Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 322 Why do you like him?

The miracle doctor Yin Jiu said that Luo Tianyao was completely disabled and could only restore the functions of a man by transplanting someone else's thing into his body.

This was a bit unacceptable to Luo Tianyao.

But he really didn't want to be an eunuch anymore, so he decided to adopt Yin Jiu's method.

Just when Luo Tianyao was fantasizing about regaining his manhood, there was a knock on the door of the suite.

"Come in." Luo Tianyao shouted.

Ah Dao walked into the suite and said a few words in Luo Tianyao's ear.

Luo Tianyao's face suddenly darkened, and he snorted coldly: "Damn, this kid is getting more and more evil. He even took over the branch of Fengyun Hall!"

"There is also the bald man who claims to be Shen Lang's friend. This guy is now the leader of Longteng's fifth group, and he has taken over the second military region." Ah Dao's face looked a little ugly.

"Grandpa told me about this a long time ago, and he also asked me not to mess with that bald man and Shen Lang." Luo Tianyao said.

"Tianyao, then we should listen to Chief of Staff Luo." Ah Dao sighed.

"Don't think too much about this. Recently, I have been thinking hard about ways to deal with Shen Lang, and finally came up with a perfect strategy." Luo Tianyao's eyes flashed with light.

Ah Dao frowned: "Tianyao, this kid Shen Lang is too dangerous. Don't underestimate him anymore."

"As my lifelong rival, Luo Tianyao, of course I will never underestimate him again. Uncle Ah Dao, you might as well listen to my plan."

Luo Tianyao told Ah Dao the plan.

After hearing this, Ah Dao took a breath of cold air and widened his eyes: "This...isn't this too crazy?"

Luo Tianyao chuckled: "If you don't go crazy, how can you possibly deal with this troublesome guy? This matter also requires the cooperation of Fengyun Hall Wan San. You can find a way to help me contact Wan San."

At nine o'clock in the evening, a grand dinner was held at the Zheng family manor.

Mrs. Zheng apologized to Shen Lang for what happened before, and the dinner scene was harmonious.

After the dinner, Shen Lang had eaten and drank enough. After being bid farewell by all the Zheng family members, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue returned to the villa.

Originally, Liu Qingyi's condition was serious and she had to be hospitalized, but at Shen Lang's suggestion, Liu Qingyi was moved to the Zheng family for easier care.

Only Shen Lang could cure Liu Qingyi's leg. The Zheng family had also witnessed Shen Lang's amazing medical skills, so they naturally believed in him.

Liu Xiaoxiao did not attend the dinner, she had been taking care of Liu Qingyi.

"Xiaoyi, come on, drink this porridge quickly." On the bed, Liu Xiaoxiao walked to the bedside with a bowl of lean meat porridge.

"Sister, I can eat it by myself, I don't need to trouble you so much." Liu Qingyi took a small bite and said softly.

"No, you are a patient now, just lie down and I will feed you!" Liu Xiaoxiao said firmly.

Liu Qingyi couldn't resist her, so she had to lie on the bed and eat the porridge made by Liu Xiaoxiao.

The two chatted.

"Xiaoyi, I know that Shen Lang probably saw and touched you all in the process of treating you... But don't blame Shen Lang, he... didn't mean it." Liu Xiaoxiao said suddenly.

"Pfft!" Liu Qingyi almost spit out the porridge as soon as she ate it.

She originally didn't want to think about that embarrassing scene anymore, but when Liu Xiaoxiao mentioned it, that scene popped into her head again, and her pretty face turned red.

"Sister, what are you talking about! I won't have any prejudice against Mr. Shen Lang. He saved me." Liu Qingyi said with a blushing face.

"By the way, Xiaoyi, Shen Lang...did you take the opportunity to eat your tofu?" Liu Xiaoxiao blinked and asked.

"Sister, why do you have such dirty thoughts?" Liu Qingyi was a little speechless. She, as her elder sister, must be too lenient.

Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face was a little unnatural, and she said in a paused tone: "I... I'm not worried about Shen Lang being dirty."

"Sister, you should know who Mr. Shen Lang is. Besides... I looked and touched him anyway. Mr. Shen Lang didn't seem to have any reaction and kept a cold face." Liu Qingyi said softly, charmingly There was still a trace of blush on her face.

"no response?"

Liu Xiaoxiao was startled, thinking that she had been drunk before, and Shen Lang could have taken the opportunity to do something to him, but the guy still treated him with "courtesy", and instead she kissed him forcefully.

Liu Xiaoxiao felt a little dizzy just thinking about this shameful black history, but could this indirectly explain that Shen Lang had some problems?

Liu Xiaoxiao immediately became suspicious. No wonder Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue were like glue, and they had never rented a house. Could Shen Lang be troubled by some disease?

I have to say that Liu Xiaoxiao has such a rich imagination.

"Sister, do you think Mr. Shen Lang hates me?" Liu Qingyi asked in a low voice.

Liu Xiaoxiao curled her lips and said, "Don't come here, sir. Just call him Shen Lang. Why does he hate you?"

"Sister, don't you think Shen Lang seems to be particularly cold towards me?" Liu Qingyi arched her eyebrows.

"It's not just you, he does this to women as well." Liu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said.

"Why? Sister, don't I look beautiful? Why does Shen Lang rarely look at me?" Liu Qingyi asked in confusion.

Liu Qingyi is the campus beauty of Huahai University. She is beautiful and elegant. She is the crush of many boys. Liu Qingyi rarely talks to boys, so she doesn't know much about men.

However, Liu Qingyi was still very confident in her beauty. Most of the boys who approached her had good intentions toward her and most of them had dirty thoughts. She could tell this.

But she really couldn't tell someone like Shen Lang. Even though he had done such shameful things, he still remained unmoved.

"Silly sister, I know you are not pretty, but do you think every boy in this world must like you? Sister, you are very beautiful, but you have to remember that not all men will care about your origin and appearance. If time changes and your appearance grows old, can you restore other people's love for you?" Liu Xiaoxiao sighed.

"Sister, I understand." Liu Qingyi was awakened by the words, and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with her previous understanding.

"As long as you understand, haha, actually, sister hopes you can find a boyfriend soon." Liu Xiaoxiao smiled.

Liu Qingyi said "hmm" and suddenly said: "Sister, what do you think of Shen Lang being my boyfriend?"

"Ahem..." Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly choked in her throat and coughed several times. She was frightened by Liu Qingyi's words.

"Sister, are you kidding me?" Liu Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Qingyi in shock.

Liu Qingyi's pretty face turned red, and she took a deep breath and said, "Of course not, sister. In fact, I have thought about it a lot...I think I may have fallen in love with Shen Lang."

"Xiaoyi, it's not good for you to like someone, why should you like him?" Liu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes.

"Why can't you like him? Shen Lang is so perfect, his piano skills are so good, he is my savior, and he also...fucked me. Sister, how can I keep other men in my mind?" Liu Qing Yi gritted her teeth, a hint of resentment on her pretty face.

She didn't like to deceive herself and others, so she simply said all her thoughts.

Liu Xiaoxiao's head was a little dizzy. She was completely convinced. Shen Lang's ability to seduce girls was amazing! Even his own sister has fallen in love with him. Is this the legendary Yijing brake? (To be continued)

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