Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 347 Can’t help myself

Shen Lang smiled: "I will definitely help you with what I promised."

"Thank you, Brother Lang!" Lin Caier resisted her shyness, threw herself into Shen Lang's arms, and gently hugged his waist. Tears fell down and soaked Shen Lang's clothes.

"Silly girl...I told you not to have any burden in your heart." Shen Lang patted Lin Cai'er's shoulder and comforted her softly.

Lin Cai'er shyly let go of Shen Lang and felt a little embarrassed when she saw the wet mark on his chest.

"Okay, will you feel better after crying? You look like a little cat." Shen Lang joked with a smile.

"I hate...Brother Lang, you are making fun of me!" Lin Caier laughed through tears and lightly punched Shen Lang twice, not noticing that the surrounding atmosphere became a little silent.

"Ahem!" Liu Xiaoxiao coughed suddenly, thinking that Lin Cai'er was too good at coquettishness. This kind of shy and lovely girl would probably be protective even if she was a man.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face was a little unnatural, and Lin Caier's behavior made her a little jealous.

Liu Qingyi felt that there were quite a lot of beauties around Shen Lang! As both women, Liu Qingyi could naturally tell that Lin Cai'er liked Shen Lang very much, probably more than just treating him as an older brother.

"Yes, I'm sorry! Sister Su, I just... couldn't help it, just..." Lin Cai'er apologized to Su Ruoxue in a hurry, lowering her head and blushing like a ripe persimmon.

"No...it's okay. I'm happy for you, sister Cai'er, too." Su Ruoxue shook her head.

Liu Qingyi smiled and said: "Okay, everyone, let's go in and talk."

Everyone walked into the living room.

Liu Qingyi brewed coffee several times and handed it to the table.

A few people sat together and chatted for a while, and soon it got dark.

"Everyone hasn't eaten yet, let's go out to eat together?" Su Ruoxue asked.

"Sister Cai'er is here, why don't we cook now." Liu Xiaoxiao suggested.

Su Ruoxue was moved. She hadn't cooked with her own hands for a long time, so she immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

Liu Xiaoxiao called the servant, and the ingredients were quickly delivered. The four beauties started working in the kitchen, chatting and cooking, and seemed very happy.

One after another fragrant dishes were quickly presented, with various varieties.

Sweet and sour carp, sweet and sour pork ribs, mapo tofu, five-color steamed dumplings...there is really everything.

There are twenty dishes in total, and the dining table can just be set.

Most of them were cooked by Lin Cai'er, and Liu Qingyi didn't expect that Lin Cai'er's cooking skills were so good. Looking at the appearance, it was better than the dishes in high-end hotels.

Just looking at the appearance of the various colorful dishes will give you a huge appetite, not to mention the wafting aroma.

"Sorry, it took too much time." Lin Caier finally sat down at the table.

"Sister Lin, please teach me how to cook in the future!" Liu Qingyi said solemnly. Lin Caier's cooking skills completely impressed her.

"Okay! My cooking skills are actually not that good." Lin Caier smiled modestly.

"Okay, okay, stop talking." Shen Lang shouted quickly, and he couldn't help smelling the fragrance.

"Then let's eat quickly." Liu Xiaoxiao said.

Shen Lang feasted on the food for a while, and his eating habits were very poor.

"Sister Cai'er, it's getting late, why not stay here tonight." Su Ruoxue couldn't help but say.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xiaoxiao on the side wanted to pinch Su Ruoxue's little arm. She was really impressed by Su Ruoxue's emotional intelligence.

A girl like Lin Caier who is good at cooking, has a good personality, and can act coquettishly is simply terrifying. Su Ruoxue actually dared to let her stay without fear that her man would be abducted.

Shen Lang is also a hot-blooded man. He can't stand having three beauties in the villa, and Shen Lang can't stand another one. No matter which one of the four beauties, they all have their own merits and are absolutely stunning.

Shen Lang was worried that one day he would be unable to control himself.

"No, no, no, I can't disturb you. Besides, I have a place to live now." Lin Caier said hurriedly.

"Well, that's fine. Sister Cai'er, you also have your own life." Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly came out to smooth things over.

After the meal, several beauties were still chatting with great interest.

Shen Lang returned to the bedroom, opened his laptop, and had a video call with a stunning beauty.

The stunning beauty is his junior sister.

"Xiao Lian, do you have any clues about the elder Wang of Fengyun Hall that I asked you to help me check last time?" Shen Lang asked.

Yi Lian in the video responded: "I'm sorry, Brother Lang, I'm so useless that I didn't find any information about Elder Wang."

"It doesn't matter if I didn't find out. Since that guy has already had a plot on me, he will definitely not be exposed so easily." Shen Lang said seriously.

"Brother Lang, I will help you keep an eye on Fengyuntang's every move, and I will tell you any news immediately." Yi Lian said seriously.

"Yeah." Shen Lang nodded slightly.

Early the next morning.

Shen Lang, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao went to work as usual.

Summoning the company's senior executives, Su Ruoxue held a morning meeting and announced the company's top-level changes.

"There will be some changes in the company's senior management in the past two days, but don't worry, the changes will be very small. You only need to work at your fixed position. I will announce the company's future business policies and general plans one by one. In addition, I announce that the president of the business department will Manager Liu Wenbin is no longer an employee of Tianrong International Company. His business is temporarily handled by Deputy General Manager Chen Hai."


There was a sound of surprise in the conference hall, mixed with some excited cheers.

Liu Wenbin was usually too arrogant and unpopular in the company. Now that he was fired, many people felt secretly happy.

After returning to their respective jobs, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue also arrived at the chairman's office.

Su Ruoxue fell on the desk a little exhausted and sighed.

"What's wrong? Are you not in good spirits?" Shen Lang asked.

Su Ruoxue curled her lips and said: "It's not that I'm not in good spirits, it's that I'm in a bad mood. It's too difficult to be the chairman of the board. I just took over Tianrong International without spending a penny. For this reason alone, few of the company's senior executives are convinced by me." , I’m afraid they’ll keep saying bad things about me later on. How can those bossy guys listen to me so easily.”

Shen Lang shrugged: "I told you not to do it a long time ago, but you insist on it. It's too late to quit now."

Su Ruoxue shook her head: "How can you just give up on what you promised? It's just that Tianrong International has a huge shortage of funds recently, and I don't know what to do."

"Money, it's a small problem, let me get some for you?" Shen Lang said with a smile.

"Forget it." Su Ruoxue shook her head quickly. She knew that Shen Lang had many ways, but she didn't want to ask for money from Shen Lang, which would make her look too useless. (To be continued)

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