Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 319 Save her

Liu Qingyi's leg injury was too serious and she was sent to the intensive care unit to await emergency treatment.

The hospital had already issued orders in cooperation with Yang Hu. Before Shen Lang arrived, the doctors did not treat Liu Qingyi.

"Shen Lang, you are back." Seeing Shen Lang walking into the ward, Su Ruoxue hurriedly ran out of bed.

"Shen Lang, please save my sister!" Liu Xiaoxiao wiped her tears, stepped forward and grabbed Shen Lang's arms, her voice was trembling, and her beautiful eyes were full of pleading.

Shen Lang comforted her: "Don't worry, I will definitely save her."

Shen Lang also felt a little guilty about this incident. The incident was caused by him. He was the person Zhou Kuang wanted to deal with, but he also caused Liu Qingyi and Su Ruoxue to suffer.

If Liu Qingyi becomes physically disabled, Shen Lang will find it difficult to forgive himself.

"Xiaoyi's injury is too serious. Is it really possible to save it? The doctor said that amputation is necessary, otherwise her life will be in danger." Tears welled up in Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Seeing that Liu Xiaoxiao was so worried, Shen Lang immediately said, "Xiaoxiao, don't worry, just take me over to see your sister now."

"Okay!" Liu Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly.

"I'll go too!" Su Ruoxue said hurriedly.

Not long after, Liu Xiaoxiao took Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue to the intensive care unit.

Liu Qingyi returned to the treatment of Dr. Cheng Zhi, but due to Yang Hu's previous order, formal first aid has not been started yet. He only reluctantly stopped the bleeding and inflammation of the wound on Liu Qingyi's leg.

In fact, even if it is first aid, it will still result in amputation.

Outside the ward, Liu Jianguo and Zheng Jie were both there. Many Zheng family members also came to the hospital, even Mrs. Zheng.

Zheng Jie's cry could be heard from far away. Liu Jianguo's brows twisted into the character "Chuan" and his face looked as ugly as possible.

Everyone was waiting anxiously for news in the ward.

Finally, the closed door of the ward was pushed open by a Cheng Zhi.

"How's it going, Doctor Cheng Zhi, has my daughter's leg been treated?" Zheng Jie hurriedly wiped her tears and rushed forward to ask.

"I'm sorry, we have tried our best, but the blood supply tissue of Miss Liu's lower body has been irreparably damaged. It is impossible to save it with current medical technology." Cheng Zhi sighed.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the Zheng family members changed. Does this mean that Liu Qingyi's legs are definitely not safe?

Liu Jianguo and Zheng Jie felt as if they were struck by lightning.

"Mr. Cheng, you must find a way to save my niece. No matter how much you spend, as long as you can save my niece's legs, it won't be a problem!" Mrs. Zheng said with tears in her eyes.

Zheng Jie was sobbing on the side. Liu Jianguo stepped forward and grabbed Cheng Zhi's arm and said hurriedly: "Mr. Cheng, is there no other way?"

Cheng Zhi said solemnly: "I have told you before that a miracle doctor will come over. He may be able to cure your daughter's leg."

"Miracle doctor, what kind of doctor is he? Which hospital is he from?" asked a junior from the Zheng family.

Thinking of Shen Lang's miraculous medical skills, Cheng Zhi's eyes flashed with light and he said, "He must be an expert after all. This expert usually doesn't treat people, but his medical skills are unfathomable."

"Exalted Master? What age are we in now? Isn't this a deceitful half-immortal?" A junior from the Zheng family questioned and shouted.

"Zheng Yuan, don't talk nonsense!" Mrs. Zheng scolded.

"Uh..." The junior named Zheng Yuan immediately kept silent and did not dare to speak.

"Who is this expert? Is he reliable?" Zheng Jie asked hurriedly.

Cheng Zhi smiled and said: "This master has a very good relationship with Miss Su. You should also know him. He is..."

"Doctor Cheng Zhi!"

Before Cheng Zhi finished speaking, Liu Qingyi walked quickly from the corridor on one side of the ward, followed by Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue.

"Mr. Shen Lang, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Cheng Zhi's eyes lit up and he hurried forward to greet you, saying respectfully.

The Zheng family was a little dazed. After all, the miracle doctor Cheng Zhi was a person of some status, so he was a little too polite to Shen Lang, right?

"Take me in quickly and take a look?" Shen Lang asked slightly faster.

"Okay." Cheng Zhi nodded immediately.

"Dr. Cheng Zhi, didn't you say that unrelated people are not allowed to enter?" Zheng Jie was a little confused about the situation.

"Oh, the miracle doctor I'm talking about is Mr. Shen Lang." Cheng Zhi explained with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the Zheng family were a little dumbfounded. Is Shen Lang a miracle doctor?

"Dr. Cheng Zhi, are you kidding?" Mrs. Zheng was a little unbelievable.

"Grandma, Shen Lang's medical skills are very good. Su Ruoxue was also seriously injured before, but Shen Lang rescued her." Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Cheng Zhi nodded and said seriously: "Yes, Shen's medical skills are the most incredible I have ever seen. He may be able to cure Miss Liu's leg."

"Is this true?" Mrs. Zheng's old face showed a look of surprise.

"Old lady, please believe Shen Lang." Su Ruoxue said solemnly.

Zheng Jie was surprised for a moment, then immediately stepped forward and said: "Mr. Shen Lang, if you can save my daughter's leg, I will kneel down for you!"

After saying that, Zheng Jie really knelt down.

Shen Lang couldn't stand it anymore, so he pulled Zheng Jie up and said, "No, I don't need others to kneel to me."

"Okay, take me in quickly." Shen Lang said to Cheng Zhi again.

Cheng Zhi opened the door to the intensive care unit and led Shen Lang in.

Liu Qingyi was lying on the hospital bed. She happened to have woken up. She was hooked up to a ventilator and had circles of white bandages wrapped around her thighs.

"Mr. Shen Lang, Miss Liu only did some treatment to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation of the wound." Cheng Zhi said immediately.

Shen Lang nodded and came to the bedside. Liu Qingyi was lying on the bed, her face was very pale, and her beautiful eyes were looking at Shen Lang. There was a trace of cold sweat on her skin, probably because she was holding back the sweat coming from her legs. Pain.

"Don't worry, let me see your legs first." Shen Lang said to Liu Qingyi.

Liu Qingyi nodded reluctantly, and Shen Lang immediately lifted the quilt, slowly rolled up Liu Qingyi's trouser legs, and saw two slender white legs wrapped with bandages.

Shen Lang stretched out his hand, pressed a little on Liu Qingyi's calf, and frowned.

Liu Qingyi's injuries were more serious than he thought, and the wounds on his legs had damaged his meridians.

"How is it?" Seeing Shen Lang's thoughtful expression, Cheng Zhi couldn't help but ask nervously.

Shen Lang said calmly: "Let's send out all the doctors and nurses first."

"Everyone, get out first." Cheng Zhi immediately said to the doctors and nurses in the ward.

As soon as Cheng Zhi spoke, everyone retreated. A trace of displeasure was evident on the faces of several doctors. They felt that Shen Lang was too arrogant. Could it be that one person could save Liu Qingyi? (To be continued)

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