Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 331 Who do you think you are?

In order to express his concern for Zhang Jundong, Yuan Jie took the lead to help Zhang Jundong up, pointed angrily at Shen Lang and shouted: "You dare to hit someone?"

Shen Lang chuckled: "It was Zhang Jundong, a fool, who asked me to beat him. If I want to blame him, I can only blame him for having a brain problem."

"What are you doing standing still? Call the police immediately. Don't let this kid get away!" Zhang Jundong roared.

As soon as he finished speaking, the secretary on the side had already started to call the police.

Su Ruoxue frowned. She knew that Zhang Jundong had an unusual background. She thought that this matter might make a big fuss again. She hurriedly pulled Shen Lang over and said to Zhang Jundong: "I'm sorry Zhang Jundong, my boyfriend is impulsive." I apologize for that."

"Why are you apologizing?" Shen Lang pulled Su Ruoxue over, frowned and said, "Xiao Xue'er, this matter has nothing to do with you, so don't interfere."

Su Ruoxue grabbed Shen Lang's clothes and whispered: "Forget it, don't make the matter a big deal. This Zhang Jundong has an unusual background."

"There are so many people with unusual backgrounds, who have I been afraid of?" Shen Lang shook his head.

"Shen Lang, stop causing trouble." Liu Xiaoxiao on the side also stepped forward and whispered urgently.

Shen Lang frowned and said simply: "Okay, I will listen to you this time."

"Shen Lang, if you have the guts, don't run away! If I don't make you look good today, my surname will be Zhang!" Zhang Jundong roared furiously.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were worried. Zhang Jundong was simply seeking death. As soon as Shen Lang calmed down, this guy came to scream again.

Shen Lang turned to look at Zhang Jundong, with a playful sneer on his face: "Haha, then I'm really scared."

Seeing Shen Lang's sarcastic expression, Zhang Jundong's face became ferocious with anger and he couldn't breathe smoothly.

"Okay Shen Lang, calm down." Su Ruoxue hurriedly grabbed Shen Lang's arm.

Although the two leaders Zhang Jundong found only held power in a certain narrow field, they were not small officials. With their high status, they naturally disdained Zhang Jundong's abuse of Shen Lang. However, after hearing Shen Lang's shameless words, they There was also a little interest.

Shen Lang patted Su Ruoxue's shoulder and said, "You are too kind-hearted. You should use violence to deal with this kind of garbage man. Otherwise, he will continue to harass you."

Su Ruoxue curled her lips, not knowing what to say.

In fact, Zhang Jundong's failure made many students feel a little unhappy. However, due to Zhang Jundong's status, many students still nodded and bowed to him. In a world where interests come first, the so-called superiors are those who are powerful. Although it is not your intention, the laws of life force you to please these people.

"Shen, don't go too far. This is our class reunion, not a place for you to act wild!" Yuan Jie yelled at Shen Lang.

"I can't tell who is acting wildly." Shen Lang snorted.

Zhang Jundong stood up and roared at Shen Lang: "Shen Lang, you have the guts to dare to attack me? Believe it or not, I can put you in jail with just one word!"

"I don't believe it." Shen Lang said with disdain.

"Okay, if you have the guts, just wait for a few minutes. I wonder if I won't take care of you today, this piece of trash." Zhang Jundong roared.

This guy dared to scold himself, which made Shen Lang feel very unhappy. He had lost his patience, stepped forward, grabbed Zhang Jundong's hair, and pulled hard.


Zhang Jundong screamed and felt a burning pain on his scalp. He was shocked and angry: "Are you looking for death? Quickly...quickly destroy this kid?"

"Shen, how dare you hit someone!" Yuan Jie was the first to rush forward and punched Shen Lang.

Shen Lang pushed casually. Before Yuan Jie's fist touched Shen Lang, he was pushed five or six meters away by Shen Lang and rolled on the ground several times.

Several more boys rushed over and were pushed away by Shen Lang. After all, these were classmates of Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao, and Shen Lang didn't want to hurt them.

"That's enough for you. It's Liang Zi who is Zhang Jundong and I. It has nothing to do with you? Is Zhang Jundong your father? You want to stand up for him so much." Shen Lang snorted coldly.

The surrounding students looked a little embarrassed, otherwise those who rushed up just now were trying to please Zhang Jundong.

Shen Lang grabbed Zhang Jundong's collar and said calmly: "I'm giving you a warning, keep your mouth clean. If you dare to scold me again, I will beat you!"

Zhang Jundong was so scared that he was shaking all over. If he encountered an ordinary gangster, he would not be so scared. The key is that Shen Lang exudes a huge sense of pressure, which makes Zhang Jundong feel even more frightened.

Zhang Jundong gritted his teeth and endured the humiliation for the time being, already thinking that when the person he was looking for came, he would make Shen Lang kneel down and kowtow.

Soon, several police cars drove downstairs of the Dynasty Hotel. Seven or eight police officers got out of the car and rushed to the upstairs banquet hall where the incident occurred while evacuating people.

When the leading police officer saw Zhang Jundong with a big swelling on his head, he immediately shouted: "Don't move!"

This man is the squadron leader of a nearby police station, named Wang Tao, and is responsible for the security of the surrounding area, which happens to be within his jurisdiction.

"Captain Wang, this is the man who used violence against me!" Zhang Jundong pointed at Shen Lang and shouted quickly as if he had seen a savior.

Wang Tao was suddenly shocked. He knew Zhang Jundong and knew his background.

Wang Tao knew that Zhang Jundong was the son of Vice Chairman Zhang. He had also helped Zhang Jundong handle some matters and received some money from Zhang Jundong. He always treated Zhang Jundong with respect.

He never expected that someone would dare to beat Zhang Jundong today. Wang Tao thought to himself that it was time for him to make a contribution.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?" In order to show his concern for Zhang Jundong, Wang Tao hurriedly stepped forward and helped Zhang Jundong up.

"Captain Wang, arrest this kid quickly!" Zhang Jundong pointed at Shen Lang and shouted. My heart changed from fear to excitement. I thought, are you going to play harp again? I can kill you casually!

"Arrest that man quickly." Wang Tao looked at Shen Lang and immediately shouted to the police around him.

Su Ruoxue hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Police officer, it is too unreasonable to arrest someone before the matter is fully understood."

Liu Xiaoxiao also said: "Officer, Mr. Zhang was not injured at all. There is no need to arrest him."

"I am the squadron leader of the Beicheng branch. I don't need outsiders like you to point my fingers at what I do." Wang Tao said with a proud look on his face.

"Who do you think you are?" Shen Lang snorted coldly. Seeing the coquettish way Wang Tao nodded and bowed to Zhang Jundong, he guessed that this guy must be familiar with Zhang Jundong. (To be continued)

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