Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 320 Treatment

Now trying to heal Liu Qingyi's legs is like trying to put a person's broken leg back together. Is this possible?

In the entire ward, Cheng Zhi was probably the only one who believed that Shen Lang had such incredible abilities.

Everyone left the ward. Shen Lang walked outside the door and said, "Uncle and aunt, please come in."

Liu Jianguo and Zheng Jie looked at each other and hurriedly walked into the ward.

"Mr. Shen Lang, what's wrong?" Liu Jianguo asked.

"Is our daughter's leg hopeless?" Zheng Jie asked with tears in her eyes.

"Of course there is help, but that's what...there are differences between men and women. I want to ask for your opinion." Shen Lang coughed and said.

As the secretary of the district committee, Liu Jianguo was quite shrewd. He quickly guessed the meaning of Shen Lang's words and said hurriedly: "Does Mr. Shen mean that he needs my daughter to take off her clothes and cooperate?"

Shen Lang nodded and said: "Absolutely, because to relax the blood vessels requires some special massage and acupuncture techniques, involving certain parts..."

Shen Lang didn't say it that deeply, I believe the two of them already understood. The reason why he told Liu Jianguo and Zheng Jie was entirely to show respect for Liu Qingyi.

During the treatment process, a trace of true energy is also needed. Although Shen Lang basically cannot use the true energy in the Dantian, he can still use a weak amount of true energy on the surface of the Dantian. Just a trace of zhenqi was enough for Shen Lang to heal.

Zheng Jie said: "It's okay, Mr. Shen, you are a doctor now. It is normal to treat patients. Mr. Shen Lang, just let go of the treatment. As long as it can cure my daughter's disease, I will do anything."

As long as Liu Qingyi's legs can be cured, it won't matter even if Shen Lang looks at her and touches her body.

"Mom, this..." Liu Qingyi made a weak voice on the hospital bed, her voice was very soft.

Zheng Jie said: "My dear daughter, do you want to stay in bed and become disabled all your life? If Mr. Shen can cure your disease, what does it mean to take off your clothes? In front of the doctor, it is nothing. Besides, even if Mom arrives, When I went to the hospital to see a doctor, the male doctor asked me to take off my clothes, so I had to take them off too."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Jianguo's face was full of black lines, and Shen Lang was also a little speechless. Why did he feel uncomfortable hearing these words?

"Yes." Liu Qingyi agreed softly.

Shen Lang said: "Since you all agreed, uncles and aunts, please leave the ward. I will start treatment immediately."

Liu Jianguo and Zheng Jie had no objection and immediately walked out of the ward, hoping that their daughters would be safe.

Shen Lang walked to the bedside and whispered to Liu Qingyi: "I'm starting to take off your clothes now, please relax."

"Yeah." Liu Qingyi's pale and pretty face suddenly turned as red as blood, and she didn't even dare to look at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang first unbuttoned Liu Qingyi's pants and slowly pulled them down. Soon, he saw the pink underwear Liu Qingyi was wearing.

Liu Qingyi usually has an elegant temperament, but she didn't expect to wear such cute underwear.

During the process of pulling down, Shen Lang's ears were still a little warm and his heart was beating. After all, he was also a vigorous man. No matter how restrained he was, he still had some unhealthy thoughts in his heart.

Liu Qingyi's fair cheeks and neck turned bright red, her smooth black hair spread on the pillow, and a trace of sweat oozed from her neck.

Although she did this in front of Shen Lang last time, Liu Qingyi still felt quite ashamed. She had never done this in front of a boy, and she felt that the scale this time would be bigger than last time.

Shen Lang took off Liu Qingyi's pants and started to take off Liu Qingyi's underwear.

Liu Qingyi's cheeks were so red that she could bleed.

Seeing how nervous she was, Shen Lang coughed and said, "Sister Liu Qingyi, no matter how you feel, don't move or scream."

Liu Qingyi was a little stunned. Why did Shen Lang's words sound so like he was going to take the opportunity to do something evil to her?

Shen Lang was afraid that she would misunderstand, so he hurriedly said: "Just wait while I treat you. In the process of neglecting your blood vessels, you will definitely feel uncomfortable. It may hurt, or it may itch. I need to concentrate on the acupuncture. You If you yell and move randomly, it will affect me, so try to avoid this, do you understand?"

"Okay." Liu Qingyi responded weakly, her face turned redder, and she actually thought wrongly.

"Try to relax yourself."

After saying that, Shen Lang reached under Liu Qingyi's waist with his big hands and began to take off her underwear.

Liu Qingyi felt ashamed, and the scale was too big. Although she knew that Shen Lang was treating herself, she couldn't bear to show her to a man.

Shen Lang is actually a little uneasy. Although he is a peak martial artist, he is still very young and his resistance to women is obviously not very strong, especially such a stunning beauty.

Shen Lang eliminated the unhealthy thoughts in his mind, bit the bullet and moved Liu Qingyi's two beautiful legs slightly away.

Liu Qingyi's pretty face was red, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. But she didn't resist and could only cooperate with Shen Lang. She felt hot all over and her heart rate accelerated sharply.

Although Shen Lang was already prepared, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken when he saw the fair, slender, smooth inner thighs.

After getting rid of the unfriendly thoughts, Shen Lang forced himself to calm down and removed the medical bandage from Liu Qingyi's thigh.

Then he took out a jade box filled with silver needles from his arms, took out five silver needles, and pricked Liu Qingyi a few times near the base of her thighs.

Liu Qingyi's delicate body trembled slightly. She didn't feel the pain of the silver needle piercing her skin, but she just felt a little itchy.

After a few injections, Shen Lang began to take off Liu Qingyi's upper body clothes.

Although Liu Qingyi was too embarrassed to control herself, she still tried her best to cooperate with Shen Lang and took off her shirt.

Liu Qingyi was lying flat on the bed at this time, with her lower body completely naked and exposed. Her upper body only had some sort of high-rise pink bra, and her fair skin showed an attractive crimson color. She didn't know if it was due to nervousness. .

However, this alluring blush, coupled with the scenery below, made Shen Lang's breathing quicken. It was simply the ultimate temptation.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, picked up the silver needle and pierced Liu Qingyi's snow-white body.

After more than a dozen injections were administered, Shen Lang first pressed his hands on Liu Qingyi's lower abdomen, causing Liu Qingyi to tremble unavoidably.

A faint trace of true energy overflowed from Shen Lang's palm, and slowly entered the silver needles up and down Liu Qingyi's body. The silver needles were like channels, opening up the true energy in the meridians and overflowing, first along the left leg. The meridians slowly flow downward.

Under Shen Lang's subtle control, with the help of the acupuncture points opened by silver needles, a weak stream of true energy circulated in Liu Qingyi's body, forcibly dredging his blood vessels.

When Shen Lang's hand touched Liu Qingyi's lower abdomen, Liu Qingyi felt indescribably nervous and ashamed.

She had never had a boyfriend before, let alone being looked at and touched by a man like this. (To be continued)

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