Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 332 You are dead

"You dare to scold the police?" Wang Tao's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Are you considered a policeman? Haha, I'll just scold you. What do you want?" There was a hint of mockery in the corner of Shen Lang's mouth.

"Oh, you still want to resist the police?" Wang Tao was furious.

There was a commotion in the banquet hall. Su Ruoxue's classmates looked at Shen Lang with expressions of surprise, thinking that this guy was too brave.

"Captain Wang, stop talking nonsense, take this kid to the police station immediately, I will teach him a lesson!" Zhang Jundong showed a ferocious look on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, leave the matter to me!" Wang Tao patted his chest, and then shouted: "Why are you still standing there, take him away quickly."

Several policemen came over immediately. The policeman in front was holding a pair of handcuffs and was about to step forward to cuff Shen Lang.

Shen Lang swayed a few times and knocked away the two policemen who were surrounding him.

"You are so rebellious!" Wang Tao became furious, picked up the electric baton from his waist, and hit Shen Lang on the head.

Shen Lang didn't dodge or evade, just stood on the spot and kicked out with his right foot.


A sharp scream came, and Wang Tao was kicked away as expected. He flew an exaggerated five or six meters and hit a seat on one side. The red wine bottle on the table tipped over and poured all over Wang Tao.

Wang Tao screamed and roared: "Why are you still standing there? Come on! Beat him to death!"

Several more police officers surrounded them, and Shen Lang kicked them out with both feet.

The whole process took less than five seconds, and Shen Lang easily knocked down all the police officers.

Everyone present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, especially Zhang Jundong and Wang Tao, whose expressions were so ugly.

Shen Lang walked up with a sneer, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet. The vicious aura emanating from Shen Lang's body made it difficult to breathe.

The two leaders also hid aside, fearing that Shen Lang would beat them up in his anger.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Wang Tao struggled to get up and shouted at Shen Lang.

"You don't have to worry about what I do!" Shen Lang snorted coldly.

Wang Tao was furious and said: "You are a scum of society and you should go to jail! You fought, resisted the police, and even beat Vice Chairman Zhang's son and me. These crimes are enough for you to go to jail!"

Shen Lang sneered, the key was to beat Zhang Jundong, right? Shen Lang felt a little disgusted by the flattery to this extent.

He finally figured it out. These officials were all idle masters. If you took off their official hats, they would be nothing! All he knows about is corruption and bribery, currying favor with leaders, bullying the weak, and dominating people in front of civilians.

Shen Lang was too lazy to pay attention to Wang Tao and walked towards Zhang Jundong.

"You...what do you want to do!"

Seeing Shen Lang step forward, Zhang Jundong's face turned pale, his feet were shaking, and his forehead was sweating. He had never been threatened like this before, and he couldn't help but feel terrified.

"Aren't you trying to make me look good? Keep calling people?" Shen Lang sneered.

Being ridiculed by Shen Lang, Zhang Jundong felt a surge of anger in his heart, his face twitched and said: "Shen, don't be proud! If you have the nerve, wait for another fifteen minutes!"

Shen Lang said with a joking look on his face: "Okay, I'll give you fifteen minutes to see what you can do to me."

Zhang Jundong stepped aside and immediately called his father, Zhang Dafu.

"Hey, Dad."

"Son, what's going on?"

Zhang Dafu was drinking with Cheng Fei, the captain of the armed police detachment, in a nightclub at this time. The two of them each had a sexy beauty in their arms.

"Dad, I was beaten." Zhang Jundong said in a deep voice on the phone.

"What? Who dares to hit my son!" Zhang Dafu's expression changed and he immediately pushed away the beauty in his arms.

"It's a boy. Now in the Shengshi Dynasty Hotel, that boy not only beat me, but also beat the policeman who I called over. Dad, this boy is too arrogant. Please call someone over to help me." Zhang Jundong Said hurriedly.

Zhang Dafu's face darkened slightly. Someone dared to touch his son. He simply didn't want to live anymore.

"Jundong, wait, I'll rush over right away, don't let that kid get away!"

Zhang Dafu hung up the phone with a gloomy face.

"Vice Chairman Zhang, what happened?" Seeing that Zhang Dafu's expression was a bit off, Cheng Fei asked quickly.

Zhang Dafu said angrily: "My son was beaten, and he resisted the police and was very arrogant. Captain Cheng, can you send someone to help me deal with it?"

"There is still someone who dares to beat your son? Don't worry, I will take care of this matter. I will make sure to catch that thug!" Cheng Fei patted his chest and said.

After making the call, Zhang Jundong stopped shouting. He just stood aside with an unhappy expression, looking at Shen Lang with evil intentions from time to time. His eyes seemed to say, "You are dead."

There are still many people among Su Ruoxue's classmates who admire Shen Lang's courage, such as Wang Dong, but they also know that Shen Lang is doomed.

The two leaders were even looking at Shen Lang with pity, which alarmed Vice Chairman Zhang. No matter how old Shen Lang was, he was dead!

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were a little worried. They were not nervous, but just a little worried that this matter would get bigger and bigger.

Su Ruoxue didn't want to just wait, so she walked aside and immediately dialed Yang Hu's number and explained the matter briefly.

When Yang Hu learned about this, he was also shocked and prepared to bring people over in person.

"It's okay." Su Ruoxue squeezed Liu Xiaoxiao's hand and said softly.

Shen Lang was still sitting calmly on the sofa nearby, crossing his legs and drinking red wine, seemingly without any trace of panic.

Zhang Jundong looked at Shen Lang with a look of resentment on his face, thinking, you just keep pretending, let's see how your kid dies later! He couldn't wait to see Shen Lang kneel down and beg for mercy. When that happens, what would Su Ruoxue think of Shen Lang?

The sound of uniform footsteps was heard on the stairs, and soon, many armed police with live ammunition broke into the banquet hall and took control of the scene with serious expressions.

Wang Tao on the side was shocked. He didn't expect that the matter would be so big. As expected of Vice Chairman Zhang, one sentence could have such great influence and he could directly move the armed police out.

Not long after, a man with a big belly and a man in a casual suit entered the banquet hall together. It was not Zhang Dafu and Cheng Fei.

"Dad." Seeing his father coming, Zhang Jundong showed a proud sneer on his face.

"Vice Chairman Zhang!"

The two leaders immediately stood up and greeted him.

"Dad, who is this?" Zhang Jundong looked at Cheng Fei next to Zhang Dafu.

Cheng Fei immediately greeted with a smile: "My name is Cheng Fei, and I am the captain of the municipal armed police detachment."

The two leaders were shocked again. The captain of the armed police detachment had a big background.

"It turns out to be Captain Cheng, hello, hello!"

Several people exchanged pleasantries.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jundong's words were so powerful that he could actually invite the captain of the armed police detachment. All the classmates at the party fell silent and hid aside in fear. (To be continued)

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