Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 338 The ruthless man

"You don't have to worry about this, just do what I say."


With no emotion on her face, An Qianyue used the key to open the chain switches on Shen Lang's hands and feet.

It was obvious that Shen Lang's body was much colder. An Qianyue laid Shen Lang's body flat on the bed.

The phone in An Qianyue's hand continued to hear a voice: "There is a box in the closet. Open it. There is a stem cell extraction device inside. Just in case, first collect a DNA sample of the blood killer."


An Qianyue opened the closet and saw a box.

After opening the box, a burst of red air suddenly spurted out of the box.


An Qianyue was unprepared and took a breath of red gas.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp pain came from An Qianyue's heart and lungs. An Qianyue's mouth sweetened, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and her body fell down instantly.

Is it poisonous gas, or poisonous gas that can kill in a short period of time!

The moment she fell to the ground, countless thoughts flashed through her mind. Finally, An Qianyue endured the severe pain and picked up the phone with her trembling right hand. A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: "You...even want to kill me?"

"Hongyue, I already have many servants working for me. Don't worry, I will find a place with beautiful scenery to bury you properly. As for your master, don't worry, she will fall into my hands sooner or later!" On the other end, the familiar voice just said one sentence and hung up the phone.


The phone fell from her hand and fell to the ground. An Qianyue felt a sharp pain all over her body. She felt that the life was being quickly withdrawn from her body.

Blood flowed from the corner of An Qianyue's mouth, and she laughed a little crazy: "Hahaha, An Qianyue... you should!"

If you think about it for a while, you can understand that Elder Wang must have felt that he was no longer of use, and perhaps he had planned to kill himself from the beginning.

After she forced out Shen Lang's secret and killed Shen Lang, death was still waiting for her.

Once she dies, only that guy will know Shen Lang's secret, so there is no need to worry about it being leaked.

An Qianyue's mind had begun to blur. She knew that she would die soon and follow the man who had just been killed by her.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." An Qianyue glanced at Shen Lang who fell to the ground, with a wry smile on her lips, feeling quite complicated.

Just when An Qianyue fell on the bed, waiting to die.

Shen Lang on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.


Two cold rays pierced the air, and the two monitors installed on the wall in the room were smashed into pieces by flying knives.

"So you... you're not dead..." An Qianyue raised her eyebrows, and blood was still flowing out of the corners of her mouth.

Shen Lang snorted coldly and stepped forward to hold down An Qianyue's body on the bed.

He took out a jade box from his pocket, flicked his fingers, and a row of silver needles in the jade box flew up.

Shen Lang waved one hand, and all the silver needles penetrated into An Qianyue's acupuncture points accurately.

An Qianyue's delicate body trembled, and she suddenly felt a little better. She couldn't help but ask: "You, are you pretending to be dead?"

Shen Lang didn't say anything, his face was expressionless, and he tapped the acupuncture points on An Qianyue's back a few times with his fingers.

"It's useless. This is Seven-Star Begonia. Don't bother...just let me die. This is the punishment I deserve." An Qianyue gasped slightly.

"Woman, stop being so sentimental. Don't think that I will simply save you. It's not that easy for you to die!" Shen Lang snorted coldly.

"Hmph...weird! You really don't understand...love the fragrance and cherish the jade..." After saying this, An Qianyue's head felt dizzy and she gradually fainted.

Shen Lang's hands were as fast as lightning, and he kept inserting and pulling out the silver needles, pricking them in different places on An Qianyue's body.

Gradually, traces of red sweat oozed out from the surface of An Qianyue's skin. This was the toxin of Qixing Begonia, which was gradually forced out by Shen Lang using silver needles.

Originally, to deal with this kind of poison, Shen Lang could do without such complicated treatment and just use a few silver needles to get it done. It's just that he's in a bad state right now and can't use his true energy, so it takes a little bit of energy.

After four or five minutes, An Qianyue felt a chill in her body and was suddenly awakened.

She found herself in the bathroom, and Shen Lang was rinsing her body.

An Qianyue's physical condition was much better, she could no longer feel pain, and her strength was gradually returning.

Shen Lang's face looked a little abnormal. The power of the previous Chunfeng Powder was only suppressed by the suspended animation, but not eliminated. Looking at An Qianyue Miaoman's delicate body, Shen Lang couldn't control himself.

After cleaning, Shen Lang threw An Qianyue on the bed.

A trace of blush returned to An Qianyue's pretty face. In just ten minutes, she suffered the biggest change in her life. She was betrayed by the person she trusted most, and then was rescued by the man she wanted to kill.

The twist in the plot was so bizarre that An Qianyue wondered if she was dreaming. The man in front of me was almost omnipotent, and it was ridiculous for me to want to kill him.

"Ding ding ding..."

An Qianyue's cell phone kept ringing, and neither of them paid attention to it.

Shen Lang walked up to the bed and grabbed An Qianyue's snow-white neck. There was a hint of indifference and ferocity on his face, and his whole body was trembling.

"Woman, after you explain the questions I asked, I will kill you!"

An Qianyue raised her dark eyebrows, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "You saved me, and then you want to kill me. You are really a ruthless man."

"Stop blabbering!" Shen Lang yelled, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and continued: "I saved you, but you are still valuable!"

"Anyone who dares to go against me, regardless of gender or age, will die!" Shen Lang looked extremely gloomy and gasped for air.

The man in front of her exuded a huge, solid murderous aura, which made An Qianyue's pretty face turn pale, and she squeezed out a sentence from the corner of her mouth: "It is indeed a bloody murder, the murderous aura is really strong."

"Oh, how many people do you think I have killed? You can't even count them! Why should I care about your life or death?" Shen Lang breathed heavily.

"There's no point in showing off how many people you kill. You're just a pitiful person." An Qianyue said coldly, turning her head to the side.

Shen Lang gritted his teeth. Seeing An Qianyue's cold and frosty look while being pressed by him was so unstoppable that Shen Lang's body began to tremble uncontrollably.

An Qianyue glanced at Shen Lang on her body from the corner of her eyes, her pretty face flushed, and a hint of mockery appeared at the corner of her mouth: "The medicine has taken effect, it's a shame you can hold on until now. Huh, I'm right under you, if you If you want this girl, why are you hesitating? Can I still run away?"

Shen Lang's expression finally turned ferocious, and a pair of strong hands pressed down on An Qianyue, instantly tearing off her intimate clothes. (To be continued)

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