Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 318 Don’t think wildly

Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and said a little doubtfully: "I'm not sure about this, otherwise it would be a big doubt as to how the golden dagger appeared... But what I can be sure of is that I really killed the person!"

Shen Lang couldn't understand it, and it was a bit unbelievable. How could Su Ruoxue, a weak woman, kill so many people?

Su Ruoxue's face was full of panic, she shook her head and said: "I have never felt that way before. I have killed so many people...but when I kill people, I feel not afraid at all, even..."

"Even what?" Shen Lang asked hurriedly, having a bad feeling in his heart.

"I even... felt like killing someone... that feeling was like being addicted." Su Ruoxue said through gritted teeth. She did not hide it in front of Shen Lang.

"What!" Shen Lang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Ruoxue's feeling was somewhat similar to his own.

It was also when Shen Lang killed someone for the first time that the evil spirit in his body began to awaken. No matter how his cultivation level increased, the desire to kill always existed, and the evil spirit was difficult to eliminate.

His master once told him that the physiques of a very small number of martial arts cultivators are different from ordinary people, and the personalities of such martial cultivators are somewhat affected by their physiques.

Shen Lang's violent personality is essentially related to the evil spirit in him.

But Su Ruoxue is just an ordinary person, why is she like him? Will she also become a murderous witch in the future?

"Shen Lang, I'm afraid...what's wrong with me?" Su Ruoxue held Shen Lang's hand tightly, her pretty face full of worry.

Shen Lang comforted him: "Don't worry, even if you kill someone, he or she deserves to die. You don't have to blame yourself or think too much."

"Yes." Su Ruoxue nodded, gritted her teeth and asked, "Shen Lang... you won't leave me, will you?"

"What are you thinking about? You can't." Shen Lang said with a smile.

Although there were many beauties around him, Su Ruoxue always came first in Shen Lang's heart.

"Since you can't, I want you to kiss me." Su Ruoxue pulled on Shen Lang's clothes and bit her teeth.

For some reason, Su Ruoxue always felt empty in her heart, as if she was about to lose something.

"That's what you said." Shen Lang raised the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Su Ruoxue's charming and cold face, and her small nose as delicate as porcelain, Shen Lang felt a burning sensation in his heart and was about to kiss her on the cheek.

Su Ruoxue reached out and hugged Shen Lang, and said softly: "I don't want to kiss my face, just kiss me!"

"Huh?" Shen Lang was stunned again, feeling that Su Ruoxue was particularly proactive today.

Looking at Su Ruoxue's expression asking for a kiss, if she didn't kiss her, it would feel like she disliked her.

Shen Lang didn't think too much and kissed her decisively, pressing her lips against Su Ruoxue's red lips. She could vaguely feel Su Ruoxue's delicate body trembling slightly, and a faint fragrance soon spread in her mouth.

Su Ruoxue was very nervous, but she enjoyed this moment of intimacy.

The soft black hair swept across Shen Lang's cheeks, and a pleasant fragrance wafted from her body. Shen Lang couldn't help but hug Su Ruoxue over with one hand.

Feeling Shen Lang's bold and domineering movements, Su Ruoxue's heart jumped and she hurriedly pushed Shen Lang away.

"Shen... Shen Lang, this is a hospital, you don't want..." Su Ruoxue gasped slightly, her face as red as a peach.

The woman was trembling so much that Shen Lang could feel the soft touch coming from somewhere high up. Shen Lang almost got lost in Su Ruoxue's shy look.

After a brief taste, Shen Lang let go of Su Ruoxue in his arms.

Su Ruoxue's face was so red that she could squeeze out water.

"Okay Xiaoxue, you just woke up. You should be hungry. I'll get you some food." Shen Lang touched Su Ruoxue's head.

"Yeah." Su Ruoxue's mouth curved.

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "You should have a good rest now and don't think wildly."

After saying this, Shen Lang left.

After walking out of the ward, Shen Lang took a deep breath. There were still some doubts about Su Ruoxue.

The golden dagger mentioned by Su Ruoxue also made Shen Lang very suspicious. He even wondered if there was someone else around Su Ruoxue who had been watching her from behind?

Shen Lang felt there was something wrong. In the incident where he broke into the Hisheng Group, his body was severely injured, and the energy in his body was uncontrollable. However, he miraculously recovered after waking up?

He had suspected this before and asked Su Yunshan and some people at the hospital, but no one found anyone suspicious.

Thinking of this, a chill suddenly ran down Shen Lang's spine. Something was a little abnormal. He always felt like there was a pair of eyes staring at him from behind.

Under all kinds of doubts, Shen Lang left the hospital and made a call to Su Yunshan.

"Xiaolang, you haven't called me for a long time. How are you doing?" Su Yunshan said with a smile on the phone.

In order not to worry Su Yunshan, Shen Lang did not tell Su Yunshan about the kidnapping before.

Su Yunshan is already old, and Shen Lang doesn't want the old man to worry about himself and Su Ruoxue.

"How are you doing lately? Grandpa Su, I want to ask you something?" Shen Lang asked directly.

"What's going on?" Su Yunshan asked curiously.

"Grandpa, was there anyone else around Su Ruoxue who had been by her side before? In other words, was there anyone with suspicious behavior who was by her side before?" Shen Lang asked.

"No? Xiaoxue has always been alone. The one who is closest to her is probably Liu Xiaoxiao." Su Yunshan replied.

"Yes." Shen Lang responded with a thoughtful expression.

"Xiaolang, why are you talking about this? What happened to Xiaoxue?" Su Yunshan asked quickly.

"It's nothing, Grandpa Su, don't worry." Shen Lang said.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lang's mind was a little confused. There were too many things that he couldn't figure out, and he was too lazy to think about it.

After going to a nearby restaurant and packing some food, Shen Lang returned to the hospital.

The phone rang, this time it was Cheng Zhi.

"Mr. Shen Lang, when will you come to the hospital? Miss Liu Qingyi's injury can no longer be delayed." Cheng Zhi's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I've arrived at the hospital and I'll be there soon." Shen Lang said seriously.


After hanging up the phone, Shen Lang quickly rushed back to the ward.

After hearing from the doctor that Su Ruoxue had woken up, Liu Xiaoxiao had arrived at Su Ruoxue's ward, with tears in her eyes and an extremely painful and sad expression.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, sister Qingyi will be fine. Just wait until Shen Lang comes over, he will definitely be able to do something." Su Ruoxue held Liu Xiaoxiao's hand and comforted softly.

Liu Xiaoxiao was unscathed, but her sister Liu Qingyike was in dire straits. Her legs were stabbed twice by the kidnappers, severely damaging the bones and bones, and the doctor even said they would need to amputate. (To be continued)

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