Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 323 New Secretary

"Shen Lang already has your sister Su in his heart. Sister, it's better not to have such thoughts." Liu Xiaoxiao's head hurts a little. According to what Liu Qingyi said, she also has a chance.

Su Ruoxue is her best friend. Liu Xiaoxiao cannot do anything like betraying her best friend.

"Shen Lang, this big bastard, actually made my sister fascinated?" Liu Xiaoxiao was a little speechless.

Not long after, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue returned to the villa and visited Liu Qingyi.

Liu Qingyi's physical condition is not bad. At least her right leg should be able to fully recover after taking a few days to recuperate.

As for the left leg, Shen Lang needs to recover a certain amount of energy before he can continue the treatment, which may take more than half a month.

"Shen Lang, will my sister's leg heal?" Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Shen Lang comforted.

Liu Xiaoxiao said with some shame: "I'm sorry Shen Lang, I never thought that Zheng Zihao would be such a heartless beast."

Shen Lang shook his head: "This incident originally started because of me, and I also promised your mother to protect you. This is my duty."

Looking at Shen Lang's smiling face and thinking of what her sister had just said, Liu Xiaoxiao felt her heart tremble and turned her head to the side.

Shen Lang did not disturb Liu Qingyi's rest and quickly left the room. Liu Qingyi's eyes were a little evasive, as if she was still shy about what happened before.

After several days, Shen Lang stayed in the villa with nothing else to do.

Shen Lang enjoyed a peaceful life, and his tense spirit showed signs of relaxation.

Although the easy life was comfortable, Shen Lang always felt that something was missing.

Before breaking through to the state of inquiry, Shen Lang could not completely relax. The Shenzhao Sutra he practiced was a time bomb. When he broke through, he had to disperse his energy and forcibly expand his meridians.

Therefore, Shen Lang's breakthrough was very dangerous. If anything went wrong, losing all his skills would be the luckiest outcome. In serious cases, his meridians would be severed, or he would even die.

Moreover, Shen Lang felt that the evil spirit in his body was getting worse, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were not idle either. They seemed to be learning the business operations there in preparation for taking over Tianrong International.

In the past two days, some guests came to the villa from time to time, most of them were the management of Tianrong International, talking about the company with Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao.

Shen Lang was not interested in managing the company at all. When he was bored, he played the piano, drank coffee, and enjoyed a peaceful life.

Now that Zheng Zihao and Wan Tianpeng are both dead, the Fengyuntang branch has almost collapsed, and no one who is short-sighted dares to mess with Shen Lang.

Although the peaceful life was good, it also faded away, and Shen Lang couldn't adapt to it.

On the other hand, Liu Qingyi often chatted with her, and Shen Lang was bored and could only talk to her.

Liu Qingyi was not very good at talking, and she seemed a little embarrassed in front of Shen Lang. The two of them talked most about the piano, and Liu Qingyi talked most about her roommates in the dormitory and anecdotes about the campus.

Depending on his recovery, Liu Qingyi should be cured in another two or three days.

Starting yesterday, Su Ruoxue officially took over Tianrong International, and Su Yunshan has given up the position of chairman to Su Ruoxue. Liu Xiaoxiao’s position is president.

The task was heavy. The two beauties went to work this morning. Shen Lang had no choice but to go along with them, which was considered as returning to their old jobs.

Shen Lang, Su Ruoxue, and Liu Xiaoxiao went to work.

The three of them left the villa and got into a Ferrari sports car.

A few days ago, He Chenguang personally drove the Ferrari that Shen Lang abandoned in Liangzhen to the villa, and the damage to the front of the car had been repaired.

Su Ruoxue rubbed her head, feeling a little tired lately.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Liu Xiaoxiao said with a frown.

Su Ruoxue shook her head: "I don't know either, it's just...I don't know what's going on these days, I'm always not in good spirits."

"I was just going to ask you this question. When I came here, I saw that you seemed to be mentally disturbed. How have you been sleeping these past few days?" Shen Lang asked while driving.

"Sleep is okay, but... sometimes I have nightmares." Su Ruoxue said through gritted teeth.

Ever since the day she killed someone, Su Ruoxue would have nightmares at night, and she would often be awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night.

Shen Lang frowned and asked: "Nightmare? What nightmare?"

"I don't remember clearly, I just remember that the dream was a bloody red, and then I was often awakened." Su Ruoxue frowned. In addition to the blood, a woman in red often appeared in her dreams.

Liu Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "Xiaoxue, are you under too much pressure during this period?"

"We have been homeless for so long, where does the pressure come from?" Su Ruoxue curled her lips.

"Relax, I'll give you a massage later in the evening." Shen Lang said.

"No... don't!" Su Ruoxue's pretty face immediately blushed.

"Why are you so embarrassed? It's not like I haven't pressed it before." Shen Lang joked.

"This is different!" Su Ruoxue blushed.

Now that there were so many people in the villa, it was too easy for others to suspect that he and Shen Lang were doing something unknown in the room.

Liu Xiaoxiao curled her lips and said: "Xiaoxue, what age are we in these days? Even if you two sleep on the same bed, what's the big deal?"

"Xiaoxiao, what are you talking about?" Su Ruoxue said shyly.

Looking at this, Su Ruoxue must still be a virgin. Liu Xiaoxiao glanced at Shen Lang intentionally or unintentionally, thinking that Shen Lang had always been very courageous, and it was not like a man who dared not push Su Ruoxue down.

Could it be that this guy really has a problem in that area? Liu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and felt the need to communicate with Su Ruoxue.

Not long after, we arrived at Tianrong International Building.

The company building is very grand and modern, and it is difficult to tell that this is a company on the verge of bankruptcy.

Shen Lang followed Su Ruoxue to the chairman's office, and Liu Xiaoxiao also went to the president's office.

This chairman's office was Su Yunshan's former office. It was simply decorated. Su Ruoxue organized the documents on her desk and prepared for the board of directors meeting to be held at nine o'clock.

Shen Lang sat on the sofa nearby and shouted a little bored: "Xiao Xue'er, I really don't know what the chairman means. Why do you have to be the chairman?"

Su Ruoxue sighed faintly: "Then I can't just do nothing, right? It's always good to have a goal in life. Now that grandpa's debts have been paid off, I will run Rong International one day."

Shen Lang crossed his legs and sighed: "Okay, as long as you are happy."

A smile appeared on Su Ruoxue's lips, then she thought of something and frowned, saying, "I heard from Xiaoxiao that sister Qingyi is interested in you."

"What, are you afraid that I will be robbed?" Shen Lang teased.

"Don't be so smug." Su Ruoxue snorted and continued: "Let's get down to business. I may be a little busy recently, so I found a new secretary."

The words just fell.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door of the chairman's office.

"Please come in." Su Ruoxue shouted. (To be continued)

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