Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 349 Something is wrong

"Sorry, I'm not very good at choosing clothes, please excuse me." Bai Qingyu was a little embarrassed and was quickly pulled into the fitting room by two beauties.

It took a while.

"How about this one?" Su Ruoxue helped Bai Qingyu change into a dark red dress and walked out of the fitting room.

The golden bow collar and a uniquely tailored dark red skirt add a touch of nobility and elegance.

Bai Qingyu is already pretty and elegant even without dressing up. People rely on clothes, and when she dresses up like this, her beauty level rises to a whole new level.

Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up when she saw it, and she praised: "It's so beautiful. It's a pity that you don't dress up properly!"

Bai Qingyu blushed and said, "I have never worn these clothes, and I don't know if they fit."

Due to different circumstances in life, Bai Qingyu almost never had the opportunity to wear these luxurious clothes.

"Very suitable!" Liu Xiaoxiao smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Su Ruoxue picked up a foreign-style hat and put it on Bai Qingyu's head. She curved her lips and said, "Okay, Captain Bai, with this dress, I guarantee you will be the most dazzling beauty at the banquet."

It is a woman's nature to love beauty. Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned red and she looked in the mirror. She didn't expect that she could dress up so elegantly.

After bidding farewell to Su Ruoxue and others, Bai Qingyu drove the Chevrolet and left the Zheng family manor, also heading towards Jinlong Port.

Shen Lang has arrived at Jinlong Port. The parking lot is full of high-end luxury cars.

On the Queen cruise ship at night, the lights everywhere are bright and dazzling. It seems a little different from the past and seems more lively.

Luxury cars kept coming and going, and various gentlemen in luxurious suits, as well as beautiful and sexy beauties in dresses, walked into the Queen.

The artificial lake on the side also sounded a musical fountain, and the fountain danced with the music, showing its gorgeousness.

Looking at this, it seems that he is building momentum for the legendary Thousand King of China.

As soon as Shen Lang stepped out of the car door, several waiters came up to greet him.

"Are you Mr. Shen Lang?" a waiter asked with a bow.

They already knew Shen Lang's appearance beforehand.

"Yes." Shen Lang nodded.

"Mr. Shen, please!"

The service staff laid out a bright red carpet outside the entrance. Surrounded by several waiters, Shen Lang stepped onto the red carpet and entered the Queen cruise ship.

"Tsk, tsk, the pomp is quite grand."

This scene attracted a lot of attention, and everyone speculated on Shen Lang's identity.

It's already half past six, and there are not too many people.

The waiter led Shen Lang into the lobby, passed through the wooden door, and arrived at a presidential suite.

"Mr. Shen, it's still early. Please wait for a while. If you need any service, you can call us at any time. We will be here at your call."

After saying this, the waiter withdrew.

In fact, Shen Lang always felt a little abnormal since he walked into the Queen cruise ship just now, but he couldn't explain why it was abnormal.

Shen Lang didn't happen to eat either, so Shen Lang ordered a steak and red wine and started eating.

Not long after, the Queen cruise ship sounded its whistle.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the Queen cruise ship set off. Shen Lang didn't pay much attention, maybe it was time.

The cruise ship sailed on the sea normally, and many tourists came out of the deck to raise their glasses and admire the night on the sea.

"Mr. Shen, the time has come. Please make some preparations. The gambling game will start in half an hour." A waiter said.

"No need to prepare, take me to the casino now." Shen Lang stood up from the sofa and said, he always felt a little weird.


Soon, the waiter took Shen Lang to the casino.

Huahai Royal Casino has reopened for business today. The ground is even covered with red carpets. The entire hall is also bright and bright. The ceiling is decorated with layers of colorful glass flower lights, which is so luxurious that people will be amazed.

With majestic men and beauties in sexy dresses, it is like a top social place. But this time the theme is gambling showdown.

Shen Lang gave up the idea of ​​suspicion and thought that even if Luo Tianyao wanted to deal with him, there was no need to do it in such a formal way.

In the VIP auditorium, each seat is far apart from each other, and there are exquisite fruit platters and high-end red wine on hand.

Above the central gambling table, there are four huge display screens rolling across the southeast, northwest, and will record tonight's sleepless battle.

There were many spectators who came specially to watch the gambling battle and were very excited.

"Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Shen!" shouted the host holding a microphone in front of the stage.

Shen Lang walked onto the central gaming table surrounded by several men in suits.

This gaming table is very gorgeous and dazzling. It is made of gold and has many functions. It can play mahjong, jackpot, stud, and Texas Hold'em. It is extremely expensive to build.

"Bah bang bang!" The scene burst into warm applause.

Shen Lang sat on the seat on the pure gold gaming table in the center. Countless pairs of eyes in the audience looked at Shen Lang, and many people showed a hint of surprise.

"Is this the legendary number one gambler Shen Lang?"

"That's right, you're so young?"

"Do you think a master of gambling is eighty years old? Miss Yi is still a young girl."

"Yes, yes, I heard that Miss Ibuki is as beautiful as a fairy, so I made a special trip to see Miss Ibuki's style."

There was a lot of chatter in the audience.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Shen Lang gradually became impatient and shouted to the host on the stage: "Why haven't Ibuki come over yet?"

"This..." The host was also a little puzzled. Isn't this the promised gambling showdown? Why hasn't Miss Yi come yet?

At this moment, a man in a suit walked onto the stage and whispered a few words in the host's ear.

The host understood and stepped forward and said to Shen Lang: "Sorry, Mr. Shen, Miss Yi and Mr. Luo Tianyao are having dinner together. The two of them were chatting happily. It may have been a little delayed. Please wait."

Shen Lang's face darkened slightly. He always felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"What are you doing? Isn't there a gambling showdown?"

"That's right, where is Miss Yi?"

"I came all the way to see Miss Yi, why hasn't she shown up yet?"

There was an unpleasant sound from the audience, and the scene was a little out of control. The host took the microphone and said loudly: "Everyone, calm down. Miss Yi has come from afar and needs some time to prepare and rest. Please wait."

"While waiting, how about letting our Mr. Shen demonstrate his superb gambling skills?" the host suggested.


The audience immediately responded. Although some people came for the rumored goddess Ibuki Yuki, after all, most people were simply attracted by the gambling showdown.

Shen Lang was a little impatient. He was not here to perform acrobatics, so he couldn't help shouting: "You can let me bet, but there must be a bet, and you must be able to win money."

Anyway, the purpose of his coming here is to win money. (To be continued)

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