with indignation.

"Shut up!" Shen Lang roared angrily, and the whole hall buzzed.

Shen Lang's violent momentum scared everyone into silence, and no one dared to stand up and yell at him.

Liu Jianguo always felt that something was wrong, so he immediately stepped forward and said, "Shen Lang, what evidence do you have to prove that Zihao committed a crime?"

Shen Lang snorted coldly: "There is only one understanding person in the entire Zheng family. I do have evidence in my hand, but you Zheng family scolded me before, and I haven't settled the score with you yet. Why don't I make a bet with you Zheng family, if If I can produce evidence, you Zheng family members will slap you thirty times in front of me and Bai Qingyu!"

As soon as these words came out, another nest exploded in the hall.

"Fuck you, Shen, how dare you be so arrogant!" Zheng Zhigang was furious.

"Okay!" Old Mrs. Zheng roared, glared at Shen Lang, and shouted: "Okay, my old lady can promise you! If it's not enough, I'll warn you. If you can't give obvious evidence, I won't let you go. your!"

Shen Lang sneered secretly and stopped talking nonsense. He took out a mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Liu Jianguo.

"You are the secretary of the district committee, so you should know what's appropriate. There is evidence of Zheng Zihao's crime in this mobile phone. There are some video files in it. You can play it here."

Liu Jianguo took the phone. Although he also suspected Shen Lang, but without the Zheng family making noise, he felt that Shen Lang had no motive to do such a thing.

In the hall, everyone in the Zheng family turned their attention to the black mobile phone in Liu Jianguo's hand.

"What's on the phone?" Mrs. Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"This is the mobile phone I found on Wan Tianpeng. There are very exciting videos in it!" Shen Lang said calmly.

It actually belongs to Wan Tianpeng! Zheng Zihao's expression changed drastically, and his legs became a little weak.

Soon, Liu Jianguo sent several people to get a projector and playback equipment. The projector was suspended on the wall and the mobile phone was connected to the playback equipment.

Everyone in the Zheng family gathered together and watched the video played on the projector.

Bai Qingyu also stood aside and watched, very curious in her heart. She knew that Shen Lang would not tell lies, and the video on this mobile phone must be the most important evidence.

After about four or five seconds, the video screen finally appeared on the projector.

First, in a luxurious suite, a tall man was sitting on the sofa.

"This person is Wan Tianpeng." Shen Lang said coldly.

"Haha, you said Wan Tianpeng is Wan Tianpeng?" said a junior from the Zheng family.

Bai Qingyu stood up and said: "He is indeed Wan Tianpeng. There is a wanted order for Wan Tianpeng on the Internet. You can compare the photos for yourselves."

As soon as Bai Qingyu said this, many people started searching on their mobile phones. As expected, Wan Tianpeng's photo was exactly the same as the one in the video.

Thanks to the advanced surveillance cameras installed by Wan Tianpeng, the video is very clear.

There was already some commotion in the hall.

In the video, the door to the luxury suite was opened, and a man in a suit walked in, followed by several bodyguards.

Several exclamations came from the hall. The man in the suit was none other than Zheng Zihao.

Mrs. Zheng, Zheng Jie, Zheng Dagang, Zheng Zhigang and others were all dumbfounded at the same time.

Zheng Zihao was trembling with fear, completely panicked, and fantasized about escaping from this place.

"Brother Tianpeng, let's let go after tying this ticket this time. The police officers have already started to pay attention to our people."

In the video, Zheng Zihao said this.

"After doing this, we have almost enough money to buy arms. But the Liu Qingyi kidnapped this time is your relative, does it really matter?"

"So what about relatives? The fortune of the Zheng family is not in my hands. Those who want to achieve great things must be ruthless! We will definitely make a lot of money from the Zheng family this time."

In the video, you can clearly see Zheng Zihao's disdainful smile.

The hall fell into a deathly silence, and the expressions of all the Zheng family members changed.

Many people looked extremely embarrassed. They always thought that Shen Lang was colluding with the kidnappers. In order to protect Zheng Zihao, they led the entire Zheng family to scream with Shen Lang.

No one thought that it was not Shen Lang who colluded with the kidnappers, but the Zheng family, Zheng Zihao!

This video is like a slap, slapping the Zheng family in the face!

Bai Qingyu felt relieved and hummed: "Now you know who is colluding with whom, right?"

"Zihao, what on earth is going on!" Mrs. Zheng took a long time to come back to her senses and looked at Zheng Zihao with gritted teeth.

All the Zheng family members are looking at Zheng Zihao. In fact, this scene can explain everything. Zheng Zihao is indeed colluding with Wan Tianpeng and actually planned to kidnap Liu Qingyi!

Zheng Zihao was covered in cold sweat and could only open his jaw. Of course, he was speechless. The cheating Wan Tianpeng actually put this kind of video on his mobile phone.

After playing this part, Wan Tianpeng left, followed by a scene of Mr. Zheng staying alone in the suite, without any information.

"Okay, let's continue with the next section, the next part will be even more exciting!" Shen Lang shouted.

Liu Jianguo sweated on his forehead and continued to play the next video.

The scene was pitch black at first, and soon turned on with incandescent lights, seemingly in an abandoned cabin.

Shen Lang recognized this place. This abandoned hut was where Liu Qingyi was kidnapped for the first time. Several strong men tried to rape her. Shen Lang also knew that this cabin also had surveillance cameras, so he didn't bother with it.

In the video, four men were seen moving a sack into the hut, and then roughly opening the sack to reveal a person inside.

"Liu Qingyi!"

"Sister Qingyi!"

Several more exclamations came from the hall, recognizing the girl in the sack.

Seeing this picture, Liu Jianguo's face froze, and his eyes were fixed on the picture in the video.

Soon, four burly men pounced on her like wolves and tigers. After a few pulls, Liu Qingyi's dress was torn to pieces, and they were about to commit violence.

Seeing Liu Qingyi's treatment, the Zheng family was a little annoyed. Although these people are powerful, they still have some conscience. Liu Qingyi has always given people a polite, humble and gentle feeling in the Zheng family, and has good relations with many people. Such an encounter made the Zheng family feel angry.

Listening to Liu Qingyi's screams in the video, Liu Jianguo gritted his teeth and hammered the table hard: "Son of a bitch!"

"Assholes, a bunch of beasts!" Zheng Jie also let out a heart-rending roar.

Seeing that Liu Qingyi was about to be brutally beaten, a black figure suddenly appeared in the video, it was Shen Lang.

Shen Lang stepped forward and pulled the two strong men over, slamming their heads together. The two men's heads were smashed to pieces, and thick blood flowed all over the floor.

This horrific and bloody scene made many Zheng family members in the hall feel uncomfortable.

"Okay!" Liu Jianguo clapped his hands and immediately bowed to Shen Lang: "Mr. Shen Lang, thank you!"

Shen Lang just nodded and said nothing.

In the video, Shen Lang quickly knocked down four strong men, picked up Liu Qingyi, and put his clothes on her.

Zheng Jie felt a burning pain on her face. Although she was not beaten, the intense shame made her feel ashamed. (To be continued)

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