Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 348 Showdown

Shen Lang naturally knew what Su Ruoxue was thinking and said with a smile: "It's okay. If you need money, just tell me. You woman, I am a man. It is only natural for men to make money for their women."

After hearing these words, the corners of Su Ruoxue's mouth turned up unconsciously, her heart felt as sweet as honey, and her heartbeat accelerated a little.

Although Shen Lang usually feels a little immoral, he is quite good at coaxing girls.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office: "Secretary Shen, I have your email."

"Come in." Su Ruoxue said.

A female staff member stood outside, smiling and handed an envelope to Shen Lang.

"Yeah." Shen Lang nodded, took the envelope, and was a little confused, who would send something to him?

Taking out the envelope, there was an invitation inside, and the person signing it was Luo Tianyao!

Su Ruoxue stood up and took a look, frowning: "Why would Luo Tianyao send you an invitation?"

Shen Lang opened the envelope in the invitation and it read:

"Dear Mr. Shen Lang, your gambling skills are outstanding and unparalleled. I, Luo Tianyao, deeply admire you. So this time I specially invited the number one thousand king of China, Ibuki Snow, to compete with you. The location is Feili. Queen cruise ship, time is 7pm, I solemnly welcome Mr. Shen to attend."

After reading it, Shen Lang raised his eyebrows.

"What kind of showdown?" Su Ruoxue was startled.

"It's just a gambling showdown." A sneer appeared on Shen Lang's lips: "It's interesting, we can make a fortune again this time."

The last time Shen Lang went to the Queen's Royal Casino to play, Su Ruoxue didn't go with him, and she didn't understand what gambling skills were.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face showed a trace of worry: "Shen Lang, I feel something is wrong with this matter, you'd better not go."

"That's right. I kicked out his casino last time. Luo Tianyao opened a casino in vain but couldn't make money. He was definitely not willing to accept it, so he called the experts this time and gave me a letter of challenge." Shen Lang sneered. .

"This..." Su Ruoxue was still a little surprised.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about." Shen Lang patted Su Ruoxue's shoulder.

The so-called Thousand Kings are the Thousand Kings who rank first among the top 100 gambling masters in the world, second only to Gamblers.

However, according to the rules, it is a best-of-three game, and the challenged party can choose two betting methods.

If he were to choose the gambling method by himself, even if Shen Lang's cultivation level was reduced now, he would still have full confidence in winning. After all, the opponent was still just a thousand kings.

In the afternoon and evening, Shen Lang returned to the Zheng family manor and received a call from Li Fei.

"Brother Lang, I heard that Luo Tianyao moved out the Thousandth King of China and gave you a letter of challenge?" Li Fei asked on the phone.

"Yes, I'm about to go." Shen Lang looked at the time on his watch and it was almost time to set off.

"Brother Lang, there is something I don't know whether I should say." Li Fei said solemnly.


"Brother Lang, to tell you the truth, my brother-in-law is actually the steward of the Macau casino, so he knows quite a lot about this gambling world. I have heard a little bit about Yi Chuixue, the thousandth king, she This person has a very cold temperament, a cold beauty with a very deep background, and has never participated in any activities. Although the Luo family is big, I think it is unlikely that they can hire someone like Ibuki Yuki." Li Fei said a little doubtfully .

"Are you trying to say that this challenge is just a cover? Luo Tianyao invited me over to deal with me?" Shen Lang frowned.

"This...I'm not sure either." Li Fei said.

Shen Lang shrugged: "Luo Tianyao doesn't have the ability to deal with me yet. Even if he wants to deal with me, I want to see what methods he has. Let's leave this matter as it is. No need to say more."

Li Fei said quickly: "Brother Lang, would you like me to send some people with you?"

"No, it doesn't make any difference to me whether I have that little bit of you or not."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lang got into the Ferrari sports car and drove towards Jinlong Port.

Just as Shen Lang left, Bai Qingyu drove her Chevrolet into the Zheng family manor and parked outside the villa.

Liu Xiaoxiao walked out and was stunned when she saw it was Bai Qingyu's car.

"Miss Liu, is Shen Lang here?" Bai Qingyu opened the car door and asked Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Oh, he just left. Officer Bai is here...what's the matter?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"I...have nothing to do, I just have something to ask Miss Liu and Miss Su for help..." Bai Qingyu said with a slight blush on her face, a little shy.

This morning, Bai Qingyu received a report that a wave of drugs was shipped to the Queen cruise ship.

The report attracted Bai Qingyu's attention. Recently, she has been tracking down the evidence of the Luo family's crimes. She has already obtained some evidence, but it is not enough to bring down Luo Yan and Luo Ye. Bai Qingyu wants to get more evidence before she can do anything cruel. Give the Luo family a hard blow.

Last time, Bai Qingyu told Shen Lang what he was thinking, and Shen Lang also said that he would help her.

Bai Qingyu didn't tell Shen Lang about today's incident immediately. She felt that she owed Shen Lang a lot, and it seemed that she was too incompetent to go to Shen Lang whenever something went wrong. Bai Qingyu investigated on her own and with the help of the police, she quickly tracked down all the clues.

Recently, a group of Latin American drug lords smuggled themselves into Huahai, carrying a large amount of drugs from abroad. The police have never been able to find out their whereabouts.

Bai Qingyu had a bold idea. These drug lords and the large amount of drugs were probably on the Queen cruise ship.

Because the Queen cruise ship was protected by Luo Yan's forces, the police could not trace it there.

Bai Qingyu had some ideas in mind, and wanted to go to the Queen's cruise ship in person. Even if he couldn't find anything, he could learn a little bit about the places on the Queen's cruise ship where a large amount of drugs might be hidden.

However, Bai Qingyu also knew that the Queen's Cruise was a place only for wealthy people. She didn't even have any decent clothes. If she wore something too ordinary, she would be spotted.

Therefore, Bai Qingyu came over to borrow clothes from Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao. She originally told Shen Lang about this, but Shen Lang happened to be away, so she had to go alone.

"If I can help Officer Bai, I will definitely help." Liu Xiaoxiao said.

Bai Qingyu took a deep breath and said: "I... I am going to attend a banquet tonight. Since I don't have any decent clothes, I would like to borrow some clothes to wear for the night."

"So that's it, okay, okay, Officer Bai, come in quickly." Liu Xiaoxiao smiled and quickly let Bai Qingyu into the room.

When they arrived in the living room, Liu Xiaoxiao told Su Ruoxue what happened.

Su Ruoxue looked at Bai Qingyu for a few times and smiled: "Officer Bai has a good figure and it is easy to match clothes."

"Yes, Officer Bai is just like Xiaoxue, with big breasts, thin waist, and round hips. They are perfect." Liu Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Su Ruoxue knocked Liu Xiaoxiao's head in shame, smiled apologetically and said to Bai Qingyu: "Officer Bai, without further ado, let's go change clothes quickly." (To be continued. )

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