Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 340 You are also a bad man

"Sure enough, beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Hongyue felt slightly unconvinced.

Although she had not been in contact with Shen Lang for a short time, Hongyue felt that the man in front of her was different from anything she had ever seen before.

There seemed to be an inexplicable feeling about Shen Lang that attracted her.

Hongyue hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile: "You are my first man. Next time I see you, I want to be your woman."

Shen Lang didn't expect this woman to say such words suddenly. He thought that this woman should hate him more or less for his rough behavior.

It is indeed a woman's heart, a needle in the sea.

"If you want to be my woman, I may not want you." Shen Lang smiled coldly.

"After playing with a woman's body, do you want to abandon her? Hum, you are also a bad man." Hongyue teased.

Shen Lang frowned: "I never said that I was a good man. Besides, I didn't want to treat you... like that."

"Okay, if you keep talking, my mood will get worse... Who knows when we will meet next time, maybe I will rely on you." Hongyue quickly put on some clothes.

"Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao are in room 107." Hongyue threw a room card.

Shen Lang took the room card and said to her: "Give me the phone."

Hongyue nodded slightly and threw the mobile phone beside the bed to Shen Lang.

Looking at more than twenty missed calls, Shen Lang narrowed his eyes and dialed the caller's number.

There was no response on the other end of the phone. The other party may have known that he was not dead.

Shen Lang used force and crushed his cell phone into pieces. Items like mobile phones are not very safe to carry with you and can easily be monitored.

When I opened the curtains in the room, it was already one or two in the morning, and there was no other light except for a few scattered street lights on the street.

Opening the window, Shen Lang glanced around and quickly locked two positions.

"call out!"

With a flick of his right hand, a willow leaf flying knife suddenly shot out, piercing the air.

The flying knife penetrated a window of the building opposite, and the sound of shattering glass was heard along with a scream.

On a bench downstairs in the hotel, a man in a black suit heard the screams coming from the high-rise building. He seemed to be alert, and immediately stood up and tried to escape.

"call out!"

An undetectable silver light flashed in the dark night, and a willow leaf flying knife stabbed into the man's throat accurately.

The blood surged wildly, and the man looked down in horror as blood poured out of his throat. He only had time to scream before he fell into a pool of blood, whimpering for his life.

After Shen Lang dealt with the two of them, he scanned the surroundings and found no other abnormal energy.

Hongyue also heard the screams just now, and she couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Shen Lang got rid of the two guys who were spying on him so quickly. This man is really a pervert.

Top masters like Shen Lang can find each other through Qi, but they also need to be professionals. If it were an ordinary gangster, Shen Lang might not be able to detect the other party's position.

The two men monitoring the rooms on this floor were obviously professionally trained. One of them was observing the rooms on this floor of the hotel with a telescope on the opposite window sill. After being discovered by Shen Lang and killing that person with a willow leaf flying knife, another person downstairs was immediately exposed and was immediately solved by Shen Lang.

"Okay, the little bastard who was spying on you has been taken care of for you. You can leave quickly. Woman, if you don't repent and want to do evil to me and the people around me, I will definitely kill you!" Shen Lang turned around! , said to the red moon on the bed.

Hongyue walked a few steps, and her legs felt weak. Shen Lang had been tossed about like a storm just now, and now she couldn't even walk.

"I can't walk anymore, so you should go." Hong Yue raised her head slightly and glared at Shen Lang with her beautiful eyes, obviously with a hint of resentment.

"Okay." Shen Lang said this and left the room.

Shen Lang came to room 107 and used the key card to open the door of the room.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao fell asleep on the bed. The Chunfeng Powder Poison before was only effective on men. Women would not be poisoned, but would only become comatose.

Shen Lang covered the two of them with a thin blanket and did not disturb their sleep.

Sitting on a chair nearby, Shen Lang closed his eyes and fell into meditation. The previous act of holding his breath and feigning death allowed him to activate his true energy again, and he needed to suppress the chaotic true energy again.

Fortunately, the true energy in Dantian had stabilized before, and even if it was slightly aroused, it could be suppressed.

It’s just that the breakthrough time is shortened again. Although it is said that the later the breakthrough is, the higher the success rate is, but the breakthrough is imminent and the strength is always suppressed. This feeling makes Shen Lang very unhappy.

seven in the morning.

Su Ruoxue opened her sleepy eyes and slowly sat up straight, her head feeling a little dizzy.

Liu Xiaoxiao was still sleeping soundly beside her pillow.

I vaguely recalled what happened last night, why did I suddenly faint?

"Are you awake?" Shen Lang was sitting on a chair nearby. Seeing that Su Ruoxue had woken up, Shen Lang came over immediately.

After suppressing his energy all night, Shen Lang was still as energetic as ever in the morning. Sleep was not very important to Shen Lang. Even sleeping once a week would not have much impact on his body.

"Why...am I here?" Su Ruoxue asked.

"You were drunk last night, so I sent you to a nearby hotel to rest." Shen Lang looked a little unnatural and made an excuse.

Su Ruoxue nodded slightly and asked, "Where is Secretary An now?"

"She has gone back. I will tell you about her when I get back to the villa next time." Shen Lang said.

Hongyue left the hotel around six o'clock in the morning.

"Gulu gulu..."

Su Ruoxue was about to speak when her stomach rang first.

"I see you guys are waking up soon. I just brought some breakfast back from downstairs." Shen Lang picked up a bag of xiaolongbao and milk on the table and handed them over.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face was slightly red, and she glanced at Shen Lang, with a hint of shyness and excitement in her beautiful eyes. Thinking that the man was so considerate made her very happy.

Su Ruoxue was really hungry because she didn't eat anything last night, so she picked up the steamed dumplings and stuffed them into her mouth.

Shen Lang saw the woman's bulging cheeks and couldn't help but smile: "I say, you don't have to be so impatient, and no one will compete with you. Eat slowly, your face will become rounder."

Su Ruoxue's face turned redder, and she looked at Shen Lang with some embarrassment: "Don't laugh at me! I... I'm hungry."

Listening to the woman's delicate voice, Shen Lang's heart skipped a beat. This wasn't Su Ruoxue's intention. If this woman was willing to act coquettishly towards a man, she would probably make him swoon.

"It smells so good..." Liu Xiaoxiao seemed to smell the fragrance in her sleep, licked her red lips and murmured.

Su Ruoxue patted Liu Xiaoxiao's cheek: "Xiaoxiao, get up and eat quickly."

Liu Xiaoxiao also woke up in a daze. She was so hungry that she wolfed down the food with Su Ruoxue without saying a word.

After breakfast, Shen Lang sent the two beauties back to the Zheng family manor.

When they arrived at the villa, Shen Lang told what happened. Of course, he didn't tell them the obscure things that happened between him and Hong Yue, so as not to misunderstand them.

Shen Lang still concealed a lot of things. After all, knowing some things would not be of any benefit to the two of them. (To be continued)

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