Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 314: It’s better to cooperate, right?

When I woke up, it was already sunny.

After waking up, Shen Lang stretched his arms and his energy was basically restored, and he was in good spirits.

After going out to have something to eat, Shen Lang was going to visit Su Ruoxue and the others in the hospital.

The previous sports car was damaged and could not be driven, which was a bit of a pity.

Shen Lang stopped a taxi on the road.

By chance, Bai Qingyu called.

"Shen Lang, do you have time to come over to the police station?" Bai Qingyu said on the phone.

"What's going on?" Shen Lang asked.

"It's about Wan Tianpeng. You'll find out when you come here." Bai Qingyu finished this sentence feebly and hung up the phone.

She interrogated Zheng Zihao all night last night, and she slept for less than four hours this morning, almost exhausting Bai Qingyu to death.

But fortunately, that guy Zheng Zihao seemed to think that nothing mattered, and he confessed all the evidence of the crime one by one.

"Okay." Shen Lang scratched his head, this matter was really troublesome.

Got in a taxi and went to the Public Security Bureau.

The criminal police team operated all night last night and arrested many people, all of whom were scoundrels under Zheng Zihao and Wan Tianpeng.

Following the clues, the criminal police team also eliminated Zheng Zihao's last stronghold overnight.

This last stronghold turned out to be in the basement of a small restaurant in the city center, and the interior was transformed into a place for dissecting human organs.

After sealing this last stronghold, all Zheng Zihao's forces were completely destroyed, and a large number of guns and other weapons were also seized at the scene.

The police arrested many gangsters and brought them for interrogation. Is there a roar in the police station? These gangster gangsters are all veterans and their attitudes are very arrogant.

Shen Lang knocked on the door of the criminal police captain's office, but Bai Qingyu didn't seem to be inside. Shen Lang went to the director's office and met Yang Hu. Yang Hu seemed a little tired.

"Bai Qingyu asked me to come over. Where is she now?" Shen Lang asked.

Yang Hu smiled bitterly and said: "Instructor, Captain Bai is still in the interrogation room. You can go there by yourself. We are very tired from all these nonsense today."

"It also made me miserable." Shen Lang shrugged and said a little unhappy.

"Instructor, on behalf of the entire police force in Huahai City, I would like to thank you this time! You have contributed a lot to the removal of the important base of the Fengyuntang branch." Yang Hu said solemnly.

Shen Lang waved his hand, he was too lazy to listen to these things, and shouted: "Fengyuntang's branch is not limited to that area, you should check it carefully. Anyway, the BOSS has died. If you follow the clues, it will be easy to kill the entire Fengyuntang branch." Uprooted."

"Okay!" A gleam flashed in Yang Hu's eyes. Nothing excites him more than wiping out the black forces.

After chatting for a few words, Shen Lang didn't linger much and went to the interrogation room.

Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu have a clear division of labor. Yang Hu is responsible for issuing various orders and directing actions, while Bai Qingyu is mainly responsible for interrogation work.

Because this time not only the old lair of Fengyun Hall was taken away, but also the strongholds of Zheng Zihao and Wan Tianpeng. The police work was very heavy, and Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu had almost no time to rest.

As for Deputy Director Zhou Bin, he was confessed by Zheng Zihao for allegedly colluding with Wan Tianpeng in drug trafficking. Zhou Bin was also shot while lying down and has been controlled by the police, awaiting interrogation.

The door to the interrogation room was still open, and Shen Lang walked in directly.

Bai Qingyu and guard captain Xiao Liu were interrogating three gangsters with very arrogant attitudes. Bai Qingyu's face was obviously a little tired, but he still persisted in giving lectures.

"Beautiful police officer, if you are tired, just let us go! In this way, everyone will feel comfortable, right? How big of a deal is this? Besides, I didn't commit any crime!"

Inside the iron bars of the interrogation room, a man with dyed yellow hair and a buzz cut was sitting in the middle. He was picking his nose arrogantly. He seemed not to notice Bai Qingyu and Xiao Liu at all. His arrogance was quite embarrassing. of.

"Shut up! Hurry up and tell the truth, who provided Wan Tianpeng with the drugs, and how you conducted the transaction!" Bai Qingyu slapped the table angrily and let out a sweet drink.

This yellow-haired bastard is a former younger brother of Ah Jin, who works for Wan Tianpeng. He usually sells drugs such as K powder on the black market for Ah Jin, and usually sells them to bars, nightclubs, entertainment cities and even It's a place like KTV. This time, Luck was caught by the police at Wan Tianpeng's stronghold.

The police even found K. powder and other things on his body on the spot.

Shen Lang pushed open the door of the interrogation room and asked Bai Qingyu: "Bai Qingyu, you specially called me here. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly!"

Bai Qingyu turned to look at Shen Lang, curled her lips and said, "Why don't you even say hello, while I'm still doing business?"

Shen Lang glanced at the three gangsters inside the iron fence, grinned and sneered: "The main business is to interrogate this guy?"

"Fuck, you little bastard, why are you laughing!" An inch-head yelled arrogantly at Shen Lang.

Huang Mao also yelled angrily: "Get out! What are you looking at, before I dig out your eyes!"

When these gangsters saw that Shen Lang was wearing a suit and had no police features, they thought he was here to visit the beautiful police officer in front of them, and they immediately became arrogant.

"Watch your tone..." Xiao Liu yelled at the side. These three guys dared to provoke Shen Lang.

Xiao Liu knew Shen Lang's abilities, and also knew that Shen Lang's temper was not very good, and it would be difficult to deal with him if he started to take action.

"I laugh at you for being fools." Shen Lang's face darkened and he replied coldly.

"Boy, are you looking for death? Do you know who I am?" Huang Mao was furious. He stood up from his seat with a squeak and glared at Shen Lang with a fierce look.

Bai Qingyu rubbed her head. She was too tired to scream. These gangsters were really arrogant.

"Haha..." Shen Lang raised the corner of his mouth slightly and sneered: "I don't know who you are, but... you don't seem to be cooperating with the interrogation? I will ask you to cooperate well."

After saying that, Shen Lang stepped forward and opened the iron bars, stretched out his right hand like lightning, directly pulled Huang Mao's head over, and pressed it hard on the interrogation table.

"Boom!" There was a loud sound, and the documents on the interrogation table jumped.

Everyone in the interrogation room was immediately shocked, and the remaining two gangsters looked at Shen Lang in horror.

Shen Lang smiled at Bai Qingyu and asked, "Is this guy not cooperating with the interrogation?"

Bai Qingyu was a little speechless and said casually: "Absolutely."

"You'd better cooperate, right?" Shen Lang patted Huang Mao's head and said lightly.

"Cooperate with your mother and let me go!" Huang Mao tried his best to push his head up, but Shen Lang's right hand was like a huge pliers, suppressing him and unable to move at all. (To be continued)

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