Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 339 I owe you a life

I do not know how long it has been.

An Qianyue was naked, her smooth and delicate body curled up into a ball, huddled in Shen Lang's arms, her silk hair was messy, and she gradually opened her slightly confused eyes.

For three hours, An Qianyue was tortured by Shen Lang. The strong medicinal properties made the man whip her body like a beast.

An Qianyue's body was already numb after he asked her several times.

There were scarlet dots on the sheets, and the pain of breaking the melon had long since disappeared from An Qianyue's memory. Shen Lang's repeated touches almost made her faint, and now she finally returned to peace.

Lying in Shen Lang's arms, An Qianyue felt neither anger nor regret in her heart, only sadness.

She couldn't blame Shen Lang, after all, she was the one who inflicted the poison. Furthermore, if it weren't for Shen Lang, his life would have been lost long ago.

Shen Lang had regained consciousness. Looking at the blood stains on the sheets, he felt very complicated.

An Qianyue struggled to sit up, expressionlessly reaching out to grab her dress and covering her body.

"Don't you want to ask me a question?" After an unknown amount of time, An Qianyue said quietly, breaking the silence first.

"Speak for yourself." Shen Lang said in a low voice.

An Qianyue picked up the silk-edged bra next to the bed, only to find that it had been torn in half by someone. A blush appeared on her pretty face, and she said softly: "I don't know much. Also, my real name is Hong. moon."

"Tell me the important point." Shen Lang turned his back to Hongyue and continued.

Hongyue told Shen Lang everything. She was ordered to monitor Shen Lang. As for other purposes, she herself did not know.

"Who are you instructing?" Shen Lang frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that he was being targeted.

"Elder Wang of Fengyun Hall, I am acting under his orders." Hongyue said lightly.

"Who is Elder Wang? What's his name?" Shen Lang continued to ask.

"I only know that his name is Wang Tiangu, and he is currently researching some drugs to modify the human body. I really don't know any other information about this person." Hongyue shook her head.

Shen Lang knew that the woman in front of him was not lying. It was just a Fengyun Hall. It was not difficult for Shen Lang in his prime to enter Fengyun Hall alone.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything, you can kill me now." Hongyue said lightly.

Shen Lang's right hand reached out as fast as lightning and grabbed Hongyue's white neck.

Hongyue did not show any fear and hummed: "What are you waiting for? Kill me quickly."

Shen Lang grinned and snorted: "Don't think that you can win my sympathy by saying such things. Do you think I look like the kind of person who is soft-hearted?"

"No, you are a cold-blooded person, otherwise how could you kill so many people." Hongyue turned her head to the side, closed her eyes, and said calmly: "Okay, no more nonsense, come on."

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed, and he could break Hong Yue's neck with just a little force.

In the past, Shen Lang never hesitated to kill someone, but now his emotions were very complicated, perhaps because he was concerned about the physical relationship he had just had with this woman.

In short, if Shen Lang really wanted to kill Hongyue, who had just had a physical relationship with him, Shen Lang couldn't do it.

Shen Lang gritted his teeth and finally let go of Hong Yue's neck, humming: "Woman, you win, I will spare your life."

Hongyue frowned and said: "You are a man, so be more relaxed! Didn't you say you wanted to kill me?"

Shen Lang was a little speechless and said, "Do you really want to die that much?"

Hongyue sneered: "Anyway, my life is meaningless. When I walk out of the door of this room, I will still be stared at by the people of Fengyun Hall. I have no freedom for a long time. Death is my release."

Shen Lang glanced at Hongyue: "I'll tell you why."

After saying that, Shen Lang grabbed Hong Yue's snow-white arm with one hand, used a jade-breaking claw, and pierced the flesh and blood of Hong Yue's arm with both fingers.

Hongyue couldn't help but let out a groan of pain, and a large amount of blood suddenly flowed from her arm.

Shen Lang clamped his fingers on something in the flesh and blood of Hongyue's arm and pulled it out.

It is a small thin sheet, metallic in color, about the size of a mobile phone memory card.

Hongyue's beautiful eyes narrowed and she said in disbelief: "This... what is this? How can there be such a thing in my body?"

Shen Lang said calmly: "This is a signal transmitter that runs on the human body's bioelectricity. As long as this thing is in your body, the other party can always know your location through the instrument. This thing is probably in your It was implanted into your body by someone else without your knowledge.”

Hongyue's delicate body trembled. No wonder the people sent by Fengyun Hall could find her every time. Who would have thought that such a thing would be transplanted into her body?

Shen Lang tore the sheets into strips and bandaged Hongyue.

"I... will do it myself." Hongyue felt inexplicably warm in her heart and began to bandage it herself.

Shen Lang didn't say anything and started to put on his clothes.

Picking up the small metal sheet, Hongyue couldn't help but ask: "Without this thing, can I be free?"

Shen Lang shrugged: "If this metal sheet stops working, the other party will probably think you are dead."

"I owe you a life." Hongyue said through gritted teeth.

Shen Lang hummed: "Don't be too happy. Your situation is not safe. Only if you can escape the other party's pursuit can you be truly free. Pursuing freedom is easy, and strength can solve everything."

"Like you?" Hongyue said with interest.

"Violence can solve everything! Unless someone can kill me, no one can influence my actions." Shen Lang said calmly.

"I can probably understand your mood." Hongyue walked out of bed with difficulty, only feeling a burning pain in her lower body.

This man hadn't vented his anger in an unknown amount of time. He was as rough as a beast, but Shen Lang was so good at it that it was a bit ridiculous.

Shen Lang put on his clothes, stood up, and hummed: "Woman, I'm leaving, you can take care of yourself."

"I take back what I said before. You are not a cold-blooded person, you are just a person pretending to be cold-blooded." Hongyue took out a black underwear from the closet and put it on.

Looking back at Shen Lang, Hong Yue's mouth formed a beautiful arc.

Shen Lang's face was expressionless. This charming woman could really read her own heart sometimes.

"Am I... pretty?" Hongyue asked suddenly.

Shen Lang said honestly: "Beautiful."

"Comparing me and your fiancée Su Ruoxue, who is more beautiful?" Hongyue asked again.

Shen Lang couldn't understand what this woman was thinking, so he said: "You are not as good as her." (To be continued)

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