Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 312 is not a thing!

Zheng Jie covered her face and couldn't stop crying.

It was Shen Lang who saved her daughter. Not only did she not express any gratitude, she also suspected that Shen Lang had an ulterior motive and even hurt others with his words. She was really nothing!

Zheng Jie was too embarrassed to apologize to Shen Lang.

The video continues.

This time it was in an operating room, and there were two people in the video, Zheng Zihao and Wan Tianpeng.

Zheng Zihao pointed at the disabled person on the operating table who was having his kidney cut off, and said with a smile: "Brother Tianpeng, although these disabled people are poisoned by processed drugs, they are still of some use value. If the person is about to die, they can still be cut off. We can make a lot of money with our organs.”

Wan Tianpeng nodded with satisfaction: "Zihao, you are very thoughtful. Now a group of people under me are well-equipped with munitions. You can command them now. By the way, grab more disabled people and expand our army." Drug lab."

"Okay, a living person is a lot of money! Just cutting off two kidneys is hundreds of thousands, hahaha..."

Zheng Zihao's heart-rending laughter sounded in the video.

Everyone in the Zheng family was completely stunned and speechless in shock. They never dreamed that Zheng Zihao could be such an inhumane thing.

Watching the video, Bai Qingyu felt disgusted. She had seen bad guys a lot, but she had never seen a bad guy who was so insane and insane.

Bai Qingyu was furious and said coldly: "Zheng family, take a good look at what kind of beast Zheng Zihao is! He is a human trafficker who sells organs of living people and takes away countless lives. You still try your best to protect this beast! I Bah! Shen Lang risked his life twice to save people, and you still accuse him of colluding with kidnappers? Does the Zheng family deserve to be called a big family in Huahai City? I'm really blind!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hall became eerily quiet. Everyone in the Zheng family was blushing, and no one could refute Bai Qingyu.

The video just now was like a big bomb, blowing away the faces of everyone in the Zheng family.

Shen Lang glanced at Old Mrs. Zheng and said with a gloomy expression: "Okay, old lady, you promised me before. Is the evidence clear enough now? Did your Zheng family say that I colluded with the kidnappers before? It's time to look at it now Who is colluding with the kidnappers? You should slap yourselves in the face thirty times!"

Mrs. Zheng never dreamed that the Zheng Zihao she brought up could actually be such a dehumanizing beast. She even didn't believe it and said to Zheng Zihao tremblingly: "Zihao, are you doing all this?"

Everyone in the Zheng family turned their attention to Zheng Zihao. Under the glare of the crowd, Zheng Zihao's face twitched and he suddenly laughed ferociously.

"So what if I did it! Anyway, I can't survive now. What's wrong with living for myself in this world! I'm just for money, I don't care about other people's life and death! The dog surnamed Shen has repeatedly ruined my life. It's a good thing, otherwise I would have made a lot of money and gone abroad to have fun!" Zheng Zihao said with a ferocious face.

"Zheng Zihao, I, fuck your ancestors!" Liu Jianguo's veins popped out on his forehead, he rushed forward crazily and punched Zheng Zihao in the face.

Some people in the hall looked embarrassed. Isn't Zheng Zihao's ancestor Mrs. Zheng?

"Beast!" Zheng Jie also rushed forward crazily, and together with Liu Jianguo, they punched and kicked Zheng Zihao.

"Well scolded, this beast shouldn't live in the world!" Bai Qingyu sneered coldly.

Now no one is going to refute Bai Qingyu's sarcasm. Mrs. Zheng is sitting on the dragon's chair in despair, as if she has aged ten years. Mrs. Zheng's heart was trembling. She didn't expect that the culprit was actually the Zheng family, or Zheng Zihao, who was raised by herself. How ridiculous.

Recalling the scene where Liu Qingyi was brutally raped, Mrs. Zheng's heart was bleeding. She felt sorry for her niece, and there was a surge of anger in her heart. Mrs. Zheng wanted to go over and beat Zheng Zihao herself!

"Zheng Zihao, you have a human face and an animal heart!"

"What a sin!"

There were many shouts and curses from the Zheng family in the hall.

While enduring the punches and kicks from Liu Jianguo and Zheng Jie, Zheng Zihao yelled: "Get out! Don't pretend to be serious in front of me. What kind of good people are the Zheng family? Damn it, I sell drugs and organs, don't I still have money?" The Zheng family followed me and drank soup like crazy."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of some Zheng family members in the hall changed.

Especially the father and son Zheng Dagang and Zheng Zhigang, their hearts skipped a beat.

Shen Lang snorted, picked up the remote control, and continued to play the next video.

In the video, Zheng Zihao is sitting on a desk made of sandalwood. The surveillance video just recorded a few documents and ledgers in front of his desk. The surveillance camera was very close to monitor the things on the desk, so it can be seen. very clear.

I saw Zheng Zihao flipping through something like an account book, which contained drug sales accounts. There were also some printed names on the accounts, and there were actually the names of Zheng's elders, including Zheng Dagang's name.

The hall fell into silence for an instant, and everyone in the Zheng family was dumbfounded. This was obviously Zheng Zihao's account for selling drugs. Unexpectedly, the Zheng family was involved.

"You are so brave!" Liu Jianguo gritted his teeth and looked at Zheng Dagang and several other elders of the Zheng family.

"Brother, you actually do too!" Zheng Jie stared at Zheng Dagang, stunned and speechless.

Destroyed three outlooks!

Zheng Dagang was trembling all over. He was guilty of being involved in drug trafficking.

Zheng Zihao's drug sales and manufactures have already reached nearly a thousand kilograms. If he is thrown into jail for drug trafficking, he will be sentenced to at least thirty to forty years, and he may even be shot!

"I...I really didn't know he was doing these drug businesses, I was not involved..." Zheng Dagang pretended not to know and yelled.

"Zheng Dagang, the facts are in front of you, it's useless for you to deny it!" Bai Qingyu snorted coldly.

Liu Jianguo sighed, with a hint of self-mockery on his face, and sneered: "I have never seen such a scum of the family in all my life. It seems that the Zheng family is not a clean place!"

Zheng Jie hid her face and burst into tears. Everything today had overturned her understanding of the Zheng family.

"I didn't lie to you, you, you have to believe me!" Zheng Dagang hurriedly explained, but no matter how he explained, it seemed feeble.

"Wealth is determined by heaven, and life and death are determined by fate. Zheng Dagang, I have failed today, so just accept your fate." Zheng Zihao sneered.

"Go away, I have nothing to do with you!" Zheng Dagang yelled.

Zheng Dagang's hands and feet were trembling a little. He hurried to Mrs. Zheng, grabbed her arm, and said urgently: "Mom, you... you have to believe me, I, I don't want to go to jail..." (To be continued)

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