Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 313: Beat hard!

"Grandma, this has nothing to do with my dad!" Zheng Zhigang also came forward and said tremblingly.

Old Mrs. Zheng fell on the chair, as if she had been dead for a long time, staring lifelessly at the big screen, without any reaction at all.

"Go away!" Liu Jianguo came over, pulled Zheng Dagang up, and roared: "Zheng Dagang, you are also in charge of a lot of the Zheng family's properties. Shouldn't your income be quite a lot? For money, you still want Do you want to engage in such a cruel drug trafficking business? Do you have any sense of shame anymore?"

Zheng Dagang was pushed to the ground by Liu Jianguo, his face turned pale, and he was about to get up and continue to plead for mercy.

Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation in the hall, and the projector showed the next video screen. Liu Jianguo couldn't help but look up at the video.

In the video, some men wearing black vests were chopping the hands and feet of living people with knives, some were beating disabled people with whips, and some were disposing of corpses.

The scene switched to an abandoned factory. Zheng Zihao and Wan Tianpeng stood aside, pointing at the dilapidated hut filled with corpses.

Zheng Zihao also personally picked up the sack containing the body and looked at it, talking and laughing with Wan Tianpeng from time to time.

The piles of corpses and the extremely bloody scene made many people in the hall feel sick. Some girls were so scared that their hands and feet were cold and their whole bodies were trembling.

Liu Jianguo's eyes were also cracked, and he looked at Zheng Zihao with gritted teeth.

"Zheng Zihao, you beast!" Mrs. Zheng finally couldn't bear it anymore, raised the dragon-headed crutch in her hand and hit Zheng Zihao on the head.

However, after only two blows, Mrs. Zheng's body swayed and she fell to the ground.

Zheng Jie hurried over and helped Mrs. Zheng up: "Mom, are you okay?"

"Hahaha, retribution, retribution!" Old Mrs. Zheng beat her chest and feet angrily, crying with tears streaming down her face: "I am such a stupid old woman, I never imagined that the child I brought with me would be such a bastard. Hand! How many people has he harmed and killed? I am blind, old woman, but I still protect him!"

"Hit me, hard!" Mrs. Zheng grabbed the cane and hit Zheng Zihao on the head.

Next to him, several Zheng family members headed by Liu Jianguo also rushed forward, punching and kicking Zheng Zihao.

The hall had become chaotic and turned into a group fight.

Looking at this ugly scene, a trace of sarcasm appeared on Shen Lang's lips.

Bai Qingyu couldn't help but want to go up and beat up this guy Zheng Zihao, but finally held back, walked out and called Yang Hu.

Zheng Dagang was surrounded by the crowd, became the target of public criticism, and was beaten together.

"Ouch, I, fuck, don't hit me!" Zheng Zhigang was also squeezed into the crowd, and he was beaten a few times from time to time, and screams continued one after another.

"Okay, okay, don't beat him to death!" After a while, Liu Jianguo stopped everyone.

At this moment, Zheng Zihao had been beaten to a bloody head and looked very miserable.

Zheng Dagang and Zheng Zhigang, father and son, were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they didn't look much better.

"It's okay for my old lady to tutor me. It's because I've been too spoiled to Zheng Zihao and made him become like this. He did so many unforgivable bad things. It's all my fault." Old lady Zheng said while wiping her tears.

"Mr. Shen Lang, Captain Bai, and the old lady before, please forgive me!" With the support of Liu Jianguo, Old Mrs. Zheng knelt down towards Shen Lang and Bai Qingyu.

Bai Qingyu's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly stepped forward to help Mrs. Zheng up, comforting her: "Old lady, please don't be like this..."

Shen Lang, who was on the side, grinned and sneered: "You want me to forgive you? Okay, the bet we made when we came here should be worth it, right? I have already produced evidence. Should you, the Zheng family, slap yourselves thirty times!"

Bai Qingyu tugged at Shen Lang's clothes and whispered, "I am an elder after all. You..."

Shen Lang shrugged: "Humph! I won't offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will offend them twice as much!"

"Okay, this is what it should be! It's all the fault of our Zheng family." Mrs. Zheng took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "All the Zheng family members, listen to me, slap yourself thirty times, and give it to Mr. Shen Lang and Mr. Shen Lang." Officer Bai apologizes!”

After saying that, under the astonishment of everyone, Mrs. Zheng was the first to slap herself.

"Bang!" There was a sound, and the Zheng family in the hall heard it very clearly.

"Mom!" Zheng Jie wanted to stop Mrs. Zheng.

Mrs. Zheng pushed her away with one hand and yelled angrily: "Don't stop me, you can slap her yourself!"

Zheng Jie gritted her teeth and slapped herself, and Liu Jianguo also slapped him.

Soon, applause rang out in the hall, and no one dared to disobey Mrs. Zheng's move.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Seeing the Zheng family members slap each other, Shen Lang finally felt a little relieved. Although this old lady Zheng was extremely pedantic, she still had her own principles.

Listening to the loud applause coming from all around, Bai Qingyu was speechless for a while. Although she felt relieved, she was even more convinced by Shen Lang's bad taste.

Shen Lang glanced at Zheng Zihao and said coldly: "I'll let you go for now. I'll come back to settle the score with you tomorrow!"

Zheng Zihao's body twitched.

The matter finally came to an end, and about twenty minutes later, the police arrived at the Zheng family manor.

Bai Qingyu led people to arrest Zheng Zihao. Zheng Dagang was also taken away by the police on suspicion of drug trafficking.

The boxing ring at the branch of Fengyuntang has been completely controlled by the police, and a large number of Fengyuntang members have been arrested. The police were busy until three or four in the morning.

Due to insufficient manpower, Yang Hu and He Chenguang reported the matter to the Armed Police Detachment, which soon sent a large number of manpower to support them.

Yang Hu led people to hunt down the absconding Wan Tianpeng. After searching for most of the night, he couldn't find anyone. However, he found a living human arm dripping with blood. It was Wan Tianpeng's hand!

Previously, Wan Tianpeng's right arm was stabbed by Shen Lang's willow leaf flying knife, and the poison spread. With no other option, Wan Tianpeng had to chop off his entire right arm!

Wan Tianpeng now has one of his hands broken, and he probably won't be able to escape far.

Shen Lang was relieved to learn that Su Ruoxue, Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi were safely transferred to the hospital, and that many police officers were on hand at the hospital.

I was really tired, and coupled with the impetuous Qi in my body, I was a little ready to move. Shen Lang really didn't have the energy to visit the three beauties in the hospital, so he went to the villa, fell on the bed, and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already sunny.

The Zheng family's servant came to the villa to bring breakfast in the morning, but seeing that Shen Lang was awake, she did not dare to disturb him.

After Shen Lang woke up, he was in good spirits. He was in good physical condition and had completely recovered overnight.

After heating up the food brought by the servant, Shen Lang was going to visit Su Ruoxue and the others in the hospital. (To be continued)

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